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Cursos e Workshops

Workshop | Western Balkans between EU, Russia and China

29 Nov / 30 Nov das 10:30 às 17:00

Coordinators: Drazen Simic and Eunice Castro Seixas
Guest Speaker: Maria Sousa Galito

Dates: 29-30 November 2021 (10:30-17:00)
Working language: English
Place: ISEG

The main goal of this workshop is to provide a deeper understanding and historical, political, and geopolitical background about the Western Balkans. Nowadays, the EU, Russia, and China all compete for influence in this region, while future EU membership for Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo has been put on hold.

The Workshop is aimed for all those whose area of interest includes EU foreign and enlargement policy, ranging from academia through to members of the European and national parliaments and political and geopolitical analysts who specialise on the growing presence and influence of China and Russia in Europe.

The programme is structured around specific topics based on the current geopolitical situation in the Western Balkans and includes the analysis of the specific political, economic, and military influence of the key actors Russia, China, Germany, France, the UK, and the USA in each of the Western Balkans countries. After the initial presentation of each topic, time will be reserved for discussion and questions.


Drazen Simic
Drazen Simic is a Bosnian journalist and political and economic analyst, with more than 25 years of experience in covering political and economic developments in the Western Balkans countries for local and international media. In addition, he was the co-founder and a former executive director of the Bosnian think tank “The Center for Analysis and and Information” and has worked as a consultant for various international organizations, including the World Bank, USAID/IREX, and Promedia.

Eunice Castro Seixas
Eunice Castro Seixas holds a PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of Universidade de Coimbra, with a specialisation in “Post-Colonialism and Global Citizenship” (2013). Her thesis was on “Democratization and Development Aid in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation: A Critical Perspective”.
She is currently a researcher at the Centre for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS), which is part of the CSG Centre for Research in Social Sciences consortium of ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Her current research interests include: critical transparency studies, intelligence and counter-terrorism discourses, and children’s right to the city.

Maria Sousa Galito (Guest Speaker)
Maria Sousa Galito lectures on The Geoconomy of Lusophone Countries, Democracy and Populism, Geopolitics, Geostrategy and Terrorism, and Parliamentary Studies at ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa.
She is a researcher at CEsA/CSG-ISEG and holds a PhD in Political Sciences and International Relations from the Institute for Political Studies, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2006-2008), with a specialisation from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA (Spring Semester 2005).
She worked as a National Defence Auditor at the Portuguese National Defence Institute (2012-2014) and has a Master’s in Economics from the Institute of Economics and Management, University of Nantes, France (1999-2000) and a degree in Economics from Universidade de Évora (1995-1999).


Price for the full workshop (2 days):
– 150€
– 125€ for university faculty
– 100€ for researchers and students

Price for just 1 day:
– 80€ 
– 70€ for university faculty
– 60€ for researchers and students 

The enrolment form can be downloaded HERE

For further information please contact