In progress
POWER - POPortuguese Women's Equality ObseRvatory
Project: POWER - A proposal for developing an ongoing data observatory to change the mindset towards Gender Equality in business
Ref.: 2022.08793.PTDC

Maria João Guedes - Project Coordinator
Ricardo Rodrigues - Project Co-Coordinator
Pankaj Patel, Luís Gouveia - Team Members
Sponsor: FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology and institutionally hosted by Advance- CSG/ISEG- ULisboa
Duration: 1 March 2023 - 31 August 2024
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This study intends to contribute to assessing the pulse of gender equality in corporate Portugal with an ongoing scientifically validated approach of female aspirations and concerns at various levels of the corporate ladder.
The women's (in)equality in businesses has attracted significant attention. Women remain underrepresented and underpaid at various levels of organizations and face serious challenges to advancements.
Taking a broader scope, the goal is to create a scientifically validated and evidence-based ongoing repository of Observatory that would inform stakeholders and, most importantly, women on the current state of women's equality in Portuguese businesses.
The proposed approach is central to building the necessary bulwark to improve social and institutional cognitions surrounding this critical issue for Portugal. To that end, we propose a publicly available Observatory that will provide ongoing survey data of participants-college graduates, entry-level, mid-level, and board members from listed large firms to large and medium unlisted firms-in understanding their career concerns and aspirations.
Beyond innovation networks: Portugal
Research Team: Manuel Laranja (Advance) and Ana Sara Gonçalves (Advance)
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 01/10/2018 – 30/9/2021
Financing: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology-FCT (PTDC/EGE-OGE/30345/2017).
The research project aims to understand the relationship between two modes of innovation based on knowledge and learning (i.e. the science, technology, and innovation mode and the doing, using, and interacting mode) and the social networks where the innovation process takes place. Furthermore, it is our intention to collect and analyze data from innovation networks in Portugal in order to contribute to the scarce knowledge about innovation in the Portuguese economy. Research will be carried out in three stages:
1) we intend to propose conceptual models for the agency and structure of STI and DUI networks based on extensive literature review.
2) we aim to assemble empirical models for the agency and structure of STI and DUI networks through social network analysis and multiple case studies.
3) we will test the empirical models from the second stage through a survey to a sample of Portuguese firms.
Well-Being & Sustainability: The spillover effect of social corporate responsibility practices on consumers' adoption of sustainable behaviors and on the consumption of sustainable products.
Research Team: Rita Vale Coelho (Católica), Pedro Verga Matos (Advance) and Vera Colaço (Católica)
Main Institution: Catholic University
Period: 1/10/2018 – 30/9/2021
Financing: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology-FCT (PTDC/EGE-OGE/30345/2017).
Although some previous studies have already focused on the sustainability phenomenon (Peloza, White and Shang, 2013; Prothero et al., 2011), there are still several unanswered questions about this prevalent issue in consumers shopping reality. With the present research we aim to contribute to this body of literature by highlighting effects of socially responsible and sustainable strategies at the level of consumers? attitudes and perceptions towards the products (project 1), together with the identification of corporate social responsible behaviors that generate a greater spillover effect regarding the consumers? embracement of sustainable behaviors (project 2).
SMEs Certification (Rating), Financing and Bank Relations: Evaluating the Consequences of the SME-Leader Program in Portugal 2008-2016 for SMEs and Banks
Research Team: Clara Raposo (Advance), Cláudia Custódio (Nova SBE), Diana Bonfim (Banco de Portugal) and Matthijs Oosterveen (Advance)
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 1/10/2018 – 30/9/2021
Financing: Science and Technology Foundation - FCT (PTDC/EGE-OGE/28603/2017); Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation
We aim to study a public policy program of certification (rating) of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) that was introduced in Portugal in 2008 by a governmental agency (IAPMEI), jointly with a group of banks and the national system of Mutual Guarantee. Known as SME-Leader, the program gained additional international visibility after winning the European Commission's 2016 European Enterprise Promotion Award.
We want to understand the real effects of the program for SMEs that are certified, including access to financing, investment, and performance, as well as potential network externalities for companies that have business links with these firms. To establish a causal effect between certification of SME and firm-level outcomes we will use regression discontinuity design (RDD).
We also plan to examine the incentives and effects for banks involved. We will combine firm level financial data (IES database), with Central Credit Register (CCR) data and information from IAPMEI.
Impact of Competition from China on the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry
Research Team: Ana Venâncio
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 1/4/2013 – 31/3/2015
Financing: Science and Technology Foundation - FCT (PTDC/IIM-ECO/3513/2012)
Field Experiments on Incentives
Research Team: Sofia Lourenço
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 01/10/2011 – 30/09/2014
Financing: Science and Technology Foundation -FCT (PTDC/EGE-GES/119607/201).
The Influence of Private Brands on Market Structure and the Consumer Decision Process
Research Team: Rita Vale and Pedro Verga Matos
Main Institution: Catholic Lisbon
Period: 01/10/2008 – 30/09/2013
Financing: Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia -FCT (PTDC/EGE-GES/103899/2008)
Field Experiments on Incentives
Research Team: Clara Raposo
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 01/10/2008 – 30/09/2012
Financing: Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia -FCT (CMU-PT/Etech/0036/2008)
Improving Financial Risk Analysis using Data-Mining tools
Research Team: João Carvalho das Neves
Main Institution: ISEG
Period: 2008 – 2011
Financing: Science and Technology Foundation -FCT (PTDC/GES/70168/2006).
Final report project D.: SID of the Technical University of Lisbon
Research Team: Pedro Picaluga Nevado
Main Institutionl: ISEG
Period: 2007 – 2010
Financing: Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia -FCT (PTDC/AUR/70607/2006).
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