HRM: Combining human behaviors with Artificial Intelligence to elevate work

Organizing Committee
Carla Curado - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Helena Jerónimo - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
João Estevão - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Paulo Lopes Henriques - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Tiago Rodrigues Gonçalves - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Scientific Committee
Carla Curado - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Helena Jerónimo - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Lucía Muñoz-Pascual - IME, University of Salamanca
Paulo Lopes Henriques - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
Tiago Rodrigues Gonçalves - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon
00h00, 1 January 2025 to 23h59 31January 2025 - Western EU/ Mainland Portugal/ UK:
- Students - 250 €
- Standard - 350 €
00h00 1 February 2025 to 23h59 20 February 2025 - Western EU/ Mainland Portugal/ UK:
- Students- 350 €
- Standard - 450 €
Payment details
Payment must be made by bank transfer or PayPal (see registration form). The proof of payment must be sent to the email geral@advance.iseg.ulisboa.pt identifying the participant's name and the registration form ▸ download here.
The 5th International Conference in Human Resource Management - 2025 is honored to announce that it is offering a Special Issue from a top international journal associated with the Conference.
➤ Collaboration with Journal - publishing opportunity: Management Review Quarterly Special Issue on Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence to elevate work.

✦ Call for submissions opens in May 2024;
✦ Submission system opens September 1st 2024;
Submissions should be sent in a message to the Scientific Committee at submissions@advance.iseg.ulisboa.pt;
✦ Submission deadline for full paper extended - November 30 th 2024
Notification of acceptance of full paper - December 31st 2024;
✦ Early bird registration - Until January 31st 2025;
✦ Late registration - From February 1st to February 20th 2025;
✦ Final program - February 24th 2025;
✦ Conference - February 27th - 28th 2025.
' Conference articles' format should follow the rules of the Management Review Quarterly which can be found here.
' Word/length limits to be considered for the Conference articles should be around the maximum dimension accepted by the journal.
' All types of articles are welcome to the Conference; however, we would like to highlight the three types of papers that are suitable to submit to Management Review Quarterly: (interpretative) literature reviews, meta-analyses, and replication studies.
' The Journal is not looking (and won't value) merely descriptive studies. Management Review Quarterly joins the Conference issuing an SI on Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence to elevate work.
' Such collaboration presents a wonderful opportunity for senior and junior academics, PhD students, and Master students to publish their research.
' Conference articles must present the abstract in both Portuguese and English.
' Submitting the papers to the Special Issue is a personal decision of the authors.
' Papers submitted to the journal will be checked by the editorial office before being moved forward to further processing and will go under peer review.
- Honorable mention:
The importance of gratitude in the workplace: A theoretical review - Alexia Andrade, André Meneses dos Santos, Patrícia Fernandes, Rúben Antunes and Tiago Gonçalves
- Awards:
The influence of strategic alliances on the development of intellectual capital: a study applied to technology-based SMEs - António Ferreira and Mário Franco
Employee Effect and Brand perception in industry and services - Andrea Sousa, Joao Thomaz, Eulália Santos, Aquilino Felizardo and Carlos Silva
The relevance of the context of performance feedback to employee satisfaction - Maria Pilar Mosquera, Maria Eduarda Soares and Filomena Ribeiro
Skills development and organizational commitment: Mediation by employability and moderation by generation - Ana Moreira, Francisco Cesário, Maria José Chambel and Filipa Castanheira
Age diversity and longer working lives: How to respond to the new HRM challenge? - Inês C. Sousa and Sara Ramos
Is knowledge sharing facilitated by HRM practices? Evidence - Ângela da Conceição Bessa Teixeira, Paulo Lopes Henriques and Maria Clara Santos
Moderating effect of physical exercise on organizational performance - Ivo Marques, Andrea Raymundo Balle and Carla Curado
Age management and active ageing: The reality of cerebral palsy associations - Filipa Sousa Luz, Regina Leite and Joaquim Alvarelhão
Women in corporate management: Impact on environmental procedures - Joana Silva and Cristina Chaves
Social Responsibility and Work engagement: The Role of Organizational Trust and the Meaning of Work - Maria Teresa Freire, Manuela Faia Correia, Teresa Esteves and Sónia P. Gonçalves
2x12h shift work: Collective regulation strategies for managing the impacts on work, health and life outside work - Liliana Cunha, Isabel Ferreira, Daniel Silva, Cláudia Pereira and Marta Santos
An intergenerational training program in an industrial context - Marta Santos, Cláudia Pereira, Daniel Silva, Maria Antónia Cadilhe and Liliana Cunha
The Influence of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment: A Study in the Hotel Sector - Bárbara Inês Sousa Santos & Maria Clara Cabrita Santos
Antecedents of Innovative Behavior: Knowledge Sharing, Open Innovation Climate and Internal Communication - Maria Cid, Maria Eduarda Soares & Pilar Mosquera
Student Evaluation of University Teachers: Comparison of Traditional and Online Methods - Teresa Nunes & Maria Eduarda Soares
Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Turnover Intentions in an Outsourcing Context - Sara Filipa Carvalheiro Seco, Ricardo Figueiredo Belchior & Rafael Marques
Responsible Business Conduct: an Obstacle or an Added Value for Portuguese SMEs? - Maria Viana Rodrigues Batista Ferreira & José Dias Lopes
Configurations of Motivation and their Absence: a Comparative Qualitative Analysis - Joana Mosa, Carla Curado
Skills Development and Organizational Exit Intentions: The Dual Mediation of Internal Employability Perception and Affective Organizational Commitment - Ana Moreira, Francisco Cesário, Maria José Chambel & Filipa Castanheira
Diversity and Gender Equality: Impacts of Implementing Gender Quotas in Europe and Portugal - Mara Sousa & Maria João Santos
Diversity, Engagement and Inclusive Leadership: The Perception of Inclusion by Employees of a Telecommunications Company - Sara Isabel Cortinhas de Carvalho, Helena Mateus Jerónimo & Paulo Lopes Henriques
Electronic HRM: Acceptance and Use of the Employee Portal - Inês Sofia Gonçalves Bacalhau, Helena Mateus Jerónimo & Paulo Lopes Henriques
Budgetary Constraints and Ethical Behavior in the Hospital Context - Evidence from General Surgeons - Paula Cristina Piedade Silva
- Awards:
Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Workplace Pro Environmental Behavior: The Roles of Intrinsic Motivation, Other-Orientation, and Self-Concern - Huihui Tang, Raymond Loi & Vivian Si Weng Lai
Relational Coordination, Emotional Weel-Being, And Leadership In Multidisciplinary Teams: An Exploratory Study In Private Hospital - Raquel Herculano & Nélia Filipe
- Awards:
Pathways to Innovative Leadership: Asymmetric Configurations of Agility, Diversity and Risk Propensity - Fernanda Tigre
Green spaces: the new formula for retaining employees - Pilar Mosquera Conde & Andreia Azevedo
Sustainable career indicators: empirical evidence from a European energy company - Tiago Gonçalves, Claudia Ribeiro & Carla Curado
Management's internal governance policies on flexible work practices and the mediating lens of work life enrichment - Outcome for employee work engagement and organizational attractiveness - Muhammad Nisar Khattak

Jason Bennett Thatcher
Professor from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado-Boulder
About the Opening Keynote Speaker5th International Conference in Human Resource Management - 2025
ADVANCE Research Center in Management - ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon invites authors to submit articles in Human Resource Management and related fields to the 5th International Conference in Human Resource Management - 2025. We welcome theoretical and empirical articles in either Portuguese or English.
We address researchers in the areas of Human Resources Management and related fields, students in master's and doctoral programs, as well as practitioners interested in such research topics.
Original empirical research articles and reviews are welcome.

Research topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- - Artificial Neural Networks and Data mining for HRM
- - Combining human and non-human workforces
- - Cutting-edge applications of AI Research for HRM
- - Digital transformation and change management
- - Employee emotions, engagement, and commitment
- - Employees health and safety in the workplace
- - Equity, diversity and belonging
- - Ethics in the workplace
- - Exploring ChatGPT and Generative AI for employee branding in social media
- - Flourishing at work
- - Green and sustainable HRM
- - Human and non-human knowledge management
- - HR competencies in a digital business world
- - Inclusiveness in the workplace
- - Intersections between AI and gamification
- - Job performance measures and demands
- - Leading in onsite, hybrid & remote settings
- - Managing human and non-human intelligence
- - Multi-modal Learning for lifelong training and development
- - New career boundaries and new ways of working
- - Reskilling and Upskilling: new competencies in HRM
- - Robotics and Chatbots: challenges for workforce management
- - Time Management in HRM
- - Virtual Reality in HRM
- - Workplace happiness
- - Work-life balance and work-life fit
The Conference format
The Conference will be held on the 27th and 28th of February 2025 keeping its last edition hybrid format, which allows the attendants to join us in Lisbon or participate remotely. The Conference will have two streams: one in Portuguese and another in English.
We are planning to run the conference as a physical event with the option for participants to join virtually.
Nevertheless, for now we invite everyone to attend in person the 5th International Conference in Human Resource Management, 2025 at ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon.
Papers in the Portuguese stream and papers in the English stream will have the OPTION to have online presentation or onsite presentation at the Conference venue: ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management at the University of Lisbon. Presenting authors must choose between an online or onsite presentation when they register.
Virtual attendees will be able to present their papers and will have access to the online sessions. The program will include physical sessions with onsite presentations and virtual (online) sessions for remote participants.
The presentation and discussion of articles will work in parallel sessions, with 20 min allocated for the presentation and discussion of each article. Articles will be accepted based on their merit, and they may be in an intermediate stage of their preparation. The acceptance of the submitted articles will only become definitive when at least one of the authors of the article registers for the Conference and makes the due payment. Each individual is limited to one personal appearance on the program as a presenting author. A presenter can always be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers.
All abstracts of accepted articles to the conference will be collected in a book of proceedings with ISBN.