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Examining the relationship between institutional logics and trust in complex organisational environments: the case of renegotiations in Portuguese Public-Private Partnerships

O papel dos cidadãos na nova administração publica e o desempenho das Forças Armadas Portuguesas

Uso dos estudos meta analíticos na investigação académica

Workshop: Meta analise

2018 Global Azure Bootcamp

Values in management control: Routines of measurement and deliberation

Selected information systems research approaches with a focus on the knowledge management characteristics of specific organizations

Hierarchical (tree-like) data presentation in relational databases

The dynamic of the co-innovation process: an analysis of multi-actor interactions

Knowledge cycles on software development

How does what happens beyond the threshold of our consciousness affect our lives? About the conscious and unconscious brain

Price Promotions and Customer Behavior

Aplicação do Design Thinking integrado com métodos ágeis na Gestão de Projetos de Software


Corporate Reputation`s Contribution to Value Co-Creation from Stakeholder`s Perspective: The Cases of Costumers and Employees ( Click here)

As funções atuais do Banco de Portugal no quadro do mecanismo único de supervisão europeu (click here)

Conduting research (click here)

Preparing a manuscript for submission (click here)

A mobilidade intradestino dos turistas. Contributos para a sua modelação (click here)

“Investigação em Gestão – Novas prespectivas” (JUN2015), CISDI Researcher, Institute of Higher Military Studies, Portugal.

“CEO turnover: The role of firm performance and board homophily “, por  Siri Terjensen, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, ISEG Seminar Series, Lisboa 15 de Maio de 2015

“Corporate Political Activity in Emerging Markets: Deploying Reactive Political Capabilities Under Weak Institutional Contexts”, por Tazeeb Rajvani,  Cranfield UK, ISEG Seminar Series, Lisboa 27 de Fevereiro de 2015.

“Supporting entrepreneurs and post-graduate students in Small Business Growth through Interactive Learning Environments (ILEs) based on the System Dynamics Methodology “, por  Enzo Bivona, Universitá de Palermo, ISEG Seminar Series, Lisboa 27 de Março de 2015

Cycle of Books of Our Time “O Capital no Seculo XXI” de Thomas Piketty – Comentado pelo Professor Nuno Valério. ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa 15/10/2015

Cycle of Books of Our Time ” Strategy: A History” de Lawrence Freedman – Lido e comentado pelo Professor Tiago Cardão-Pito. ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa 12/11/2015

Cycle of Books of Our Time “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” de Daron Acemoglu  e James A. Robinson – Lido e comentado pelo Professor José António Pereirinha; ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa 9/12/2015.


O Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul – Brasil) e a sua atuação nas áreas de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão ( Click here)

New Marketing Techniques for Customer Loyalty. Application of a Viral Communication System adapted to a Hotel Chain Loyalty Program Strategy ( Click here)

The Impact of Costumer Reference Marketing on Organizational Buying Behavior: Evidence from the Portuguese Energy Industry ( Click here)

Horizontal Relationships in Industrial Networks: A Study of Strategic Alliances in the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry ( Click here)

A Prática Estratégica em Micro e Pequenas Empresas Brasileiras: Uma Agenda para Novas Pesquisas ( Click here)

Twofold nature of social capital: benefits, threats and development opportunities ( Click here)

Modelos Teóricos-empiricos de Avaliação de Ativos Intangíveis ( Click here)

Disclosure of Income Taxes and Firm Value: A Cross Country Comparison of IFRS Adopters ( Click here)

As práticas de Governance das empresas nas associações mutualistas – especificidades, justificações e consequências: um possível modelo de equilíbrio ( Click here)

 Portofolio Insurance: Friend or Foe? ( Click here)


International Entrepreneurship: a review and future directions (clik here)

A Dinâmica entre Inovação e Internacionalização na Industria Brasileira (Click here)

A colaboração Interorganizacional no Quadro da Inovação Empresarial em Portugal (Click here)

Mobilidade Empresarial: Casos práticos no contexto brasileiro

( Click here)

Understanding Leadership Effectiveness Inside Organizations: an integrative approach ( Click here)

Innovation Microenterprises ( Click here)

Comparative Corporate Governance: The Role of Political Preferences and Institutions.( Click here)

Sistemas Internos de Gestão de Qualidade nas Universidades Portuguesas. ( Click here)


An Integrative Approach to Leadership Effectiveness: Undersenting the Antecedents, Self-regulatory Mechanisms and Processes of Leadership in Organizational Settings. ( Click here)

Nuevas Técnicas de Aprendizage en la Ensñanza:La Aplicación de las TIC en la Enseñanza. ( Click here)

The Origins of Intergenarational Associations in Entrepreneurship: Evidence From Adaption Data.( Click here)

Competências Centrais e Capacidades Dinâmicas para a Gestão do Portfolio de Projetos de TI das Organizações. ( Click here)

Corporate Governance models – Performance Measures and its relation with Key Corporate variables and models – a prespective from some European countries. ( Click here)

The Origins of Intergenerational Associations in Entrepreneuship: Evidence from adoption data. ( Click here)

Nuevas técnicas de aprendizaje en la enseñanza:La aplicación de las TIC en la enseñanza. ( Click here)

Industry Location Shift through Technological Change – A Study of the US semiconductor Industry (1947-1987).( Click here)