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Feiras e Dias Abertos


11 Mai das 10:30 às 19:30
Pátio das Francesinhas

Start(U)p is a job fair exclusively dedicated to StartUps, with an interactive and dynamic model, uniquely focused on promoting the values of entrepreneurship and innovation.  

After a pandemic and countless confinements, after we all learned how to make bread and several glasses of wine during the countless Zoom calls and Bruno Nogueira’s lives; after we reinvented ourselves, adopted new remote working practices and bypassed the “normal” procedures; it’s time to get together again. And we can’t think of a better way!  

The day will include a fair at the ISEG campus, where you can get to know us better, as well as other StartUps, there will also be Talks where you can enjoy discussions between representatives of StartUps on topics related to them. And we end the day with a Sunset where there will be music and a moment of networking

Registrations for talks here.

What are you waiting for?

Join us on May 11, between 10.45am and 8pm!
Start(U)p – Made for Founders