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Lisbon Migration Economics Workshop

05 Abr / 06 Abr das 09:00 às 19:00

Nos dias 5 e 6 de abril de 2024, o ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management acolhe o Lisbon Migration Economics Workshop, com o objetivo reunir investigadores juniores e seniores especializados na área de economia das migrações.

Oradores principais: Marco Manacorda (Queen Mary University of London) e Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics)

Comissão Científica:

  • João Pereira dos Santos (ISEG, Queen Mary University of London, IZA)
  • Ana Venâncio (ISEG, Cesifo)
  • Susana Peralta (Nova SBE)
  • Julia Bredtmann (RWI, IZA, Universidade de Duisburg-Essen, CReAM)
  • Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)
  • David Zuchowski (RWI, University of Duisburg-Essen)

Programa – Dia 1

8h30-9hReceção aos participantes
Sala: Auditório 2Sala: Delta
9h-9h35The American Origin of the French Revolution
Sebastian Ottinger
The Trade-Creating Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from Household Purchase Data
Brett A. McCully
9h35-10h10The impact of violence during the Mexican Revolution on Migration in the United States
David Escamilla-Guerrero
The Effect of Foreign Aid on Migration
Andre Groeger
10h10-10h45Immigrant Diversity and Long-Run Development
Luigi Minale
Selective Migration and Economic Development: A Generalized Approach
Joel Machado
10h45-11h15Coffee break
11h15-11h40Immigration and Worker Responses Across Firms: Evidence from Administrative Records in Colombia
Lukas Delgado-Prieto
Immigration, Parenthood and Child Penalties
María Alexandra Castellanos
11h40-12h05Skills, Distortions, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants across Space
Gabriele Lucchetti
Syrian Refugees and Intra-family Inequality: Evidence from Turkiye
Nur Bilge
12h05-12h30A bad break-up? Assessing the effects of the Brexit referendum on migration
Ines Homburg
The Economics of Family-based Immigration
Sebastian Kupek
13h45-14h45Migration and Social Cohesion
Sandra Sequeira
14h50-15h25Immigration, Inequality and Income Taxes
Mirjam Bächli
Sick of Your Poor Neighborhood? Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Neighborhood Effects on Health
Linea Hasager
15h25-16h00Do immigrants hurt local public finances? Evidence from Italy
Furio Rosati
Discrimination in grading? Evidence on teachers’ evaluation bias towards minority students
Julia Bredtmann
16h30-17h05Hometown Conflict and Refugees’ Integration Efforts
Cevat Giray Aksoy
Expected Benefits and Costs of Migration for Rural Youth: Experimental Evidence from India
Apurav Bhatiya
17h05-17h40All that glitters? Golden visas and the real estate market
João Pereira dos Santos
The Power of Dialogue: Forced Displacement and Social Integration amid an Islamist Insurgency in Mozambique
Henrique Pita Barros
17h40-18h15The economic contribution of freed slave returnees: Evidence from the
godfathering networks of the Agudas in 19th century Benin
Guilherme Lambais
19h30Dinner at Clube dos Jornalistas Restaurant
Rua das Trinas 129, 1200-857 Lisboa

Programa – Dia 2

Sala: Auditório 2Sala: Delta
9h-9h35Monopsony, Efficiency,and the Regularizationof Undocumented Immigrants
Anthony Edo
POLITICAL INTERDEPENDENCE: Evidence from Migrant Voter Turnout in 1,267 Elections Worldwide
Laurence Go
9h35-10h10Quaking Childhoods, Early Wives: The Impacts of Forced Displacement on Marriage
Laura Muñoz Blanco
Home Country Socio-Political Conditions, Return Intentions, and Labour Market Outcomes
Teresa Freitas Monteiro
10h10-10h45Return migration and the human capital of the new generation
Velichka Dimitrova
The electoral impact of a large return migration shock in a nascent democracy
Susana Peralta
11h15-12h15The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from the African Diaspora
Marco Manacorda
12h20-12h45Migration and native health: new evidence from the workplace
Izabela Wnuk
The Costs of Building Walls: Immigration and the Fiscal Burden of Aging in Europe
Tiago Bernardino
12h45-13h10Immigration and Cultural Heterogeneity: Evidence from two Decades in Europe
Yasmine Elkhateeb
Conflict, Road Insecurity and Migration in Mali
Marion Richard
14h30-15h05Natives’ Attitudes and Immigration Flows to Europe
Valentina Di Iasio
A Spatial Macroeconomic Model of Climate Migration
Michal Burzynski
15h05-15h40Football and Anti-migration Sentiment: Evidence from the FIFA World Cup
Giuseppe Ippedico
Unlucky Migrants: Scarring Effect of Recessions on the Assimilation of the Foreign Born
Alessandro Ruggieri

Este workshop é gentilmente patrocinado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Projeto 2022.01500.PTDC