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ISEG Research Seminar

07 Dez das 13:00 às 14:00
Anfiteatro Novo Banco

No dia 7 de dezembro, André Coelho do ISEG apresenta um estudo sobre políticas de imigração e políticas fiscais na sequência da pandemia COVID-19.


In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemics European governments will be left with an unprecedented debt burden. Soon, Europe will assist to a rebound in migratory pressure to pre-pandemic levels while the recent demographic changes resume. In a context of population aging, migratory pressure and fiscal imbalances, I explore whether and under which conditions immigration policies may complement fiscal policy in the European Union to revert some of the fiscal consequences entailed by population aging. For that purpose, I build a general equilibrium overlapping generations model featuring heterogeneous agents, demographic dynamics, idiosyncratic risk, a characterization of fiscal policy and a PAYG pension system, as well as exogenous (potentially selective) immigration policies. The model is calibrated to match observable empirical moments across a set of European countries and shows how feasible immigration policies differ amongst these countries in terms of magnitude and discretionary. Given the degree of cross-country heterogeneity prevailing amongst European countries, I anticipate meaningful differences in the impacts and incentives to articulate fiscal with immigration policies. These differences may however provide a useful quantitative starting point for policy makers in reform the EU relocation and refugee asylum schemes.

Os seminários de investigação decorrem de 21 de setembro a 14 de dezembro, às quartas-feiras, das 13h00 às 14h00, no Anfiteatro Novo Banco (Edifício Quelhas, 4º piso).

As sessões contam com a participação de docentes do ISEG e de outras escolas nacionais e internacionais, onde serão abordados tópicos relacionados com a Economia, Gestão, Finanças, Ciências Sociais e Matemática.

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