WORKSHOP | Immigrants integration: policy and practices
30 Mai 2014 14:00
nd International Thematic Workshop:
30 May 2014 | 14:00 – 18.30
We invite you to the Third Workshop of the Mediterranean Network for the Integration of Migrants entitled
“Immigrants’ Integration: Policy and Practices”,which is organized by
Harokopio University of Athens (Greece), with the cooperation of SOCIUS, ISEG – Universidade de Lisboa, and CIES, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal), and will take place in ISEG, Lisbon, on Friday 30
th May 2014.
This workshop forms part of a series of workshops organized by the Mediterranean Network for the Integration of Migrants (M.N.I.Mi.) in order to exchange information and experiences for the integration of third country nationals in Mediterranean Member States. This network aims at connecting migration policy experts, policymakers, migration related officials, practitioners and academics in order to record innovative policies, to diffuse best practices on migrant integration, to exchange ideas on the evaluation of cooperation of institutions and to support improved future policies.
14.00 Welcome Apostolos G. Papadopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens, Project Leader
João Peixoto, (SOCIUS, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Session I (14:00 – 16:00) Chair: João Peixoto
Charalambos Kasimis (Harokopio University of Athens/ Agricultural University of Athens, Greece)
Migration and migration policy in a state in crisis. The case of Greece
Duarte Miranda Mendes (High Commission for Migration – ACM, Portugal)
Consolidating integration policies in times of austerity
Catarina Reis Oliveira and Natália Gomes (High Commission for Migration – ACM, Portugal)
Immigrant integration indicators in Portugal: possibilities and challenges shaped by official sources
Beatriz Padilla (CICS, University of Minho, Portugal)
Immigrant health policies: integration flaws in times of austerity
Isabel Estrada Carvalhais (NICPRI, EEG, University of Minho, Portugal) &
Catarina Reis Oliveira (High Commission for Migration – ACM, Portugal)
Perspectives on the political integration of immigrants in Portugal: the role of ethnic and cultural diversity at the internal structures of political parties
Coffee break (16:00 – 16:30)
Session II (16:30 – 18:30) Chair: Joana Azevedo
Apostolos G. Papadopoulos (Harokopio University Athens, Greece)
Migration policy tools and migrant integration in Greece: What is the outcome?
Filipa Louro (Jesuit Refugee Service – JRS Portugal)
Migrants’ vulnerability and the crisis scenario: the role of humanitarian agencies – JRS Portugal experience
Heliana Bibas (Casa do Brasil de Lisboa, Portugal)
Immigrants and the crisis scenario in Portugal: recent experience of Casa do Brasil
Sandra Mateus (CIES/ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal)
Can "dreams" help us to comprehend integration patterns? The educational aspirations of young people with immigrant background in Portugal
João Dias, Maria da Conceição Cerdeira, Ilona Kovács, João Peixoto and Catarina Egreja (SOCIUS, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Integration of young immigrants and immigrants' descendants in the labour market in Portugal: constraints and opportunities
Conference dinner (20.00 – 21.30) The location of the dinner will be announced at the day of the workshop.
Rapporteur: Loukia-Maria Fratsea, Harokopio University of Athens.
Venue: ISEG – Lisboa School of Economics & Management, Rua do Quelhas, 6 – Lisboa, Portugal, Anfiteatro 3 (Piso 4, Quelhas)
Organisation: Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
With the support of: SOCIUS, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
CIES, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal