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Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2016). Improving project success: A case study using benefits and project management. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 489-497. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240. (FIISEG C) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2016). Investments in information systems and technology in the healthcare: Project management mediation. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 1(1),15-24. in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Carvalho, H. (2016). Successful IS/IT projects in Healthcare: Pretesting a questionnaire. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 375-382. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Martins, P.Pinto, J., Martins, P., Pinheiro, T., Oliveira, A. (2015) "Ansiedade, depressão e stresse: um estudo com jovens adultos e adultos portugueses", Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, September, 16 (2): 148-163. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Romão, M.Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2016). Improving project success: A case study using benefits and project management. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 489-497. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240. (FIISEG C) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Romão, M.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2016). Investments in information systems and technology in the healthcare: Project management mediation. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 1(1),15-24. in international peer reviewed journals2016
Romão, M.Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Carvalho, H. (2016). Successful IS/IT projects in Healthcare: Pretesting a questionnaire. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 375-382. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Afonso, C.Afonso, C., Gavilan, D., García-Madariaga, J. & Gonçalves, H. (2016), The Influence of Risks Perception on the Purchase of Ecological Personal Care Products, International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 4(7): 46-66. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Baptista, C.Santos, J. N. & Baptista C. (2016). Information exchange within horizontal relationships: a fuzzy-set approach to the role of companies’ characteristics. Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 5255-5260. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Baptista, C.Santos, J. & Baptista, C. (2015) "Business interaction between competitors - Towards a model for analyzing strategic alliances" The IMP Journal, 9 (3): 286-299. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Brochado, F.Brochado, F., (2015) "The psychological determinants of the green consumer.", Tourism & Management Studies 11 (2): 104-111. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Brochado, F.OLIVEIRA-BROCHADO, F., A.OLIVEIRA-BROCHADO, N.TEIGA, "The ecological conscious consumer behaviour: are the activists different?", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2016, vol. 41, pp. 138-146Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Caldeira, M.Dhillon, G., Oliveira, T., Susarapu, S., & Caldeira, M. (2016). Deciding between information security and usability: Developing value based objectives. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 656-666. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Caldeira, M.Pedron, C. D., Picoto, W., Dhillon, G. & Caldeira,M. (2016). “Value-Focused Objectives for CRM System Adoption”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Issue: 3, pp.526-545, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Caldeira, M.Rigo, G., Pedron, C.D., Caldeira, M.& Araújo, C. (2016). “CRM adoption in a higher education institution” Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação, 13(1): 45-60. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. & Baptista, D. (2017). “Portugal’s banking and financial crises: Unexpected consequences of monetary integration?” Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Volume 20, Issue 2 (Published online: 21 Jun 2016), pp. 165-191. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. & Barros, J. (2016). “The Application of "Fair Value" Accounting Standards to the Income Statements of Companies Listed at the Portuguese Stock Index-20 (PSI-20).” RBGN- Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 18(59), 67-86. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2016) "Assisting the High Administrative Court in restricting too broad a concept of academic judgment." Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 23(1), 53-62. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2016). “A law for the social sciences regarding us human beings.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 28(2), 202-229. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Castro, L. M.Morgado, A. & Mota de Castro, L. (2016) “Customer references and the buying of capital equipment for a project firm”. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 2(3): 244–263. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Castro, L. M.Mota, J., Christl, M. & de Castro, L. (2015) "Dealing with the nonaccomplishment of functional specifications in the context of buyersupplier relationships", European Journal of Management Studies, 20 (1). in international peer reviewed journals2015
Castro, L. M.Mota, J., de Castro, L. & Brito, C. (2016) ""Powered by whom?" A network perspective on replication as strategy", Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 4732-4736. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Costa, C.Costa, C. J., Ferreira, E., Bento, F. & Aparicio, M. (2016). Enterprise resource planning adoption and satisfaction determinants. Computers in Human Behavior. 63, 659 - 671Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Costa, C.Lopes, I., Oliveira, A. & Costa, C. (2015). Tools for online collaboration: do they contribute to improve teamwork? Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6 (6 (S4)), 511-518 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Costa, C.Lopes, I., Oliveira, A. & Costa, C. (2015). Tools for online collaboration: do they contribute to improve teamwork? Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6 (6 (S4)), 511-518 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Costa, C.Pedrosa, I, Laureano, R. M. S. & Costa, C. (2015). Motivações dos auditores para o uso das tecnologias de informação na sua profissão: aplicação aos revisores oficiais de contas. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 15, 101-118 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Costa, C.Pedrosa, I, Laureano, R. M. S. & Costa, C. (2015). Motivações dos auditores para o uso das tecnologias de informação na sua profissão: aplicação aos revisores oficiais de contas. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 15, 101-118 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Costa, C.Rodrigues, L. F., Costa, C. & Oliveira, A. (2016). Gamification: A framework for designing software in e-banking. Computers in Human Behavior. 62, 620-634 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Costa, C.Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A. & Costa, C. (2016). Does ease-of-use contributes to the perception of enjoyment? A case of gamification in e-banking. Computers in Human Behavior. 61, 114-126 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Costa, C.Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A. & Costa, C. (2016). Playing seriously – How gamification and social cues influence bank customers to use gamified e-business applications. Computers in Human Behavior. 63, 392-407 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Couto, J., Tiago, T., Gil, A., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "It’s hard to be green: Reverse green value chain", Environmental Research 149: 302-313. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Tiago, F.? Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). "Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns". International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Couto, J. P.Tiago, T., Couto, J., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "Baby Boomers turning grey: European Profiles", Tourism Management, 54:13-22. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Tiago, T., Faria, S., Cogumbreiro, J., Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2016). "Different shades of green on small islands", Island Studies 11(2): 601-618. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Couto, J. & Faria, S. (2016). "Who is the better player? Off-field battle on Facebook and Twitter", Business Horizons, 59(2):175-183. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Tiago, T.? Faria, S.? Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2015). "Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154-161. WOS:000380495700020 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Crespo, C.Cardoso, M. & Crespo, C. (2016). “The impact of Marketing-Mix Adaptation on Brand Image and International Consumers’ Trust”, European Journal of Applied Business Management, 2 (1): 117-141. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Crespo, C.Crespo, N. & Crespo, C. (2016). “Global innovation index: Moving beyond the absolute value of ranking with a fuzzy-set analysis”. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5265–5271. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Crespo, C.Ferraz, Paulo A. & Crespo, Catia F. (2015). “A corrupção e os determinantes do IDE: as relações de IDE entre Portugal e o resto do mundo”. European Journal of Applied Business and Management. 1 (1), 154-182Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Crespo, N.Crespo, N. & Crespo, C. (2016). “Global innovation index: Moving beyond the absolute value of ranking with a fuzzy-set analysis”. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5265–5271. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Curado, C.Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., Oliveira, M. & Matos, P. V. (2016). A fuzzy-set analysis of hard and soft sciences publication performance, Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5348-5353. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Curado, C.Curado, C., Lopes Henriques, P. & Ribeiro, S. (2015). "Voluntary or mandatory enrolment in training and the motivation to transfer training", International Journal of Training and Development, 19 (2), 98-109. (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Curado, C.Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Maçada, A. & Nodari, F. (2015). "Team's innovation: Getting there through knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity", Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 13 (4), 1-9. (FIISEG C+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Curado, C., Maçada, A. & Nodari, F. (2015). "Using alternative scales to measure knowledge sharing behaviour: are there any differences?" Computers in Human Behavior, 44, 132-140. WOS:000348965000014 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG B) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Dhillon, G.Dhillon, G., Oliveira, T., Susarapu, S., & Caldeira, M. (2016). Deciding between information security and usability: Developing value based objectives. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 656-666. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Dhillon, G.Pedron, C. D., Picoto, W., Dhillon, G. & Caldeira,M. (2016). “Value-Focused Objectives for CRM System Adoption”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Issue: 3, pp.526-545, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Dhillon, G.Syed, R., Dhilon, G. & Pedron, C. D. (2016). “Interpreting information security culture: An organizational transformation case study”. Computers & Security, 56: 63-69. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Duarte, M.Felício, J.A., Duarte, M., & Rodrigues, R. (2016). Global mindset and SMEs’ internationalization. A fuzzy-set QCA approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1372-1378.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Duque, J.ZAMBUJAL-OLIVEIRA, e DUQUE, João (2015). “Analysis of the asset replacement level with an uncertain salvage value: a two-factor model”. Optimization - A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, 64(12): 2553-2566. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Faria, S.Couto, J., Tiago, T., Gil, A., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "It’s hard to be green: Reverse green value chain", Environmental Research 149: 302-313. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Faria, S.Faria, Sandra D; Tiago, Maria T; Tiago, Flávio G; Moniz, Eugénia; Couto, João P. (2015). Matching Hospitality Dimensions: human resources and quality perception, European Scientific Journal, 1-8. ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print), e - ISSN 1857- 7431.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Faria, S.Tiago, F.? Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). "Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns". International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Faria, S.Tiago, Flávio G; Couto, João P; Tiago, Maria T; Faria, Sandra D. (2015). Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns, International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, Vol. 2, Issue 4. DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.02.04.001Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Faria, S.Tiago, Maria T; Faria, Sandra D; Couto, João P; Tiago, Flávio G. (2015). Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154 - 161. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1186Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Faria, S.Tiago, T., Couto, J., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "Baby Boomers turning grey: European Profiles", Tourism Management, 54:13-22. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Faria, S.Tiago, T., Faria, S., Cogumbreiro, J., Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2016). "Different shades of green on small islands", Island Studies 11(2): 601-618. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Faria, S.Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Couto, J. & Faria, S. (2016). "Who is the better player? Off-field battle on Facebook and Twitter", Business Horizons, 59(2):175-183. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Faria, S.Tiago, T.? Faria, S.? Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2015). "Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154-161. WOS:000380495700020 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Felício, J.Felício, J. & Rodrigues, R. (2015), "Organizational factors and customers' motivation effect on insurance companies' performance", Journal of Business Research, 68 (7): 1622-1629. WOS:000355033700045 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG B+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Felício, J.Felício, J. & Villardón, M. (2015), "Family characteristics and governance of small and mediumsized family firms", Journal of Business Economics and Management, 16 (6): 1069-1084. WOS:000367063900001 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Felício, J.Felício, J., Caldeirinha, V. & Dionísio, A. (2015), "The effect of port and container terminal characteristics on terminal performance, Maritime Economics & Logistics", 17 (4): 493-514. WOS:000365165800006 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Felício, J.Felicio, J., Caldeirinha, V. e Ribeiro, D. (2015), "Corporate and individual global mindset and the internationalization of European SMEs", Journal of Business Research, 68 (4): 797-802. WOS:000349725900010 (FIISEG B+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Felício, J.Felício, J.A., & Freire, C. (2016). From customer motivation to corporate performance: The role of strategic factors and distribution channels of financial service companies. Service Business, 10(1): 135-157. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Felício, J.Felício, J.A., Duarte, M., & Rodrigues, R. (2016). Global mindset and SMEs’ internationalization. A fuzzy-set QCA approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(4): 1372-1378. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Felício, J.Felício, J.A., Meidute, I., & Kyvik, O. (2016). Global mindset, cultural context, and the internationalization of SMEs. Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 4924-4932. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Frias, A.Frias, A., Cabral, J. & Costa, Á. (2015), "Modeling movement of tourists: tools and application in São Miguel Island - Portugal", Asian Journal of Business and Management, 3 (6): 440-448? ISSN:23212802 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gaio, C.Pinto, I., Gaio, C. & Rodrigues, L. (2016), “Are State-owned Firms Less Profitable than Non-State-Owned Firms? European Evidence”, European Journal of Management Studies, 21 (1): 3-24. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. F. S.Castro, M., Neto, M., Ferreira, C.. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2016). Values, motivation, commitment, performance and rewards: Analysis model. Business Process Management Journal, 22(6), 1139-1169. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. F. S.Coelho, J.P., Cunha, R.C., Gomes, J.F.S. & Correia, A. (2015), "Strength of the HRM System: Development and validation of a measure". Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8(4), 1069-1086. WOS:000363781400001 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. F. S.Cunha, M.P., Clegg, S., Rego, A. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2015). "Embodying sensemaking: Learning from the Extreme Case of Vann Nath, Prisoner at S-21". European Management Review, 12: 41-58. WOS:000352563600005 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG B) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J.F.S.Gomes, J.F.S. & Coelho, J.P. (2015). ""I am, therefore I fail": An empirical study of the relationship between national culture and economic and financial crisis". International Journal of Management Sciences, 5 (5): 354-371. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J.F.S.Gomes, J.F.S. & Coelho, J.P. (2015). ““I am, therefore I fail”: An empirical study of the relationship between national culture and economic and financial crisis”. International Journal of Management Sciences, 5 (5): 354-371. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J.F.S.Gomes, J.F.S., Rodrigues, A.& Veloso, A. (2016). Regresso às origens: A importância do indivíduo na criatividade nas organizações. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 20(5), 568-589. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240. (FIISEG C) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240, DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). The success of IS/IT projects in the healthcare sector: stakeholders' perceptions. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2015.7170516. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240, DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2015). The success of IS/IT projects in the healthcare sector: stakeholders' perceptions. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2015.7170516. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gonçalves, H.Afonso, C., Gavilan, D., García-Madariaga, J. & Gonçalves, H. (2016), The Influence of Risks Perception on the Purchase of Ecological Personal Care Products, International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 4(7): 46-66. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H. & Viegas, A. (2015). "Explaining consumer use of renewable energy: determinants, and gender and age moderator effects", Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 25(3), pp. 198-215. ISSN: 2163-9159 (Print) 2163-9167 (Online). in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H., Lourenço, T. & Silva G. (2015) "Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzyset approach", Journal of Business Research, 69 (4): 1484-1481. WOS:000370101300041 (FIISEG B+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H., Lourenço, T., & Silva, G. (2016). Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzy-set approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1484-1491. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H., Rey-Martí, A., Roig-Tierno, N. & Miles, M. P. (2016), The Role of Qualitative Research in Current Digital Social Media: Issues and Aspects—An Introduction. Psychology & Marketing, 33(12): 1023–1028. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, H.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, H.M. & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2016) Stress at the Top: Myth or Fact? Causal Explanations from a Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). Quality & Quantity - International Journal of Methodology, June 2016, pp. 1-17. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, H.Silva, G., & Gonçalves, H. (2016). Causal recipes for customer loyalty to travel agencies: Differences between online and offline customers. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 5512-5518. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, V.Gonçalves, V., Wind, A., Lobo, M., van Dijk, J., Lepage-Nefkens, I., Laranja-Pontes, J. van Harten, W. & Rocha-Gonçalves, F. (2016). Management and Performance Features of Cancer Centers in Europe: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis, Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5507–5511. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, H.M. & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2016) Stress at the Top: Myth or Fact? Causal Explanations from a Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). Quality & Quantity - International Journal of Methodology, June 2016, pp. 1-17. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, V., Sores N. & Valente, M. (2016) UK Evidence for the Determinants of R&D Intensity from a Panel fsQCA, Journal of Business Research, Volume 69, Issue 11, November 2016, Pages 5431-5436. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, H.M. & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2016) Stress at the Top: Myth or Fact? Causal Explanations from a Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). Quality & Quantity - International Journal of Methodology, June 2016, pp. 1-17. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, V., Sores N. & Valente, M. (2016) UK Evidence for the Determinants of R&D Intensity from a Panel fsQCA, Journal of Business Research, Volume 69, Issue 11, November 2016, Pages 5431-5436. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Guedes, M. J.Terjesen, S., Guedes, M. J., & Patel, P. (2016). Founded in Adversity: Operations-based survival strategies of ventures founded during a recession. International Journal of Production Economics, 173: 161-169. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Henriques, P.Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., Oliveira, M. & Matos, P. V. (2016). A fuzzy-set analysis of hard and soft sciences publication performance, Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5348-5353. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Henriques, P.Curado, C., Lopes Henriques, P. & Ribeiro, S. (2015). "Voluntary or mandatory enrolment in training and the motivation to transfer training", International Journal of Training and Development, 19 (2), 98-109. (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Henriques, P.Schwab, A., Werbel, Hofmann, J. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2015)."Managerial Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: An Integration of Different Perspectives", Group and Organization Management, 41(1): 5-31. Published Online: 04 June 2015. WOS:000368282600002 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG A) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Henriques, P.Schwab, A., Werbel, J.A., Hofmann, H. & Henriques, P.L. (2016) Managerial Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: An Integration of Different Perspectives, Group & Organization Management, 41(1): 5-31. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Isaías, P.Isaías, P., Issa, T., Chang, V., & Issa, T. (2015), "Outlining the Issues of Cloud Computing and Sustainability Awareness in European Organizations: a SEM study". Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 13(4): 124. (FIISEG C) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Isaías, P.Isaías, P., Miranda, P. & Pifano, S. (2015). "An Empirical Study on Computer and Paper Based Resources: are they Competitive or Complimentary Means?", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems (IJCSIS) 10 (2), 129-144. WOS:000366817800010 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Isaías, P.Issa, T. & Isaias, P. (2016). Internet Factors Influencing Generations Y and Z in Australia and Portugal: A Practical Study. Information Processing & Management 52(4): 592-617. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Isaías, P.Machado, M., Pedron, C. & Isaias, P. (2015). "Sites de Compra Colectiva X Customer Relationship Management: um Casamento Impossível?" [Collective Buying Sites X Customer Relationship Management: An Impossible Marriage?] Desenvolve Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle. 4(2): 25-42, ISSN: 2316-5537. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Isaías, P.Tiekstra, S., Držková, M., Miranda, P., Isaías, P., Vehmas, K., & Seisto, A. (2016). Attitudes of the European printing industry towards innovative combinations of print and digital. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 5(2): 159-172. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Lacerda, T.Veríssimo, J. & Lacerda, T. (2015). "Does integrity matter for CSR Practice in Organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership". Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(1), 34-51. WOS:000346700600003 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Lacerda, T.VERÍSSIMO, J. M. C., T. M. C.LACERDA, "The impact of CEO’s transformational leadership and ethical integrity on strategic orientation to CSR", European Journal of Management Studies, 2015, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 95-114Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Laranja, M.JANAINA, M., M., D.MANUEL LARANJA, "Cross Innovation approach and the creative industries: a case study in the city of Lisbon, Portugal", International Journal of Innovation , 2016, vol. 4, no. 2 DOI: 10.5585/iji e-ISSN: 2318-9975Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Lourenço, S.Lourenço, S., (2016) "Monetary Incentives, Feedback, and Recognition - Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Retail Services Company", The Accounting Review, 91 (1): 279-297. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Matos, P. V.Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., Oliveira, M. & Matos, P. V. (2016). A fuzzy-set analysis of hard and soft sciences publication performance, Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5348-5353. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Matos, P. V.Matos, P. & Coelho, M. (2016). "Short-termism in Euronext Lisbon: An empirical analysis”. European Journal of Management Studies, 21 (1): 49-75. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Matos, P. V.Matos, P., Vale, R. & Caiado, J. (2016). The impact of private labels on consumer store loyalty: an integrative perspective”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 28: 179-188. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Matos, P. V.Vale, R. & Verga Matos, P. (2015). "The impact of copycat packaging strategies on the adoption of private labels", Journal of Product & Brand Management, 24 (6): 646-659. WOS:000371051200008 (FIISEG C+) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Matos, P. V.Verga Matos, Pedro & Nicoletta Rosati & Horácio C. Faustino (2016)" Convergence in corporate governance: a probit analysis", International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol. 12, No.3, pp.181-203. in international peer reviewed journals2016
Morais, A.Eugénio, T., Lourenço, I., A. Morais & Branco, M. 2015, "The Impact of Media Pressure on Corporate Sustainability in the Cement Industry: A Portuguese Case Study", Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 4 (3): 25-35. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Morais, A.Martins, M., A. Morais, H. Isidro e R. Laureano, (2016), “Intellectual capital disclosure: the Portuguese case”. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, pp. 1-22. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Morais, A.Martins, M., Morais A. & Isidro, H. (2015), "Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Mediterranean Countries", International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (ISSN: 17530679 (online)? ISSN: 17530660 (print versions)), 6 (4): 329-342. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Morgado, A.Morgado, A. & Mota de Castro, L. (2016) “Customer references and the buying of capital equipment for a project firm”. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 2(3): 244–263. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Mota, J.Mota, J., Christl, M. & de Castro, L. (2015) "Dealing with the nonaccomplishment of functional specifications in the context of buyersupplier relationships", European Journal of Management Studies, 20 (1). in international peer reviewed journals2015
Mota, J.Mota, J., de Castro, L. & Brito, C. (2016) ""Powered by whom?" A network perspective on replication as strategy", Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 4732-4736. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Albuquerque, R.? Silva, M.? Brandão, M. & Pedron, C. (2015). Na cidade pequena a loja com "muvuca" é pior ou melhor do que na cidade grande? Faces: Revista de Administração (Belo Horizonte. Online), 14: 39-55. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Araujo, C. & Pedron, C. (2015). "The IT project manager competencies that impact project success A qualitative research". Organisational Project Management, 2: 53-75. WOS:000361138700004 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Araujo, C. & Pedron, C. (2015). “The IT project manager competencies that impact project success A qualitative research”. Organisational Project Management, 2: 53-75. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Araújo, C. & Pedron, C.D. (2016), “The Importance of Soft Skills and it Project Managers’ Personality Type” International Journal of Professional Business Review, 1 (1): 40-59. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Freitas, W.? Cunico, E. ? Pedron, C. (2015). Marketing de Relacionamento e Customer Relationship Management: uma análise da produção científica nacional à luz do componente "recursos humanos". Revista de Ciências da Administração (CAD/UFSC), 17: 09-21. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Machado, L., Klein, A., Freitas, A., Pedron, C.D. & Schlemmer, E. (2016). “The Use of Virtual Worlds for Developing Intercultural Competences.” International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 12(3): 51-64. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Machado, M., Pedron, C. & Isaias, P. (2015). "Sites de Compra Colectiva X Customer Relationship Management: um Casamento Impossível?" [Collective Buying Sites X Customer Relationship Management: An Impossible Marriage?] Desenvolve Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle. 4(2): 25-42, ISSN: 2316-5537. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Oliveira, M.? Grant, G.? Maçada, A. & Pedron, C. (2015). "How to get papers published in leading IS journals?". Faces: Revista de Administração (Belo Horizonte. Online), 14(3): 9-18. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Pedron, C. D., Picoto, W., Dhillon, G. & Caldeira,M. (2016). “Value-Focused Objectives for CRM System Adoption”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Issue: 3, pp.526-545, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Pedron, C.? Santos, F.; Llobet, P. & Chaves, M. (2015). Estratégia de relacionamento entre empresas e bloggers: o caso do setor da cosmética. BASE - Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos, 12(2): 110-121. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pedron, C.Rigo, G., Pedron, C.D., Caldeira, M.& Araújo, C. (2016). “CRM adoption in a higher education institution” Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação, 13(1): 45-60. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Rosa, D., Chaves, M., Oliveira, M. & Pedron, C. D. (2016). “Target: A collaborative model based on social media to support the management of lessons learned in projects”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(3), pp.654-681. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pedron, C.Syed, R., Dhilon, G. & Pedron, C. D. (2016). “Interpreting information security culture: An organizational transformation case study”. Computers & Security, 56: 63-69. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Afonso, C.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2017), The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings , Journal of Business Research, on line; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Pena, N.Pena, N., (2016), The learning officer decision matrix – a structured equation modeling approach for the management of asynchronous e-learning projects, Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM), 4(1): 133-149. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Baptista, C.Santos, J.N., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (submitted 2017); Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using fuzzy set QCA; Journal of Business Research; (n.d.)Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Barros, V.Pulido, Matilde & Barros, Victor (2017). Corporate Tax Avoidance and Ex Ante Equity Cost of Capital in Europe. European Journal of Management Studies 22 (1), 51-74.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, Tiago & Baptista, Diogo (2017). "Portuguese banking and financial crises: Unexpected consequences of monetary integration?"  Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 20 (2), 165-191.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). " Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 46(3), 321-323. in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Are they all the same? Banking and financial crises in debt- ridden Euroarea countries". International Finance Review, 18, 305-331.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Cardão-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Organizations as producers of operating product flows to members of society." SAGE Open, 7(3), July-September , 1-18. in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Picoto, W.Pedron, C. D., Picoto, W., Dhillon, G. & Caldeira,M. (2016). “Value-Focused Objectives for CRM System Adoption”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Issue: 3, pp.526-545, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Picoto, W.Pinto, I. & Picoto W. (2016). “Configurational Analysis of Firms’ Performance: Understanding the Role of Internet Financial Reporting”. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5360–5365. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pinto, I.I. Pinto and W. Picoto, Professional Ethics and Governance: Understanding Appraiser Independence, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 11 (4) (2016), 290-312. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Chagas, B.Bernardo T. Chagas & Jorge F.S. Gomes. 2017. Internet Gambling: A Critical Review of Behavioural Tracking Research. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36 (Advance online publication). Dr. Sherry Stewart - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Ontario, Canada. Advance online publication (to de indicated). Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Pinto, I.Pinto, I. & Pais, M. (2015). Fair Value Accounting Choice: Empirical Evidence From Portuguese Real Estate Investment Funds, Journal of European Real Estate Research 8(2): 130 - 152. ISSN: 1753-9269. (SCOPUS) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pinto, I.Pinto, I. & Picoto W. (2016). “Configurational Analysis of Firms’ Performance: Understanding the Role of Internet Financial Reporting”. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5360–5365. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Pinto, I.Pinto, I., Gaio, C. & Rodrigues, L. (2016), “Are State-owned Firms Less Profitable than Non-State-Owned Firms? European Evidence”, European Journal of Management Studies, 21 (1): 3-24. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Couto, J. P.Faria, Sandra D; Tiago, Maria T. P. M. B; Tiago, Flávio G. B; Couto, João P. A. 2017. "Tourism Events: The SATA Rallye Azores in Facebook and Twitter", Strategic Innovative Marketing, 1: 445 - 454. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-33865-1_55
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Dominique-Ferreira, S., Vasconcelos, H. & Proença. J. (2016). Determinants of customer price sensitivity: An empirical analysis. Journal of Services Marketing, 30 (3): 327-340, doi: 10.1108/JSM-12-2014-0409 ISSN: 0887-6045 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Proença, J.Ferreira M., Proença, T. & Proença, J. (2015) "Volunteering for a Lifetime? Volunteers' intention to stay in Portuguese Hospitals", VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26 (3): 890-912. WOS:000354641200008 (FIISEG C) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Proença, J.Ferreira, M. & Proença, J. (2015) "Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness in Social Service Organizations in Portugal", Management Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 20 (2). (SCOPUS) in international peer reviewed journals2015
Crespo, N.Crespo, N.F. (2017) Cross-cultural Differences in the Entrepreneurial Activity of Men and Women: a Fuzzy-set Approach, Gender in Management: an International Journal, 32(4), p. 281-299.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Curado, C.Curado, C. (2017). Book review – The Review of “Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management” edited by Jay Liebowitz, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA 2016, pp. 221, Journal of Economics and Management, 27/17, 150-155.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Proença, J., Ferreira, M. & Rocha, M. (2016), “Do Occasional Volunteers Repeat their Experience?”, Journal of Human Values, 22(2): 75-92. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Proença, J.Proença, J., Nogueira, F., Spencer, R. & Cova, B. (2016), “A dynamics-based approach to solutions typology: A case from the aerospace industry”, Industrial Marketing Management 58: 114-122. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Curado, C.Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Maçada, A. and Nodari, F. (2017). Team's innovation: Getting there through knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 15, 45-53.
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Curado, C.Henriques, P., Curado, C., Jerónimo, H. (2017). Facing the dark side: How Leadership Destroys Organizational Innovation. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, (forthcoming).Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Curado, C.Lopes Henriques, P., Curado, C. and Matos, P. V. (2017). The warmness seed: long-term fruits of coaching, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 10 (1), 66-81.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Maçada, A., Curado, C. and Nodari, F. (2017). Infrastructure Profiles and Knowledge Sharing, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 13(3):1-12. in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Soares, R. & Proença, J. (2015), "Does Service failure severity matter? Customer's response to service recovery", Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 709531. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Curado, C.Pena, N. and Curado, C. (2017). Uncovering the pathways to e-Learning success: a qualitative approach. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 5 (1), 42-56.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Duarte, M.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2017), The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings , Journal of Business Research, on line; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Duque, J.PIMPÃO, Pedro, CORREIA, Antónia, DUQUE, João e ZORRINHO, José Carlos (forthcoming). "Social diffusion and loyalty programs: a path to succeed.", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. in international peer reviewed journals2017
Faria, S.Costa, T.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F.; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Pharmaceutical Marketing STAR, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 173-178.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240, DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). The success of IS/IT projects in the healthcare sector: stakeholders' perceptions. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2015.7170516. in international peer reviewed journals2015
Samagaio, A.Felicio, J., Rodrigues, R. & Samagaio, A. (2016). “Corporate Governance and the Performance of Commercial Banks: A Fuzzyset QCA Approach", Journal of Small Business Strategy, 26(1):87-101. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R.(2016), "Human capital and performance in young audit firms", Journal of Business Research, 69 (11): 5354–5359. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Faria, S.Faria, S.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F. & Couto, J. (2017). Tourism Events: The SATA Rallye Azores in Facebook and Twitter, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 445-454. in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Faria, S.Tiago, T.; Tiago, F.; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Cliff Diving in Virtual Communities, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 245-250.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Felício, J.CALDEIRINHA, V., J. A.J. AUGUSTO FELÍCIO, S.CUNHA, "Government policies and Portuguese port governance in the period 2005-2015", Research in Transportation Business & Management, Volume 22, March 2017, Pages 11-20. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Gaio, C.Gaio, C. and Henriques, R. (2017), Are large firms more profitable than small and medium firms in the European Union? European Journal of Management Studies, accepted for publicationPublications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Gaio, C.Gaio, C. and Pinto, I. (2017); The Role of State Ownership on Earnings Quality: Evidence across Public and Private European Firms; Journal of Applied Accounting Research; accepted for publication. Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J.F.S.Chagas, B.T. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2017). Actual online gambling behavior: A critical review of the literature. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36, 1-27. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Gomes, J.F.S.Piteira, M.C. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2017). Organisational narratives of applied knowledge in technology-based organisations. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 7(1), 19-31.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Fernandes, T., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (to be published Oct. 2017). Investments in E-Government: A Benefit Management Case Study. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 13(3), 1-14.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Fernandes, T., Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2017). Investments in E-Government: A Benefit Management Case Study. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 13(3), 1-14.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. & Baptista, C. (2015) "Business interaction between competitors - Towards a model for analyzing strategic alliances" The IMP Journal, 9 (3): 286-299. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. N. & Baptista C. (2016). Information exchange within horizontal relationships: a fuzzy-set approach to the role of companies’ characteristics. Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 5255-5260. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2017). The Balanced Scorecard: Keeping Updated and Aligned with Today´s Business Trends. International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies (IJPMAT), 5(2), 1-15. DOI:10.4018/IJPMAT.2017070101.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (accepted in 2017 & to be published 2018). Achieving dynamic capabilities through the benefits management approach. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 10..

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2017). The Balanced Scorecard: Keeping Updated and Aligned with Today´s Business Trends. International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies (IJPMAT), 5(2), 1-15. DOI:10.4018/IJPMAT.2017070101.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2018). Achieving dynamic capabilities through the benefits management approach. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 10 (2).

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Madeira, B., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2017). Applying Benefits Management to the implementation of a Copy Point: A Case Study. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS) 8(1). DOI:10.4018/IJSDS.2017010102.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Madeira, B., Gomes, J.V., & Romão, M. (2017). Applying Benefits Management to the implementation of a Copy Point: A Case Study. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS) 8(1). DOI:10.4018/IJSDS.2017010102.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Mendes, D., Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2017).Creating Intangible Value through a Corporate Employee Portal. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), 13(3), 125-149.

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gomes, J. V.Mendes, D., Gomes., & Romão, M. (to be published Dec. 2017). Aligning and changing culture through information capital. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI).

Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gonçalves, H.Afonso, C., Silva, G. M., Gonçalves, H. M. and Duarte, M. (2017). “The role of motivatons and involvement in wine tourists’ intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings”, (Under revision).Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H. M., Silva, G. M. and Martins T. G. (2017). “Motivations for online reviews writing in hotel industry”, Psychology & Marketing (Submited).Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gonçalves, H.Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves H. M., Gonçalves, V. C. and Patel, P. C. (2017). “Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels”, International Journal of Stress Management, July 24, DOI: 10.1037/str0000075.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Gonçalves, V. Guedes, M.J., Soares, N., Gonçalves. V. & Patel, P. (2017) "Lower on the Totem Pole: The Influence of Sense of Control and Trait Anxiety on Cortisol at Lower Hierarchical Levels". International Journal of Stress Management DOI: 10.1037/str0000075Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Gonçalves, V.Patel, P., Guedes, M.J., Soares, N. & Gonçalves. V. (2017) "Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility" Journal of Business Research (online)
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Guedes, M. J. Guedes, M.J., Soares, N., Gonçalves. V. & Patel, P. (2017) "Lower on the Totem Pole: The Influence of Sense of Control and Trait Anxiety on Cortisol at Lower Hierarchical Levels". International Journal of Stress Management DOI: 10.1037/str0000075Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Driver, C. & Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). R&D and CEO departure date: do financial incentives make CEO’s more opportunistic? Industrial and Corporate Change. In press.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Geller, G. & Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). Was the collapse of the communist bloc a game changer in the stock markets? Left-wing vs. right-wing political preferences and stock market development. Research in International Business and Finance, 39,423-432.
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves, H. M., Gonçalves, V.C., & Patel, P.C. (2017). Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels. International journal of Stress Management. In press.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, H. M. & Gonçalves, V.C., (2017). Stress at the top: Myth or fact? Causal explanations from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Quality and Quantity,51(2), 2001-2017.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the greatest performer of all? Narcissism and self-reported and objective performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 108(April), 182-185.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.MARIA JOÃO COELHO GUEDES, M. J., J., "Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the greatest performer of all? Narcissism and self-reported and objective performance", Personality and Individual Differences, 2017, vol. 108, no. April 2017, pp. 182-185Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Guedes, M. J.MARIA JOÃO COELHO GUEDES, M. J., J., G.GELLER, " Was the collapse of the communist bloc a game changer in the stock markets? Left-wing vs. right-wing political preferences and stock market development", Research in International Business and Finance, 2017, vol. 39, pp. 423–432Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. C., Guedes, M. J. & Pearce, J.A. (2017). New retail venture survival: The role of retail operations at founding. Journal of Retailing, 93(2), 241-251.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P., Guedes, M.J., Soares, N. & Gonçalves. V. (2017) "Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility" Journal of Business Research (online)
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P.C. & Guedes, M. J. (2017). Surviving the 2008 recession with efficiency improvements: the case of the hospitality firms in Portugal. International Journal of Tourism Research. In pressPublications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Guedes, M. J.Soares, N., Patel, P.C., Guedes, M.J. & Gonçalves, V.C. (2017). R&D volatility and firm growth: complementary role of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility. 7th GIKA Conference Proceedings. “Innovation, knowledge, judgement and Decision-making in virtuous cycles”. Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Henriques, P.Lopes Henriques, P., Curado, C. and Matos, P. V. (2017). The warmness seed: long-term fruits of coaching, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 10 (1), 66-81.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Henriques, R.Gaio, C; Henriques, R. “Are larger companies more profitable than small and medium companies in EU?”, European Journal of Management Studies (aceite para publicação em Novembro 2017)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Cruz & Sarmento (2016), “A brief note on transport infrastructure regulation: Harmonizing governance, regulation and policy-making in Portugal”, Network Industries Quarterly SeptemberPublications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Henriques, R.Henriques, R.; Picoto, W. “Continente Online: a success story in the food retail business”, SAGE Business Cases (aceite para publicação em Julho 2017)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Domingues & Sarmento, J. (2016), “Critical Renegotiation Triggers of European Transport Concessions”, Transport Policy, 48: 82-91. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Reis, Ribeiro & Sarmento (2015), “A brief overview on regulation and performance in the Portuguese water sector”, Network Industries Quarterly SeptemberPublications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Sarmento, J.Sarmento (2015), “A auditoria pública nas parcerias público-privadas: o caso do Tribunal de Contas de Portugal”, Revista do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais nº1/2015.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Sarmento, J.Sarmento (2017), “Book Review: Rethinking Public Private Partnerships”; Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (forthcoming)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Ferreira, A.M. (2016), “Capital Structure and Dividends: Evidence from Portugal (2003-2014)”, Coimbra Business Review, 2(1): 35-51. Print ISSN: 2183-3915. Online ISSN: 2183-7058. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Marques, M. (2016). “Uma análise dos períodos de concessão nas Parcerias Público-Privadas”, Revista do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais, 34(4): 58-82. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Renneboog (2016), “Anatomy of Public-Private Partnerships: their creation, financing, and renegotiations”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(1): 94-122. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Renneboog (2017) “Cost Overruns in Public Sector Investment Projects” Public Works Management and Policy (Article first published online: September 2016), 22(2): 140-164. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. (2016), “As Parcerias Público Privadas e a alocação do risco: uma revisão teórica”, Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura – RBINF. Belo Horizonte, ano 5, n. 10, jul. / dez. 2016. ISSN Impresso: 2238-1511. ISSN Digital: 2238-6718. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. (2016), “Performance Budgeting Pitfalls: The Portuguese Experience – How the Structure Was Designed and What Results were Achieved”, Rev. Bras. de Estudos da Função Pública, Belo Horizonte , v.5, n.15, set./dez. 2016. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. (2016), “The Determinants of Value Add Tax Revenues in the European Union”, European Journal of Management Studies, 21 (2): 79-99. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Isaías, P.Isaias, P., Reis, F., Coutinho, C., & Lencastre, J.A. (2017). Empathic technologies for distance/mobile learning: An empirical research based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 14 Issue: 2, pp.159-180, in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Isaías, P.Miranda, P., Isaías, P., & Costa, C., (2017). Validation of an e-Learning 3.0 Critical Success Factors Framework: A Qualitative Research. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research), Vol. 16 (2017), pp.339-363, in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Jerónimo, H.Garcia, José Luís; Jerónimo, Helena Mateus; & Carvalho, Tiago Mesquita (2017), "Methodological Luddism: a concept for tying degrowth to the assessment and regulation of technologies", Journal of Cleaner Production (article accepted, forthcoming)Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Silva, G.Gonçalves, H., Lourenço, T. & Silva G. (2015) "Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzyset approach", Journal of Business Research, 69 (4): 1484-1481. WOS:000370101300041 (FIISEG B+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Silva, G.Gonçalves, H., Lourenço, T., & Silva, G. (2016). Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzy-set approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1484-1491. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Silva, G.Silva, G., & Gonçalves, H. (2016). Causal recipes for customer loyalty to travel agencies: Differences between online and offline customers. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 5512-5518. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Lourenço, S.Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço and Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2017), “The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Journal of Accounting Research 55(5): 1051-1088. DOI: 10.1111/1475-679X.12184Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Matos, P. V.“Measuring Highway Efficiency by a DEA approach and the Malmquist Index”, co autoria com Joaquim Sarmento (ISEG-UL) e Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University), European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Issue 17, Nº 4, pp. 530-551, 2017 Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Matos, P. V.“Private labels impact on different store loyalty stages: a multilevel approach”, co autoria com Rita C. Vale (CLSBE-UCP), International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 45, Nº 1, pp. 71-89, 2017;Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Matos, P. V.Lopes Henriques, P., Curado, C. and Matos, P. V. (2017). The warmness seed: long-term fruits of coaching, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 10 (1), 66-81.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Simões, V. C.Corado Simões, V. (2016) ‘Innovation and Creativity: Pillars of the Future Global Economy’. Edited by Filip de Beule and Ysabel Nauwelaerts, R&D Management, 47(1): 158–161. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Matos, P. V.PEDRO LUÍS PEREIRA VERGA MATOS, P., J.BANA E COSTA, R.MATEUS, "Supporting multicriteria group decisions with MACBETH tools: Selection of sustainable brownfield redevelopment actions", Group Decision and Negociation, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 495–521Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Morais, A.Alves, Teresa and A. Morais, 2017, Business Risk: financial reporting in Portugal, Journal of Accounting and Finance, forthcoming.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Morais, A.Morais, A., A. Fialho e A. Dionísio , 2017, “Accounting quality and the adoption of IFRS: the influence of auditing and enforcement”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, forthcoming.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Mota, J.Mota, J., & de Castro, L. (2017), “Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: the case of a project-based firm”, Industrial Marketing Management. (accepted for publication in the special issue "Start-Ups and Business Networks")Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Mota, J.Santos, J.N., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (submitted 2017); Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using fuzzy set QCA; Journal of Business Research; (n.d.)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Pedron, C.DI PETTA, ARNALDO ; FERRAZ, RENATO RIBEIRO NOGUEIRA; Pedron, Cristiane Drebes(2017). A multinacional que terceirizou suas transações financeiras. REVISTA PENSAMENTO CONTEMPORÂNEO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO (UFF), v. 11, p. 54-68.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Picoto, W.Picoto, W. and Fuentes, R. (Forthcoming) "CONTINENTE ONLINE: BUILDING A SUCCESS STORY IN THE FOOD RETAIL BUSINESS", SAGE Business CasesPublications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Pinto, I.The Role of State Ownership on Earnings Quality: Evidence across Public and Private European Firms, com Cristina Gaio, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, accepted for publication(2017).Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Proenca, João F.; Ferreira, F.; Cova, B.; Spencer, R. (2017), “A Phase Model for Solution Relationship Development: A Case Study in the Aerospace Industry”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 32, Issue: 5, pp. 625-639. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-12-2014-0269.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Proença, João F.; Proença, Teresa and Costa, Carla (2017), “Enabling factors for developing a social services network”, Service Industries Journal, DOI 10.1080/02642069.2017.1377189.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Proença, João F.; Soares, Raquel; Zhang, Tingting and Kandampully, Jay (2017), “Why Are Generation Y Consumers the Most Likely to Complain and Repurchase?”, The Journal of Service Management (previously published as: International Journal of Service Industry Management), Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 520-540. DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-08-2015-0256Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Proença, J.Rodrigues, Maria; Proença, João and Garcia, Rita (2017), “Os determinantes da decisão de outsourcing das atividades de marketing”, European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Issue, 2017, pp. 181-199. ISSN 2183-5594Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Raposo, C.Estevão, J. & Raposo,C. (2018). The impact of the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework Agreement on electricity prices in MIBEL: A mixed-methods approach, Journal of Business Research (forthcoming)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. N., Mota J. & Baptista C. (n.d.). Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using fuzzy set QCA. Journal of Business Research. Manuscript submitted for publicationPublications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Sarmento, J.“Measuring Highway Efficiency by a DEA approach and the Malmquist Index”, co autoria com Joaquim Sarmento (ISEG-UL) e Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University), European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Issue 17, Nº 4, pp. 530-551, 2017 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Cruz & Sarmento (2017), “PPP models and Smart Cities”.
Network Industries Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 3 – Regulatory Challenges for Smart Cities, Published on 21st September 2017.
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Cruz & Sarmento (2017), “Reforming traditional PPP models to cope with the challenges of smart cities”. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. First published online: October 26, 2017. in international peer reviewed journals2017
Tiago, F.Couto, J., Tiago, T., Gil, A., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "It’s hard to be green: Reverse green value chain", Environmental Research 149: 302-313. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Sarmento, J.Cruz & Sarmento (2017), “The Price of Project Finance loans for Highways”. Research in Transportation Economics. In Press, Corrected Proof. Available online 22 September 2017. in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.CRUZ, C., O., J.JOAQUIM MIRANDA SARMENTO, "Airport privatization with public finances under stress: an analysis of government and investor’s motivations ", Journal of Air Transport Management, 2017, vol. Volume 62, pp. 197–203. DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.04.007Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.CRUZ, C., O., J.JOAQUIM MIRANDA SARMENTO, "Horizontal bundling of infrastructure managers: The case of Portugal Infrastructure Company (roads and railways)", Transport Policy, 2017, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 99-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2016.12.009Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Reis & Sarmento (2017), “Cutting Costs to the Bone: the Portuguese Experience in Renegotiating Public Private Partnerships after the Financial Crisis”; (Transportation Journal) 1-18.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Sarmento, J.Sarmento & Curado (2017), “Analise dos arranjos contratuais das Parcerias Público Privadas: o caso das renegociações em Portugal; Revista do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas GeraisPublications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Silva, G.Silva, G. M., Gomes, P., & Lages, L.F. (forthcoming). Does Importer Involvement Contribute to Product Innovation? The Role of Export Market Factors and Intra-Firm Coordination. Industrial Marketing Management. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.05.008
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Silva, G.Silva, G. M., Styles, C. & Lages, L. F. (2017). Breakthrough innovation in international business: The impact of tech-innovation and market-innovation on performance. International Business Review, 26, 391-404. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2016.10.001Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Simões, V. C.Foreign Investment in Portugal and Knowledge Spillovers: From the Methuen Treaty to the 21st Century (with Teresa da Silva Lopes), Business History (in press)Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Simões, V. C.“From global start-ups to the borderless firm: Why and how to build a worldwide value system” (with Angela da Rocha, Jorge Carneiro and Renato Cotta de Mello), Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 15(2). 2017, pp. 121-144. DOI: 10.1007/s10843-017-0200-9Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, F.Tiago, F.? Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). "Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns". International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, F.Tiago, T., Couto, J., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "Baby Boomers turning grey: European Profiles", Tourism Management, 54:13-22. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, F.Tiago, T., Faria, S., Cogumbreiro, J., Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2016). "Different shades of green on small islands", Island Studies 11(2): 601-618. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, F.Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Couto, J. & Faria, S. (2016). "Who is the better player? Off-field battle on Facebook and Twitter", Business Horizons, 59(2):175-183. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, F.Tiago, T.; Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). “The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC”, Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162 170. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1187Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, F.Tiago, T.? Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). "The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162-169. WOS:000380495700021 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, F.Tiago, T.? Faria, S.? Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2015). "Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154-161. WOS:000380495700020 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, T.Couto, J., Tiago, T., Gil, A., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "It’s hard to be green: Reverse green value chain", Environmental Research 149: 302-313. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, T.Kavoura, A. & Tiago, T. (2016). Understanding online communities on social networks via the notion of imagined communities: The case of TripAdvisor. International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), 12(3), 238-261. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, F.Costa, T.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F.; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Pharmaceutical Marketing STAR, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 173-178.
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, F.Faria, S.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F. & Couto, J. (2017). Tourism Events: The SATA Rallye Azores in Facebook and Twitter, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 445-454. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33865-1_55Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, T.Tiago, F.? Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). "Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns". International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, T.Tiago, T., Couto, J., Tiago, F. & Faria, S. (2016). "Baby Boomers turning grey: European Profiles", Tourism Management, 54:13-22. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, T.Tiago, T., Faria, S., Cogumbreiro, J., Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2016). "Different shades of green on small islands", Island Studies Journal 11(2): 601-618. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, T.Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Couto, J. & Faria, S. (2016). "Who is the better player? Off-field battle on Facebook and Twitter", Business Horizons, 59(2):175-183. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, T.Tiago, T.; Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). “The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC”, Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162 170. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1187Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, T.Tiago, T.? Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). "The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162-169. WOS:000380495700021 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, T.Tiago, T.? Faria, S.? Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2015). "Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154-161. WOS:000380495700020 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, F.Tiago, T.; Amaral, F. & Tiago, F. (2017). Food Experiences: The Oldest Social Network…, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 435-444. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33865-1_54Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, F.Tiago, T.; Tiago, F. ; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Cliff Diving in Virtual Communities, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 245-250.
Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, T.Costa, T.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F.; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Pharmaceutical Marketing STAR, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 173-178.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Tiago, T.Faria, S.; Tiago, T.; Tiago, F. & Couto, J. (2017). Tourism Events: The SATA Rallye Azores in Facebook and Twitter, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 445-454. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33865-1_55Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A. & A. Venâncio (2016), “The Relevance of Commuting Zones for Regional Spending Efficiency”, Applied Economics, 48 (10): 865-877. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Tiago, T.Tiago, T.; Amaral, F. & Tiago, F. (2017). Food Experiences: The Oldest Social Network…, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 435-444. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33865-1_54Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Veríssimo, J.Veríssimo, J. & Lacerda, T. (2015). "Does integrity matter for CSR Practice in Organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership". Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(1), 34-51. WOS:000346700600003 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Veríssimo, J.Veríssimo, J. (2016). Enablers and Restrictors of Mobile Banking App Use: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). Journal of Business Research. 69(11): 5456-5460. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Veríssimo, J.VERÍSSIMO, J. M. C., T. M. C.LACERDA, "The impact of CEO’s transformational leadership and ethical integrity on strategic orientation to CSR", European Journal of Management Studies, 2015, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 95-114Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Tiago, T.Tiago, T.; Tiago, F. ; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2017). Cliff Diving in Virtual Communities, Strategic Innovative Marketing, 245-250.Publications in International peer reviewed Journals2017
Venâncio, A.Venâncio, A. (2017). Os Papéis dos Agentes de Suporte a Empresas de Base Tecnológica. Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC. Accepted for publication.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Barros, V.Ahmad, N. G., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2018). “The Determinants of Dividend Policy in Euronext 100”. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15 (4), 8-17. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Ahmad, N. G., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2018). “The Determinants of Dividend Policy in Euronext 100”. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15 (4), 8-17. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Andrade, Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J. (2018), “Renegotiations of Water Concessions: An empirical analysis of main determinants”, Journal Water Resources Planning and Management ASCE, 144 (11) - November in international peer reviewed journals2018
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. & Ferreira, J. (2018). "Desmistifying Fair Value Accounting: Rejoinder to Baker and Markarian." Accounting History Review, 28(3), 199-202. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. & Ferreira, J. (2018). "Fair Value Accounting as the Normative Fisherian Phase of Accounting". Accounting History Review, 28(3), 149-179. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J. (2018), “The Price of Project Finance loans for Highways”. Research in Transportation Economics. In Press, Corrected Proof. Available online 22 September 2017. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J. (2018), “Maximizing the value for money of road projects through digitization”, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 19 (1-2): 69-92 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Castro, Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J. (2018), “Understanding the patterns of PPP renegotiations for infrastructure projects in Latin America: The case of Brazil”, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 18 (3-4): 271-296 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Barros, V.Duarte, D. & Barros, V. (2018). “Corporate Tax Avoidance and Profitability Followed by Mergers and Acquisitions”. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15 (2-1), 148-160. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Estevão, J.Estevão, J., Raposo, C. & Dias Lopes, J. (2018) "The Paris Agreement and electricity prices in markets outside the EU", Contemporary Economics, 12 (4): 419-432. DOI:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.287 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Raposo, C.Estevão, J., Raposo, C. & Dias Lopes, J. (2018) "The Paris Agreement and electricity prices in markets outside the EU", Contemporary Economics, 12 (4): 419-432. DOI:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.287 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Raposo, C. & Dias Lopes, J. (2018) "The Paris Agreement and electricity prices in markets outside the EU", Contemporary Economics, 12 (4): 419-432. DOI:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.287 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gaio, C.Gaio, C. & Henriques, R. (2018), “Are large firms more profitable than small and medium firms in the European Union?”, The European Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), 25-48. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Henriques, R. Gaio, C. & Henriques, R. (2018), “Are large firms more profitable than small and medium firms in the European Union?”, The European Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), 25-48. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gaio, C.Gaio, C. & Pinto, I. (2018). “The Role of State Ownership on Earnings Quality: Evidence across Public and Private European Firms”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19 (2) (2018), 312-332. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pinto, I.Gaio, C. & Pinto, I. (2018). “The Role of State Ownership on Earnings Quality: Evidence across Public and Private European Firms”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19 (2) (2018), 312-332. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. & Silva, M. (2018), “Target costing and innovation-exploratory configurations: A comparison of fsQCA, multivariate regression, and variable cluster analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 89 (2018), 378-384. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gaio, C.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. & Silva, M. (2018), “Target costing and innovation-exploratory configurations: A comparison of fsQCA, multivariate regression, and variable cluster analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 89 (2018), 378-384. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. & Robles, F. (2018), “The impact of Working Capital Management on firm profitability in different economic cycles: Evidence from the United Kingdom”, Economics and Business Letters, 7(2), 70-75. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gaio, C.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. & Robles, F. (2018), “The impact of Working Capital Management on firm profitability in different economic cycles: Evidence from the United Kingdom”, Economics and Business Letters, 7(2), 70-75. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves, H., Gonçalves, V., & Patel, P.C. (2018). “Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels.” International journal of Stress Management, 25(S1), 94-107. DOI: 10.1037/str0000075. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, H.Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves, H., Gonçalves, V., & Patel, P.C. (2018). “Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels.” International journal of Stress Management, 25(S1), 94-107. DOI: 10.1037/str0000075. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves, H., Gonçalves, V., & Patel, P.C. (2018). “Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels.” International journal of Stress Management, 25(S1), 94-107. DOI: 10.1037/str0000075. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Henriques, R.Henriques, R. & Picoto, W. (2018) “Continente Online: a success story in the food retail business”, SAGE Business Cases in international peer reviewed journals2018
Picoto, W.Henriques, R. & Picoto, W. (2018) “Continente Online: a success story in the food retail business”, SAGE Business Cases in international peer reviewed journals2018
Barros, V.Kostyuk, A. & Barros, V. (2018). “Corporate Governance and Company Performance: Exploring the Challenging Issues”. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 2 (2): 25-31. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Lourenço, S.Lourenço, S., Greenberg, J., Littlefield, M., Bates, D. & Narayanan, V. (2018), "The performance effect of feedback in a context of negative incentives: Evidence from a field experiment", Management Accounting Research, 40:1-14. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Morais, A.Morais, A., A. Fialho & A. Dionísio, 2018, “Is the accounting quality after the mandatory adoption of IFRS a random walk? Evidence from Europe", Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19 (3): 334-350. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. C., Guedes, M. J., Soares, N., & Gonçalves, V. (2018). “Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility”. Journal of Business Research. 88, 282-288. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, V.Patel, P. C., Guedes, M. J., Soares, N., & Gonçalves, V. (2018). “Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility”. Journal of Business Research. 88, 282-288. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pimpão, P.Pimpão, P., Correia, A., Duque, J. & Zorrinho, J. (2018) "Social diffusion and loyalty programs: a path to succeed", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (1): 475-494, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Duque, J.Pimpão, P., Correia, A., Duque, J. & Zorrinho, J. (2018) "Social diffusion and loyalty programs: a path to succeed", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (1): 475-494, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pinto, I.Pinto, I. & Picoto, W. (2018). “Earnings and Capital Management in European Banks – Combining a Multivariate Regression with a Qualitative Comparative Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 89 (2018), 258-264. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Picoto, W.Pinto, I. & Picoto, W. (2018). “Earnings and Capital Management in European Banks – Combining a Multivariate Regression with a Qualitative Comparative Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 89 (2018), 258-264. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Oliveira (2018), “The use and limits of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Project Finance: the case of highways projects”, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 18 (4): 555-568Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Venâncio, A.Silva, S., Gonçalves, C. Silva, J. & Venâncio, A. (2018). "Os Papéis dos Agentes de Suporte a Empresas de Base Tecnológica". Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC, 22 (2): 201-225. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Matos, P. V.Verga Matos, P., Cardadeiro, E., da Silva, J. & Muylder, C. (2018) "The use of multi-criteria analysis in the recovery of abandoned mines: a study of intervention in Portugal", RAUSP Management Journal, 53 (2): 214-224. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Matos, P. V.Verga Matos, P., Evans, A. & Tomás, T. (2018) "Os administradores não executivos das empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon – uma abordagem empírica", Revista Pretexto, 19 (2). in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pedron, C.Araujo, C. C. S., Pedron, C.D. & Picoto, W. (2018). “What's behind CRM research? A bibliometric analysis of publications in CRM Research Field”. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2: 1-30. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Picoto, W.Araujo, C. C. S., Pedron, C.D. & Picoto, W. (2018). “What's behind CRM research? A bibliometric analysis of publications in CRM Research Field”. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2: 1-30. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pedron, C.Araujo, C. C. S., Pedron, C.D., Russo, R. & Silva, F. (2018). “Measuring the Impacto f IT Project Managers Competencies on Team Commitment”. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM), 9: 48-68. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Costa, C.Costa, C., & Aparicio, M. (2018) "Gamification: software usage ecology", The Online Journal of Science and Technology, 8 (1) in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Information System Maturity Models in Healthcare". Journal of Medical Systems”, 42(11), 235. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Information System Maturity Models in Healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems”, 42(11), 235. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Gaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Balanced Scorecard Approach”. International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice, 3(1), 13-26. doi:10.4018/IJCCP.2018010102. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Gaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Balanced Scorecard Approach”. International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice, 3(1), 13-26. doi:10.4018/IJCCP.2018010102. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Information and Communication Technologies in the Healthcare: Future Trends for Project Success”. International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management, 6(2), 72-83. doi:10.4018/IJPHIM.2018070105. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Information and Communication Technologies in the Healthcare: Future Trends for Project Success”. International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management, 6(2), 72-83. doi:10.4018/IJPHIM.2018070105. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Achieving dynamic capabilities through the benefits management approach”. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service, 10(2), 53-68. DOI:10.4018/IJISSS.2018040104. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). “Achieving dynamic capabilities through the benefits management approach”. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service, 10(2), 53-68. DOI:10.4018/IJISSS.2018040104. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Silva, G.Gupta, M., Uz, I., Esmaeilzadeh, P, Noboa, F., Mahrous, A.A., Kim, K., Silva, G.M., Tennant, V. M., Chung, S., Azam, A., Peters, A., Iraj, H., Bautista, V.B, & Kulikova, I. (2018). “Do cultural norms affect social network behavior inappropriateness? A global study”. Journal of Business Research, 85 (April), 10-22. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Isaías, P.Isaias, P. (2018). “Model for the Enhancement of Learning in Higher Education through the Deployment of Emerging Technologies.” Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES), 16(4), 401-412. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pedron, C.Pedron, C.D., Picoto, W., Colaco, M. & Araujo, C. C. S. (2018). “CRM System: the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in creating Innovation Capability”. BBR - Brazilian Business Review, 15: 494-511. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Picoto, W.Pedron, C.D., Picoto, W., Colaco, M. & Araujo, C. C. S. (2018). “CRM System: the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in creating Innovation Capability”. BBR - Brazilian Business Review, 15: 494-511. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pedron, C.Ribeiro, I. C., Pedron, C.D., Ruas, R. L. & Chaves, M. (2018). “Competências Individuais do Gerenciamento de Projetos 2.0 na Área de Tecnologia da Informação”. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM), 9: 106-136. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Isaías, P.Rolim, C. & Isaias, P. (2018). “Examining the Use of E-assessment in Higher Education: Teachers and Students’ Viewpoints”. British Journal of Educational Technology, 1-16. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Afonso, C.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2018), “The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings”, Journal of Business Research, 89: 313-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Silva, G.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2018), “The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings”, Journal of Business Research, 89: 313-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, H.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2018), “The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings”, Journal of Business Research, 89: 313-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Duarte, M.Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M. (2018), “The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings”, Journal of Business Research, 89: 313-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Felício, J.Caldeirinha, V., Felício, J., Cunha, S. & Luz, L. (2018) “The nexus between port governance and performance” Journal Maritime Policy & Management 45 (7): 877-892 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Proença, J.Casais, B. & Proença, J. (2018), "Social advertisements for public health and epidemic dynamics: A study based on HIV/AIDS prevention television advertisements in four European countries", Journal of Social Marketing. 8 (4): 397-420. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Simões, V. C.Corado Simões, V., da Rocha, A., Carneiro, J., Cotta de Mello, R. (2018), "Borderless Companies versus Born Globals: Why do we need anothe label", Empreendimiento y Negocios Internacionales, 3 (1): 21-25 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Crespo, C.Crespo, C. & Inacio, N. (2018). "The influence of corporate social responsibility associations on consumers’ perceptions towards global brands". Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-17. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Felício, J.Felicio, J., Rodrigues, R., Grove, H. & Greiner, A. (2018), “The influence of corporate governance on bank risk during a financial crisis”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 31 (1): 1078-1090. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gonçalves, H.Gonçalves, H., Silva, G. & Martins T. (2018). “Motivations for online reviews writing in hotel industry”, Psychology & Marketing, 35(11), 807-817. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Silva, G.Gonçalves, H., Silva, G. & Martins T. (2018). “Motivations for online reviews writing in hotel industry”, Psychology & Marketing, 35(11), 807-817. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Morgado, A.Morgado, A. (2018). “The value of customer references to potential customers in business markets”. Journal of Creating Value, 4(1), 132-154. DOI: 10.1177/2394964318771799 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Couto, J. P.Pimentel, D.; Scholten, M. & Couto, J. (2018). “Fast or slow? Decision-making styles in small family and nonfamily firms”, Journal of Family Business Management. 8(2):113-125. DOI: 10.1108/JFBM-02-2017-0007 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Proença, J.Proença, T., Proença, J. & Costa, C. (2018), “Enabling factors for developing a social services network”, Service Industries Journal, 38: 321-342. DOI 10.1080/02642069.2017.1377189. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Felício, J.Profirio, J., Mendes, T. & Felicio, J. (2018). “From entrepreneurship potential in culture and creative industries to economic development: the situation of UK and southern European countries”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14 (2): 329–343 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Felício, J.Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J., Medina-Molina, C. & Rufin, R. (2018), "Facilitator and inhibitor factors: Adopting e-government in a dual model“, Journal of Business Research 88: 542-549. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Proença, J.Saur-Amaral, I., Soares, R. & Proença, J. (2018), “Business model innovation: towards a conceptual framework”, Tourism & Management Studies, 14, (1): 80-93. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J., Mota, J., Baptista, C. (2018), "Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using a fuzzy-set QCA", Journal of Business Research, 89: 429-434 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Mota, J.Santos, J., Mota, J., Baptista, C. (2018), "Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using a fuzzy-set QCA", Journal of Business Research, 89: 429-434 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Baptista, C.Santos, J., Mota, J., Baptista, C. (2018), "Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using a fuzzy-set QCA", Journal of Business Research, 89: 429-434 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Tiago, F.Tiago, F., Couto, J., Faria, S. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2018) "Cruise tourism: social media content and network structures", Tourism Review, 73 (4): 433-447, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Couto, J. P.Tiago, F., Couto, J., Faria, S. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2018) "Cruise tourism: social media content and network structures", Tourism Review, 73 (4): 433-447, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Faria, S.Tiago, F., Couto, J., Faria, S. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2018) "Cruise tourism: social media content and network structures", Tourism Review, 73 (4): 433-447, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Borges-Tiago, T.Tiago, F., Couto, J., Faria, S. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2018) "Cruise tourism: social media content and network structures", Tourism Review, 73 (4): 433-447, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Balle, A. Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2018). “Knowledge donation and knowledge collection patterns in a Free Software Community”. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 6(2), 23-36. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Balle, A. Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2018). “Knowledge donation and knowledge collection patterns in a Free Software Community”. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 6(2), 23-36. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Balle, A., Oliveira, M., Nodari, F. & Curado, C. (2018). “How Do Knowledge Cycles Happen in Software Development Methodologies?”, Industrial and Commercial Training, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Balle, A., Oliveira, M., Nodari, F. & Curado, C. (2018). “How Do Knowledge Cycles Happen in Software Development Methodologies?”, Industrial and Commercial Training, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.F.S.Cunha, M.P., Cardona, M.J., Clegg, S., Gomes, J.F.S., Matallana, M., Rego, A., Sanchez, I. & Seco, V.M.M. (2018). “Through the looking glass: Leader personhood and the intersubjective construction of institutions”. British Journal of Political Science, 11(10), 378-402. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Curado, C. (2018). “Human resource management contribution to innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: A mixed methods approach". Creativity and Innovation Management”, 27(1), 79-90. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Curado, C. & Bernardino, G. (2018). “Training programs’ return on investment at the Portuguese railways company: A fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis.” International Journal of Training and Development, in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Curado, C., Muñoz-Pascual, L. & Galende, J. (2018). “Antecedents to innovation performance in SMEs: A mixed methods approach”. Journal of Business Research, 89, 206-215. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Jerónimo, H.Garcia, J., Jerónimo, H. & Carvalho, T. (2018), "Methodological Luddism: a concept for tying degrowth to the assessment and regulation of technologies", Journal of Cleaner Production in international peer reviewed journals2018
Henriques, P.Henriques, P., Matos, P. V., Jerónimo, H., Mosquera, P., Silva, F. & Bacalhau, J. (2018), “University or Polytechnic? A fuzzy-set approach of prospective students’ choice and its implications for higher education institutions’ managers”, Journal of Business Research, 89, 435-441 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Matos, P. V.Henriques, P., Matos, P. V., Jerónimo, H., Mosquera, P., Silva, F. & Bacalhau, J. (2018), “University or Polytechnic? A fuzzy-set approach of prospective students’ choice and its implications for higher education institutions’ managers”, Journal of Business Research, 89, 435-441 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Jerónimo, H.Henriques, P., Matos, P. V., Jerónimo, H., Mosquera, P., Silva, F. & Bacalhau, J. (2018), “University or Polytechnic? A fuzzy-set approach of prospective students’ choice and its implications for higher education institutions’ managers”, Journal of Business Research, 89, 435-441 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Mosquera, P.Henriques, P., Matos, P. V., Jerónimo, H., Mosquera, P., Silva, F. & Bacalhau, J. (2018), “University or Polytechnic? A fuzzy-set approach of prospective students’ choice and its implications for higher education institutions’ managers”, Journal of Business Research, 89, 435-441 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Silva, F.Henriques, P., Matos, P. V., Jerónimo, H., Mosquera, P., Silva, F. & Bacalhau, J. (2018), “University or Polytechnic? A fuzzy-set approach of prospective students’ choice and its implications for higher education institutions’ managers”, Journal of Business Research, 89, 435-441 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Jerónimo, H.Jerónimo, H. (2018), “Quatro ideias-chave para pensar a proteção da Amazónia”, Nova Revista Amazônica, vol. VI (15), pp. 27-37. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Henriques, P.Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Maçada, A. (2018). “Publishing? You can count on Knowledge, Experience, and Expectations”. Quality & Quantity, 1-24. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Maçada, A. (2018). “Publishing? You can count on Knowledge, Experience, and Expectations”. Quality & Quantity, 1-24. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Maçada, A. (2018). “Publishing? You can count on Knowledge, Experience, and Expectations”. Quality & Quantity, 1-24. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Marques, I., Balle, A. & Curado, C. (2018). “The contribution of physical exercise to organizational performance”. European Journal of Management Studies, 23(2), 101-121. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E., & Ribeiro, F. (2018). “The Relevance of Feedback Environment for Job Satisfaction”, The European Journal of Management Studies, 23 (2), 85-99. DOI:10.5455/EJMS/288977/2018Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Soares, M.E.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E., & Ribeiro, F. (2018). “The Relevance of Feedback Environment for Job Satisfaction”, The European Journal of Management Studies, 23 (2), 85-99. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Pombo, G.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2018). “How does work engagement mediate the association between human resources management and organisation performance?” Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 63-79. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Gomes, J.F.S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2018). “How does work engagement mediate the association between human resources management and organisation performance?” Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 63-79. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Henriques, P.Teixeira, A., Henriques, P.L. & Santos M.C. (2018), “Knowledge sharing and individuals’ work performance: a virtuous spiral”, International Journal of Financial Research, 9(3), 53- 60. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2018). “Knowledge management process arrangements and their impact on innovation.” Business Information Review, 35(1), 29-38. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Curado, C.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2018). “Knowledge management process arrangements and their impact on innovation.” Business Information Review, 35(1), 29-38. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Balle, A. & Oliveira, M. (2018). “The life cycle process of knowledge sharing in free software communities: Sharing profiles and motivations Industrial and Commercial Training”, Knowledge and Process Management, 25: 143–152. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Oliveira, M.Gomes, F., Oliveira, M. & Chaves, M. (2018), “An analysis of the relationship between knowledge sharing and the project management process groups”, Knowledge and Process Management, 25:168–179. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. & Raposo,C. (2018) The impact of the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework Agreement on electricity prices in MIBEL: A mixed-methods approach, Journal of Business Research, 89: 411-417Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Nevado, P.Nevado, P., Barata, J. & Almendra, A. (2016) Boosting innovation and growth through the use of design, Journal of Business Economics and Management
17 (1): 74-91
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Soares, M.E.Soares, M.E. & Damasceno Correia, A. (2015) Cognitive flexibility, perception of integrity, and risk orioensity as antecedents of willingness to engage in integrative negotiation European Journal of Management Studies, 20,(2): 73-94Publications in international peer reviewed journals2015
Pereira, J.A.Pereira, J.A. & Silva, J. (2017) "Over-Valuation: Avoid Double Counting when Retaining Dividends in the FCFE Valuation", International Journal of Financial Research, 8 (4): 107-114Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Pereira, J.A.Pereira, J.A. & Silva, J. (2017), "Adjustments to Cash Build-up When Retaining Dividends in the FCFE Valuation" Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5 (5): 327-332Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Pereira, J.A.Pereira, J.A. & Silva, J. (2017), "Finite State Machine Modelling of the Macro-Economy" Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5 (5): 333-337Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Pereira, J.A.Pereira, J.A. & Silva, J. (2017), "On the Use of the Quality Function Deployment Matrix for Flexible and Quantitative Prioritization" Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5 (5): 327-332Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Venâncio, A.Silva, S., A. Venâncio, J. R. Silva & C. Alberto (2020) “Open Innovation in Science Parks: The Role of Public Policies”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 151, pp . DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119844Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A. & A. Venâncio (2020) "Local Territorial Reform and Regional Spending Efficiency," Local Government Studies DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2019.1690995Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Estevão, J.Penela, D., Estevão, J. & Gregory, A. (2019) “Accounting and financial antecedents of corporate spin-offs in the lodging industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83: 151-158 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Penela, D.Penela, D., Estevão, J. & Gregory, A. (2019) “Accounting and financial antecedents of corporate spin-offs in the lodging industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83: 151-158 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). Employees’ perceptions and understanding the effect of human resources on organisational performance. Knowledge and Performance Management, 3(1), 46-63.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Marques, T., Crespo, C., Menon, S.T., Gomes, J.F.S. & Gilmartin, S.R. (2019). Culture and Love of Money: Evidence from the Iberian Peninsula and US Residents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41(4), 550-571.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Marques, T., Ferreira, M.P. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). Understanding cheating behaviours: Proactive and reactive intentions. Ethics and Education, 14(4), 415-429.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Marques, T., Reis, N. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). A bibliometric study on academic dishonesty research. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17(2), 169-191.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Colaço, M.C., Coelho, F., Gomes, J.F.S. & Sousa, C.M.P. (2019). Personal values and the features of psychological contracts. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(4), 1111-1123.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Gallon, S., Scheffer, A.B.B., Gomes, J.F.S. & Corte, F.D. (2019). As diferenças culturais e socioeconômicas e o impacto na internacionalização empresarial: Um estudo comparativo entre duas empresas multinacionais. Desenvolvimento em Questão, 17(49), 222-246.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Soares, M.E.Soares, M. E., & Mosquera, P. (2019). “Linking development of skills and perceptions of employability: The case of Erasmus students”. Economic Research – Ekonomska Istrazivanja. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, M.E.Soares, Maria Eduarda, e Mosquera, Pilar (2019). “Fostering work engagement; The role of the psychological contract”. Journal of Business Research, 101, 469-476 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Silva, G.Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J. & Sarkis, J. (2019). The Role of Innovation in the Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28 (5), 819-832. DOI:10.1002/bse.2283. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Silva, G.Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G.M. (2019). The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants. Journal of Business Research, 101 (August 2019), 875-884Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N.Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G.M. (2019). The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants. Journal of Business Research, 101 (August 2019), 875-884Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Rodrigues, R.Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G.M. (2019). The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants. Journal of Business Research, 101 (August 2019), 875-884Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Samagaio, A.Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G.M. (2019). The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants. Journal of Business Research, 101 (August 2019), 875-884Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Silva, G.Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J., & Lages, L.F (2019). Does Importer Involvement Contribute to Product Innovation? The Role of Export Market Factors and Intra-Firm Coordination. Industrial Marketing Management, 78 (April), 169-182. DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.05.008.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Jerónimo, H.Henriques, Paulo Lopes, Carla Curado, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Joana Martins (2019), “Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1), 18-23, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Henriques, Paulo Lopes, Carla Curado, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Joana Martins (2019), “Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1), 18-23, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Henriques, Paulo Lopes, Carla Curado, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Joana Martins (2019), “Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1), 18-23, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Silva, F.P.Silva, Filipa Pires da, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Pedro Rino Vieira (2019), “Leadership competencies revisited: A causal configuration analysis of success in the requirements phase of information systems projects”, Journal of Business Research, 101, 688-696, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Rino Vieira, P.Silva, Filipa Pires da, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Pedro Rino Vieira (2019), “Leadership competencies revisited: A causal configuration analysis of success in the requirements phase of information systems projects”, Journal of Business Research, 101, 688-696, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pinto, I.Picoto, W., Duarte, R. & Pinto, I. (2019) Uncovering Top-ranking Factors for Mobile Apps through a Multimethod Approach, Journal of Business Research, 101: 668-674 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Picoto, W.Picoto, W., Duarte, R. & Pinto, I. (2019) Uncovering Top-ranking Factors for Mobile Apps through a Multimethod Approach, Journal of Business Research, 101: 668-674 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pinto, I.Pinto, I. & Morais, A. (2019) What Matters in Disclosures of Key Audit Matters: Evidence from Europe, com Ana Morais, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 30 (2) 145-162. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Pinto, I. & Morais, A. (2019) What Matters in Disclosures of Key Audit Matters: Evidence from Europe, com Ana Morais, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 30 (2) 145-162. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pinto, I.Morais, A. & Pinto, I. (2019) Pension Plans Assumptions: the Case of Discount Rate, Accounting Research Journal, 32 (2) (2019) 36-49. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Morais, A. & Pinto, I. (2019) Pension Plans Assumptions: the Case of Discount Rate, Accounting Research Journal, 32 (2) (2019) 36-49. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Fernandes, J. Fernandes, J. C., & Caldeira, M. (2019). Benefits realization of an IT implementation in a Bank - a case study using BMS. European Journal of Management Studies, 24(2), 77–92.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Caldeira, M.Fernandes, J. C., & Caldeira, M. (2019). Benefits realization of an IT implementation in a Bank - a case study using BMS. European Journal of Management Studies, 24(2), 77–92.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Mota, J.Mota, J. & Castro, L. (2019), Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: The case of a project-based firm, Industrial Marketing Management, 80: 188-200. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Castro, L. M.Mota, J. & Castro, L. (2019), Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: The case of a project-based firm, Industrial Marketing Management, 80: 188-200. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Mota, J.Santos, J., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (2019), The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Santos, J.Santos, J., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (2019), The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Baptista, C.Santos, J., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (2019), The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Neto, D., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). Renegotiation of transport public private partnerships: Policy implications of the Brazilian experience in the Latin American context. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7(3), 554-561. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Reis, R. F., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). “Cutting costs to the bone”: the Portuguese experience in renegotiating public private partnerships highways during the financial crisis. Transportation, 46(1), 285-302. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). Board Meeting Attendance and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the UK. Business Perspectives and Research. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Barros, V.Barros, V., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). Board Meeting Attendance and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the UK. Business Perspectives and Research. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Catalão, F., Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J.M. (2019) Exogenous determinants of cost deviations and overruns in local infrastructure projects. Construction Management and Economics, 37(12): 697-711, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2019.1576915 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Matos, P. V., Romão, M., Sarmento, J. M., & Abaladas, A. (2019). The adoption of project management methodologies and tools by NGDOs: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 651-659. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Matos, P. V.Matos, P. V., Romão, M., Sarmento, J. M., & Abaladas, A. (2019). The adoption of project management methodologies and tools by NGDOs: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 651-659. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Romão, M.Matos, P. V., Romão, M., Sarmento, J. M., & Abaladas, A. (2019). The adoption of project management methodologies and tools by NGDOs: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 651-659. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). Institutional “tetris” in infrastructure regulation: Harmonizing governance, regulation and policy-making in the transport sector. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7(1), 22-27. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Catalão, F. P., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). The determinants of cost deviations and overruns in transport projects, an endogenous models approach. Transport, 74: 224-238 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J.M. (2019), “The Inevitability of Forecasts Inaccuracy in Transportation Projects: A Systematic Review”, TransportationPublications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.V.Bento, I., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The relationship between the Maturity Models and Project Performance: A multiple case study. The Journal of Modern Project Management, January/April 2019, 47- 57 doi:10.19255/JMPM01803Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Romão, M.Bento, I., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The relationship between the Maturity Models and Project Performance: A multiple case study. The Journal of Modern Project Management, January/April 2019, 47- 57 doi:10.19255/JMPM01803Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The Challenges of the IS/IT Projects in the Healthcare Sector. International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM), 4(1), 67-81. doi:10.4018/IJARPHM.2019010105Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Romão, M.Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The Challenges of the IS/IT Projects in the Healthcare Sector. International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM), 4(1), 67-81. doi:10.4018/IJARPHM.2019010105Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Mosquera, P.Soares, M. E., & Mosquera, P. (2019). “Linking development of skills and perceptions of employability: The case of Erasmus students”. Economic Research – Ekonomska Istrazivanja. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Mosquera, P.Soares, Maria Eduarda, e Mosquera, Pilar (2019). “Fostering work engagement; The role of the psychological contract”. Journal of Business Research, 101, 469-476 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. C., Pearce, J. A. & Guedes, M.J. (2019). The survival benefits of service intensity for new manufacturing ventures: A resource-advantage theory perspective. Journal of Service Research, 22 (4), 352-370. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Nicolaou, N. & Patel, P. C. (2019). Genetic distance and the difference in new firm entry between countries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 29(3), 973-1016. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2019). Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance, Journal of Business Research, 101, 869-874. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M. J., & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2019). Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance, Journal of Business Research, 101, 869-874. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Isaías, P.Rolim, C. and Isaias, P. (2019). Examining the Use of E-assessment in Higher Education: Teachers and Students’ Viewpoints. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(4), 1785-1800. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Santos, S. Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2019). Multichannel consumer behaviors in the mobile environment: Using fsQCA and discriminant analysis to understand webrooming motivations. Journal of Business Research, 101, 757-766. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.069Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2019). Multichannel consumer behaviors in the mobile environment: Using fsQCA and discriminant analysis to understand webrooming motivations. Journal of Business Research, 101, 757-766. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.069Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Curado, C. & Galende, J. (2019). How does the use of information technologies affect the adoption of environmental practices in SMEs? A mixed-methods approach. Review of Managerial Science, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2019), "Linking knowledge management processes to innovation: A mixed-method and cross-national approach", Management Research Review, 43 (3): 332-349 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2019). Linking knowledge management to innovation: a mixed-method and cross-national approach. Management Research Review, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Schniederjans, D. G., Curado, C. & Khalajhedayati, M. (2019). Supply Chain Digitisation Trends: An Integration of Knowledge Management. International Journal of Production Economics, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Curado, C. & Galende, J. (2019). The Triple Bottom Line on Sustainable Product Innovation Performance in SMEs: A Mixed Methods Approach, Sustainability, 11(6), 1-22. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Curado, C. & Vieira, S. (2019). Trust, knowledge sharing and organizational commitment in SMEs. Personnel Review, 48(6), 1449-1468. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Curado, C., Oliveira, M. and Antunes, M. (2019). Organizational ambidexterity and Customer Relationship Management: a Cycle of virtue. Knowledge and Process Management, 26(3), 229-243. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Balle, A., Steffen, M.O., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2019). Interorganizational knowledge sharing in a science and technology park: the use of knowledge sharing mechanisms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(10), 2016-2038 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Oliveira, M.Balle, A., Steffen, M.O., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2019). Interorganizational knowledge sharing in a science and technology park: the use of knowledge sharing mechanisms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(10), 2016-2038 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Oliveira, M.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2019). Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis. Journal of Business Research, 101, 777-782. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2019). Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis. Journal of Business Research, 101, 777-782. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2019). Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis. Journal of Business Research, 101, 777-782. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, C.Marques, T., Crespo, C., Menon, S., Gomes, J., & Gilmartin, S. (2019). Culture and Love of Money: Evidence From the Iberian Peninsula and U.S. Hispanic Residents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41 (4), 550-571. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.Silva, E. & Pedron, C. (2019). Elementos Determinantes para o Sucesso da Capacidade de Inovação das Empresas: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação, 7: 45-63. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.Santos, T. & Pedron, C. (2019). Método Delphi Aplicado em Pesquisas de Gestão de Projetos: Uma Perspectiva Além do Consenso. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM), 10: 60-80. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.CARVALHO, M. ; LOPES, E. L. ; FREIRE, O. B. L. ; PEDRON, Cristiane Drebes . 2019. Falha de Serviços: Mapeamento dos Últimos 10 Anos de produção cinetifica. TEORIA E PRATICA EM ADMINISTRACAO, v. 9, p. 106-120. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.Santos, T. & Pedron, C. (2019). As competências do gerente de projetos de inovação: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação, 7: 159-181 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.Albuquerque, R., Pedron, C. & Quoniam, L. (2019). Instituição de ensino superior: análise das capacidades resilientes diante das políticas de ações afirmativas. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 10: 47-72. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pedron, C.Costa, P., Ramos, H. & Pedron, C. (2019). Proposição de estrutura alternativa para tese de doutorado a partir de estudos múltiplos. Revista Iberoamericana de Estratégia, v. 18, p. 155-170. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Rodrigues, R.Porfírio, J.A.; Carrilho, T.; Hassid, J. & Rodrigues, R. (2019). Family business succession in different national contexts: A fuzzy-set QCA approach. Sustainability, 11, 6309. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Santos, T. (2019), Women on Board: Do They Manage Earnings? Empirical Evidence from European Listed Firms, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 21 (3), 582-597 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, T. Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Santos, T. (2019), Women on Board: Do They Manage Earnings? Empirical Evidence from European Listed Firms, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 21 (3), 582-597 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Lourenço, S.Lourenço, S. (2019), "Field Experiments in Managerial Accounting Research", Foundations and Trends® in Accounting, 14 (1): 1-72. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N. Nuno Crespo (2019) Entrepreneurial universities: collaboration, education and policies, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 31:3, 265-267, DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2018.1485543 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, A. S.Gonçalves, A., Silva, R. & Teixeira, N. (2019) Individual actors and embeddedness in business-to-business interactions, Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 181-191. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Faria, S.Faria, S. D., Andrade, R., & Couto, J. (2019). Seeking for a Better Fitting: Understanding the Tour Operators for Cruises on Sao Miguel Island. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 441-449). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Couto, J. P.Faria, S. D., Andrade, R., & Couto, J. (2019). Seeking for a Better Fitting: Understanding the Tour Operators for Cruises on Sao Miguel Island. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 441-449). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Faria, S.Faria, S., Pereira, N., Tiago, M., Tiago, F., & Couto, J. (2019). Online Presence of Tour Companies in the Azores. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 1287-1295). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Couto, J. P.Faria, S., Pereira, N., Tiago, M., Tiago, F., & Couto, J. (2019). Online Presence of Tour Companies in the Azores. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 1287-1295). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, F.Faria, S., Pereira, N., Tiago, M., Tiago, F., & Couto, J. (2019). Online Presence of Tour Companies in the Azores. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 1287-1295). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, T.Faria, S., Pereira, N., Tiago, M., Tiago, F., & Couto, J. (2019). Online Presence of Tour Companies in the Azores. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 1287-1295). Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardão-Pito, T. (2019) "Changes to the board of the journal", European Journal of Management Studies, 24 (1): 1-2 DOI: in international peer reviewed journals2019
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardão-Pito, T. (2019) "Editorial: Permanent Call for Book Reviews", European Journal of Management Studies, 24 (2): 50-51Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Barros, V.Barros, V. & Pádua, H. (2019). Can Green Taxation Trigger Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Acquisition?. EuroMed Journal of Business, 14 (2), 168-186. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Curado, C.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2019). “Pursuing innovation through knowledge sharing: Brazil and Portugal”. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 69-84. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Oliveira, M.Teixeira, E., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2019). “Pursuing innovation through knowledge sharing: Brazil and Portugal”. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 69-84. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Oliveira, M.Balle, A., Oliveira, M. & Noradi, F. (2019). What Leads to Knowledge Donation in Free Software Communities?. BASE (SÃO LEOPOLDO. ONLINE), v. 16, p. 441-431, 2019.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Penela, D.Penela, D., Isabel, A., & Gregory, A. (2019). An analytical inquiry on timeshare research: A continuously growing segment in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76(A), 132–151. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Penela, D.Penela, D., Morais, A. & Gregory, A. (2019), "Is timeshare good for firm value and profitability? Evidence from segment reporting", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 31 No. 8, pp. 3231-3248. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Penela, D.Penela, D., & Serrasqueiro, R. M. (2019). Identification of risk factors in the hospitality industry: Evidence from risk factor disclosure. Tourism Management Perspectives, 32, 100578. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Felicio, J.Medina-Molina, C., Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J.A., & Paguillo, I.R. (2019). Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capital. Review of Managerial Science, 13(3), 529-543. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Felicio, J.Felício, J.A., Caldeirinha, V. & Dutra, A. (2019) Ambidextrous capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises, Journal of Business Research
101: 607-614
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Matos, P. V.Evans, A., Matos, P.V. & Santos, V. (2019) “The state as a large-scale aggregator: statist neoliberalismo and waste management in Portugal” Contemporary Politics, 25 (3): 353-372 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, M., Tiago, F., Veríssimo, J. & Silva, T. (2019), "A brand-new world: brand-endorsers-users fit on social media", Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 472-486. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, M., Tiago, F., Veríssimo, J. & Silva, T. (2019), "A brand-new world: brand-endorsers-users fit on social media", Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 472-486. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Veríssimo, J.Borges-Tiago, M., Tiago, F., Veríssimo, J. & Silva, T. (2019), "A brand-new world: brand-endorsers-users fit on social media", Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 472-486. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, F.Tiago, F., Cosme, C. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2019). Like and share: disclosing users’ behaviors on social media, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 24 (2), 44-52Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Borges-Tiago, T.Tiago, F., Cosme, C. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2019). Like and share: disclosing users’ behaviors on social media, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 24 (2), 44-52Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, T. & Tiago, F. (2019). Social Media and Tourism: A literature review, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 24 (2), 27-34 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, T. & Tiago, F. (2019). Social Media and Tourism: A literature review, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 24 (2), 27-34 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Tiago, F., & Cosme, C. (2019). Exploring users' motivations to participate in viral communication on social media. Journal of Business Research, 101, 574-582. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Tiago, F., & Cosme, C. (2019). Exploring users' motivations to participate in viral communication on social media. Journal of Business Research, 101, 574-582. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Costa, C.Fernandes, N., Moro, S., Costa, C. J., & Aparício, M. (2020). Factors influencing charter flight departure delay. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100413. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Costa, C.Pedrosa, I., Costa, C. & Aparicio, M. (2019) Determinants adoption of computer-assisted auditing tools (CAATs) Cognition, Technology & Work, 1-19 10.1007/s10111-019-00581-4Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Costa, C.Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A., Rodrigues, H., & Costa, C. (2019). Assessing consumer literacy on financial complex products. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 93-104. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Costa, C.Marques, M. A. & Costa, C. (2019). Social CRM Analytics Challenges. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management, 4(4), em0105. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2019). Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis. Journal of Business Research, 101, 777-782. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Maçada, A. (2019) “Publishing? You can count on knowledge, experience, and expectations”, Quality and Quantity, 53(3): 1301-1324Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Penela, D., A. Morais e A. Gregory, 2019, An Analytical Inquiry on Timeshare Research: A Continuously Growing Segment, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, pp. 132-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.04.003.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Raposo, C.Oliveira, V. & Raposo, C. (2019) How did regulation and market discipline influence banking distress in Europe?: Lessons from the global financial crisis, Studies in Economics and Finance, 37 (1): 160-198. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Duarte, M.Miranda, S., Cunha, P., & Duarte, M. An integrated model of factors affecting consumer attitudes and intentions toward youtuber-generated product content. Review of Managerial Science, 1-19. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Nevado, P. Gallon, S.., Nevado, P., Vaz, E. & Antunes, E. (2019). O PROCESSO DE EXPATRIAÇÃO NA INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO E AS CONFIGURAÇÕES DE EXPATRIADOS, FACEF, 22 (1): 104-118Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Penela, D., Morais, A. & Gregory, A. (2019), "Is timeshare good for firm value and profitability? Evidence from segment reporting", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 31 No. 8, pp. 3231-3248. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Dias Lopes, J.Dias Lopes, J. (2018). "How the financial crisis has changed the research agenda on banking regulation". Journal of Governance and Regulation 7 (3): 37-46. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Dias Lopes, J.Lopes, J.D. (2018). "Characteristics of research agendas published in academic journals, Características das agendas de investigação publicadas em jornais académicos,Características de agendas de investigación publicadas en periódicos académicos". Ciencia da Informacao 47 (3): 159-173. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, forthcoming. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Laranja, M.Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., Laranja, M., & Edwards, J. (2019) "A tropicalização da especialização inteligente: Considerações iniciais e falhas sistémicas de inovação para o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia em Pernambuco (Brasil)", Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 50: 104-122. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Santiago, J.Santiago, J. (2019), "The relationship between brand attractiveness and the intent to apply for a job: A millennials’ perspective", European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 28 (2): 142-157. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T. & Coelho, G. (2019). Earnings Management during Mergers and Acquisitions – European Evidence. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 102, 22-43.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Lacerda, T.Lacerda, T. (2018) Crisis leadership in economic recession: A three-barrier approach to offset external constraints, Business Horizons
62 (2): 185-197
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Dhillon, G.Syed, R., Dhillon, G. & Merrick, J. (2019) “The identity management value model: a design science approach to assess value gaps on social media”, Decision Sciences 50 (3), 498-536 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Dhillon, G.Coss, D. & Dhillon, G. (2019), "Cloud privacy objectives a value based approach", Information and Computer Security, 27 (2,): 189-220. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pinto, I.Pinto, I., Gaio, C. & Gonçalves, T. (2019), "Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15 (4): 670-690. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.Pinto, I., Gaio, C. & Gonçalves, T. (2019), "Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15 (4): 670-690. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, T.Pinto, I., Gaio, C. & Gonçalves, T. (2019), "Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15 (4): 670-690. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Estevão, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Penela, D.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J.M.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M.J. & Gonçalves, V. (2019) Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance", Journal of Business Research, 101, 869-874 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J. & Gonçalves, V. (2019) Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance", Journal of Business Research, 101, 869-874Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Fonseca, S. & Gonçalves, V. (2021) Profitability and size of newly established firms Forthcoming International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, V.Guedes, M.J., Fonseca, S. & Gonçalves, V. (2021) Profitability and size of newly established firms Forthcoming International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, V.Gonçalves, V., Sarmento, J. & Rodrigues, R. (2021) Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal", Economic Research, 34(1): 998-1012 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Gonçalves, V., Sarmento, J. & Rodrigues, R. (2020) Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal", Economic ResearchPublications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Gonçalves, V., Sarmento, J. & Rodrigues, R. (2020) Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal", Economic ResearchPublications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Morais, A.Pinto, I., A. Morais e R. Quick (2020), The impact of the precision of accounting standards on the expanded auditor´s report, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 40. DOI: in international peer reviewed journals2020
Morais, A.Cristina Abad, Elisabetta Barone, Benita M. Gullkvist, N. Hellman, A. Marques, Jan Marton, Stephani Mason, Ricardo Luiz Menezes Silva, A. Morais, Soledad Moya Gutierrez, Alberto Quagli & Anna Vysotskaya (2020) On the ‘Disclosure Initiative – Principles of Disclosure’: The EAA Financial Reporting Standards Committee’s View, Accounting in Europe,17:1, 1-32, DOI: 10.1080/17449480.2019.1664753Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Morais, A.Ferreira, C. & Morais, A. (2020), Analysis of the relationship between company characteristics and key audit matters disclosed. Revista de Contabilidade e Finanças, Aug,  vol.31, n.º 83, p.262-274. ISSN 1519-7077 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Morais, A.Morais, A. (2020), Are Changes in International Accounting Standards Making Them More Complex?, Accounting Forum, Vol. 44, issue 1, pp. 35-63.  DOI:10.1080/01559982.2019.1573781.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Balle, A., Oliveira, M. and Curado, C. (2020). Knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity: Interdependency and complementarity. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(8), 1943-1964. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Curado, C., Balle, A.R. and Kianto, A. (2020), "Knowledge sharing, intellectual capital and organizational results in SMES: are they related?", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 893-911. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Bernardino, G. and Curado, C. (2020). Training evaluation: Causal conditions for success and failure of trainers and trainees, European Journal of Training and Development, 44 (4/5), 531-546. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Galende, J. and Curado, C. (2020). Human Resources Management Contributions to Knowledge Sharing: A Mixed Methods Approach, Sustainability, 12(1), 161, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Curado, C. and Galende, J. (2020). How does the use of information technologies affect the adoption of environmental practices in SMEs? A mixed-methods approach. Review of Managerial Science, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Teixeira, E.K., Oliveira, M. and Curado, C. (2019), "Linking knowledge management processes to innovation: A mixed-method and cross-national approach", Management Research Review, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 332-349. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Oliveira, M.Garcia, P., Oliveira, M. & Brohman (2020) Knowledge sharing, hiding and hoarding: how are they related?, Journal Knowledge Management Research & Practice, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Oliveira, M., Curado, C., Balle, A.R. and Kianto, A. (2020), "Knowledge sharing, intellectual capital and organizational results in SMES: are they related?", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 893-911. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Santos, R., Bragagnolo, G. & Oliveira, M. (2020) Exploring knowledge management within teams from a social capital perspective: a literature review, Gestão & Produção 27 (2) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Balle, A.R., Oliveira, M. and Curado, C.M.M. (2020), "Knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity: interdependency and complementarity", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 24 No. 8, pp. 1943-1964. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Curado, C.Balle, A.R., Oliveira, M. and Curado, C.M.M. (2020), "Knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity: interdependency and complementarity", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 24 No. 8, pp. 1943-1964. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Cruz & Sarmento (2020), “Mobility as a Service” platforms: using digitalization to increase the sustainability of transportation systems”, Sustainability 12(16), 6368; in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P.V. & Sarmento, J. (2020), “What firm´s characteristics drive the dividend policy? A mixed method study on the Euronext Stock Exchange”, Journal of Business Research. 115: 365-377 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Gonçalves, Sarmento & Rodrigues (2020), “Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G.Silva, G.M., Coelho, L.F., Lages, C. R., & Reis, M. (2020). Employee Adaptive and Proactive Service Recovery: A Configurational Perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 54(7), 1581-1607. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Silva, G.Gomes, P.J., Silva, G.M., & Sarkis, J. (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Quality Ambidexterity and Sustainable Production. International Journal of Production Economics, 224(June), 107-560. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J & Mota, J. (2020). Value of initial relationships in new business start-ups, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing in international peer reviewed journals2020
Mota, J.Santos, J & Mota, J. (2020). Value of initial relationships in new business start-ups, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing in international peer reviewed journals2020
Barros, V. Barros, V., Matos, P. V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2020). What firm’s characteristics drive the dividend policy? A mixed-method study on the Euronext stock exchange. Journal of Business Research, 115, 365-377 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Matos, P. V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2020). What firm’s characteristics drive the dividend policy? A mixed-method study on the Euronext stock exchange. Journal of Business Research, 115, 365-377 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P. V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2020). What firm’s characteristics drive the dividend policy? A mixed-method study on the Euronext stock exchange. Journal of Business Research, 115, 365-377 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Mota, J.Mota, J. e Castro, L. (2019), Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: The case of a project-based firm, Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 188-200. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Castro, L. M.Mota, J. e Castro, L. (2019), Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: The case of a project-based firm, Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 188-200. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Barros, V. Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2021). Do activist shareholders influence a manager’s decisions on a firm’s dividend policy: A mixed-method study. Journal of Business Research, 122, 387-397. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2021). Do activist shareholders influence a manager’s decisions on a firm’s dividend policy: A mixed-method study. Journal of Business Research, 122, 387-397. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2021). Do activist shareholders influence a manager’s decisions on a firm’s dividend policy: A mixed-method study. Journal of Business Research, 122, 387-397. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Vieira, R.P.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2021). Do activist shareholders influence a manager’s decisions on a firm’s dividend policy: A mixed-method study. Journal of Business Research, 122, 387-397. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2021). Corporate Taxes and High-Quality Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, forthcoming.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Venâncio, A.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2022). Corporate taxes and high-quality entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, 58, 353–382. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Raposo, C.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2021). Corporate Taxes and High-Quality Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, forthcoming.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Andrade, I., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2018). Renegotiations of water concessions: Empirical analysis of main determinants. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(11), 04018073.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Crespo, N. Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A. & Venâncio, A. (2020). Local territorial reform and regional spending efficiency, Local Government Studies, 46(6), 888-910. DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2019.1690995.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Venâncio, A.Silva, S., Venâncio, A., Silva, J. & C. A.Gonçalves, C. (2020), "Open Innovation in Science Parks: The Role of Public Policies", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 151, pp. 119844Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Samagaio, A.SAMAGAIO, A., N.NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, R.RODRIGUES, "Management control systems in high-tech start-ups: an empirical investigation", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2018, vol. 89, no. 2018, pp. 351-360 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Samagaio, A.Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A, Felício, T. (2020), "Corporate governance and R&D investment by European listed companies", Journal of Business Research 115: 289-295. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Samagaio, A.Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., Silva, G. (2019), "The adoption of management control systems by start-Ups: Internal factors and context as determinants", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 101, pp. 875-884 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Raposo, C.OLIVEIRA, V., RAPOSO, C. (2019)"How did regulation and market discipline influence banking distress in Europe? Lessons from the global financial crisis", Studies in Economics and Finance,  vol. 36, no. 4, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.PINTO, I., C.GAIO , T.GONÇALVES, "Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries", The International Journal of Emerging Markets, [season] 2019, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 670-690Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.GONÇALVES, T., T. C., C.GAIO, T.SANTOS, "Mulheres no Board: Elas gerem resultados? Evidência empírica das empresas europeias cotadas", RBGN - Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 2019, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 582-597Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.GONÇALVES, T., T. C., C.GAIO, T.SANTOS, "Women on Board: Do They Manage Earnings? Empirical Evidence from European Listed Firms", Review of Business Management, 2019, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 582-597Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gaio, C.GONÇALVES, T., C.GAIO , E.COSTA, (2020) "Committed vs oportunistic corporate and social responsibility reporting", Journal of Business Research, vol. 115, pp. 417-427Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gaio, C.GAIO, C., T.GONÇALVES, R.AZEVEDO, (2020) "Gestão de resultados: evidência europeia das empresas cotadas versus não cotadas", Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, vol. 30 , no. 76, pp. 77-90Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gaio, C.GONÇALVES, T., C.GAIO, C.LÉLIS, (2020) "Accrual mispricing: Evidence from European sovereign debt crisis", Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 52, no. [journalnumber], pp. 101-111Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Neves, J. C.BARROS, V., M. S., J., C. D. NEVES, "Do managers increase tax disclosure when corporate tax avoidance is high?", International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Neves, J. C.JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES, J., J.PIÑEIRO-CHOUSA, M.VIZCAÍNO-GONZÁLEZ , (2017) "Persistent voting decisions in shareholder meetings", Psychology and Marketing,  vol. 34, no. [journalnumber], pp. 1050–1056Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Mota, J.NOVAIS SANTOS, J., J., J. Q. M.MOTA, C., S. B.MARIA CRISTINA DE ASSIS SALES PINTO BAPTISTA, "The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, [season] 2019,Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Mota, J.JOSÉ MANUEL NOVAIS DE MAGALHÃES SANTOS, J., J., J. Q. M.MOTA, M.MARIA CRISTINA DE ASSIS SALES PINTO BAPTISTA, "Understanding configurations of value creation functions in business relationships using a fuzzy-set QCA", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2018,Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Mota, J.MOTA, J., J. Q. M., L., M.DE CASTRO, "Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects ", Industrial Marketing Management, [season] 2017, vol. in international peer reviewed journals2017
Mota, J.MOTA, J., J. Q. M., L., M.DE CASTRO, C.BRITO, ""Powered by whom?" A network perspective on replication as strategy", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 4732-4736Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Veríssimo, J.VERISSIMO, J. M. C., A.SILVA, "From Fans to Buyers: Antecedents of Sponsor’s Products Purchase Intention", International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, [season] 2020, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 449-466Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Veríssimo, J.VERISSIMO, J. M. C., M. T. B.TIAGO, F.TIAGO, "A Decade of Smart Tourism Research: A Humanware Approach" Forthcoming European Journal of Tourism ResearchPublications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Veríssimo, J.VERISSIMO, J. M. C., M. T. B.TIAGO, F. G.TIAGO, J. S.JARDIM, "Tourism destination brand dimensions: An exploratory approach", Tourism & Management Studies, [season] 2017, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1-8Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Veríssimo, J.VERÍSSIMO, J. M. C., "Usage intensity of mobile medical apps: A tale of two methods", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2017, vol. 89 (August), no. [journalnumber], pp. 442-447Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Veríssimo, J.VERÍSSIMO, J. M. C., "Enablers and restrictors of mobile banking apps use: A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2016, vol. 69, no. [journalnumber], pp. 5456–5460Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Dias Lopes, J.ESTEVÃO, J., J.DIAS LOPES, D.PENELA, J. M.JOSÉ MIGUEL SOARES, "The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2019Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Santos, Jose Novais NOVAIS SANTOS, J., J., J. Q. M.MOTA, C., S. B.MARIA CRISTINA DE ASSIS SALES PINTO BAPTISTA, "The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, [season] 2019Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, Jose Novais JOSÉ MANUEL NOVAIS DE MAGALHÃES SANTOS, J., M.MARIA CRISTINA DE ASSIS SALES PINTO BAPTISTA, "Information exchange within horizontal relationships: a fuzzy-set approach to the role of companies’ characteristics", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5255-5260Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Soares, J. M.ESTEVÃO, J., J.DIAS LOPES, D.PENELA, J. M.JOSÉ MIGUEL SOARES, "The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study", Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Laranja, M.PINTO, H., R.D'EMERY, C.NOGUEIRA, M.LARANJA, "Especialização inteligente e a descoberta empreendedora em Pernambuco", Revista Brasileira de Inovação, [season] 2019, vol. 18 (2), pp. 299-330Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Baptista, C.Santos, J.N., Mota, J. & Baptista, C.S. The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry. Int Entrep Manag J 17, 63–82 (2021). in international peer reviewed journals2019
Baptista, C.MARIA CRISTINA DE ASSIS SALES PINTO BAPTISTA, M., J.SANTOS, "Internationalization through strategic nets: multiplayer partnerships role on market entry barriers", Industrial Marketing Management, [season] 2016, vol. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., &, Soares, M.E. (2021), "Linking career management practices with individual outcomes: The mediating role of perceived employability", Journal of Business Research, 124: 547-559 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mosquera, P.Soares, M.E., Mosquera, P. & Cid, M. (2021), "Antecedents of Innovative Behaviour:Knowledge Sharing, Open Innovation Climate and Internal Communication", International Journal of Innovation and Learning, [season] 2020Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mosquera, P.MOSQUERA, P., H.LOPES, N.RAMALHO, "Perceptions of Performance Appraisal Instrumentalization: When Accuracy is not the Point", Management Decision,Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, M.E.SOARES, M., E., P.MOSQUERA, "Fostering Work Engagement: the role of the psychological contract", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2019, vPublications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Duarte, M.MIRANDA, S., P.CUNHA, M.MARIA MARGARIDA DE MELO COELHO DUARTE, "An integrated model of factors affecting consumer attitudes and intentions towards youtuber-generated product content", Review of Managerial Science, [season] 2019, vol. [journalvolum], no. [journalnumber], pp. 1-19Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Duarte, M.JOSÉ AUGUSTO DE JESUS FELÍCIO, J., M.MARIA MARGARIDA DE MELO COELHO DUARTE, R.RODRIGUES, "Global mindset and SMEs’ internationalization with fuzzy-sets QCA approach", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2016, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1372–1378Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Caldeira, M.Dhillon, G., Oliveira, T., Susarapu, S. & Caldeira, M. (2016) "Deciding between information security and usability: Developing value based objectives.", Computers in Human Behavior, 61: 656-666 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Caldeira, M.FERNANDES, J., C., M., F.CALDEIRA, "Benefits realization of an IT implementation in a Bank - a case study using BMS", European Journal of Management Studies , [season] 2019, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 79-94 DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Jerónimo, H.PAULO ALEXANDRE GUEDES LOPES HENRIQUES, P., C.CARLA MARIA MARQUES CURADO, H.HELENA JERÓNIMO, J.MARTINS, "Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation", Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, [season] 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 18-24Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Jerónimo, H.DA SILVA, F. P., H. M.JERÓNIMO, P.VIEIRA, "Leadership competencies revisited: A causal configuration analysis of success in the requirements phase of information systems projects", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2019, vol. 101, pp. 688-696Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., C. F.CRESPO, "Global innovation index: moving beyond the absolute value of ranking with a fuzzy-set analysis", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5265-5271Publications in international peer reviewed journals2016
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., "Cross-cultural Differences in the Entrepreneurial Activity of Men and Women: a Fuzzy-set Approach", Gender in Management: An International Journal, [season] 2017, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 281-299Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., R.RICARDO FIGUEIREDO BELCHIOR, E. B. C.BARTOLOMEU COSTA, "Exploring individual differences in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions: Evidence from Angola", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, [season] 2018, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-30Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., R.BELCHIOR, E.COSTA, "Exploring individual differences in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions: evidence from Angola", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, [season] 2018, vol. [journalvolum], no. [journalnumber], pp. [pages]Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Crespo, N. SAMAGAIO, A., N.NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, R.RODRIGUES, "Management control systems in high-tech start-ups: an empirical investigation", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2018, vol. 89, no. 2018, pp. 351-360Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., R.RODRIGUES, A.SAMAGAIO, G., M.GRAÇA MIRANDA SILVA, "The adoption of management control systems by start-Ups: Internal factors and context as determinants", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2019, vol. 101, no. [journalnumber], pp. 875-884Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., D.AURÉLIO, "Between Domestic and International New Ventures: The Relevance of Entrepreneurs’ and Firms’ Characteristics" Forthcoming European Journal of International ManagementPublications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., C.CRESPO, L.LAGES, "Improving subsidiaries’ innovation through knowledge inflows from headquarters and peer subsidiaries", Journal of International Management, [season] 2020, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1-16Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Crespo, N. Crespo, N., Simões, V. & Fontes, M. (2020), Competitive strategies and international new ventures' performance: Exploring the moderating effects of internationalization duration and preparation, Business Research Quarterly, 23(2): 120-140. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Belchior, R. NUNO FERNANDES CRESPO, N., R.RICARDO FIGUEIREDO BELCHIOR, E. B. C.BARTOLOMEU COSTA, "Exploring individual differences in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions: Evidence from Angola", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, [season] 2018, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-30Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Belchior, R. BELCHIOR, R., F., R.LYONS, "Explaining Entrepreneurial Intentions, Nascent Entrepreneurial Behavior and New Business Creation with Social Cognitive Career Theory - A 5-Year Longitudinal Analysis", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, [season] 2020,Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Lacerda, T.Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P., Lacerda, T., Da Silva, F. & Vieira, P. (2020). Going green and sustainable: The influence of green HR practices on the organizational rationale for sustainability, Journal of Business Research, 112: 413-421. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Lacerda, T.Jerónimo, H.M., Lacerda, T.C., & Henriques, P.L. (2020), “From sustainable HRM to employee performance: A complex and intertwined road”, European Management Review, 17(4), 871-884. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Santos, R., Abreu, A., Dias, A., Calado, J. M. F., Anes, V., & Soares, J. M. (2020). A Framework for Risk Assessment in Collaborative Networks to Promote Sustainable Systems in Innovation Ecosystems. Sustainability, 12 (15), 6218. doi:10.3390/su12156218Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Santos, R., Abreu, A., Soares, J. M., Mendes, F., & Calado, J. M. F. (2020). A Soft Computing Framework to Support Consumers in Obtaining Sustainable Appliances from the Market. Applied Sciences, 10 (9), 3206. doi:10.3390/app10093206Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Mendes, F., & Soares, J. M. (2020). Financial KPI Analysis in the Implementation of DMAIC in a Pharmaceutical Organization - a Case Study. International Journal for Quality Research, 15(1), doi 10.24874/IJQR15.01-11 (In press).Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Venâncio, A.Venâncio, A. & Pinto, I. (2020) Type of Entrepreneurial Activity and Sustainable
Development Goals, Sustainability, 12, 9368 doi:10.3390/su12229368
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pinto, I.Venâncio, A. & Pinto, I. (2020) Type of Entrepreneurial Activity and Sustainable
Development Goals, Sustainability, 12, 9368 doi:10.3390/su12229368
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. N. (2021) Linking joint value creation to the interplay of competition and cooperation: A fuzzy set approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 92: 45-54Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Veríssimo, J.Freire, R. & Veríssimo, J. (2020) Mapping co-creation and co-destruction in tourism: A bibliographic coupling analysis, Anatolia in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pereira, J.A.Viegas, C. & Pereira, J.A. (2020) A Quasi-Closed-Form Solution for the Valuation of American Put Options", International Journal of Financial Studies, 8 (62) in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pereira, J.A.Silva, J. & Pereira, J. A. (2020) "Novo Banco – what good out of a bad bank?", The CASE Journal, 16 (5): 551-584 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pereira, J.A.Silva, J. & Pereira, J. A. (2019) "Subsidizing a Wealthy Company", The CASE Journal, 15 (6) in international peer reviewed journals2019
Mota, J.Mota, J. & Santos, J.N. (2021) Dynamic roles of suppliers in the specification of business services, Technological Forecasting and Social Change
164: 120523
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, Jose Novais Mota, J. & Santos, J.N. (2021) Dynamic roles of suppliers in the specification of business services, Technological Forecasting and Social Change
164: 120523
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Morais, A.Albuquerque, D., A. Morais e I. Pinto (2020), The role of banking supervision on risk disclosures and financial reporting quality, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 22 (4): 932-948. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pinto, I.Albuquerque, D., A. Morais e I. Pinto (2020), The role of banking supervision on risk disclosures and financial reporting quality, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 22 (4): 932-948. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Morais, A.Morais, A. (2020), Are Changes in International Accounting Standards Making Them More Complex?, Accounting Forum, 44 (1): 35-63. DOI:10.1080/01559982.2019.1573781.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Samagaio, A.Felicio, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124, 593-602 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Felicio, T.Felicio, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124, 593-602 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Felicio, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124, 593-602 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Frias, A. Água, P., Frias, A., Carrasqueira, M. & Daniel, J. (2020) Future of maritime education and training: blending hard and soft skills. Scientific Journal of Maritime Research (Pomorstvo), 34: 345-353 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Raposo, C.Oliveira, V. B. & Raposo, C., (2021). “The Determinants of European Banks’ Capital Structure: Is there a Difference between Public and Private Banks?”, International Journal of Central Banking, 17(3): 155-202. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pedron, C.Klein, A., Sørensen, C., Freitas, A., Pedron, C. & Elaluf-calderwood, S. (2020). Understanding controversies in digital platform innovation processes: The Google Glass case. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152 (8): 119883, 2020. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pedron, C.Narazaki, R., Chaves, M. & Pedron, C. (2020). A project knowledge management framework grounded in design science research. Knowledge and Process Management. 27(3):197-210. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pedron, C.Narazaki, R., Chaves, M. & Pedron, C. (2020). Social media in knowledge management: A holistic knowledge funnel based on a retrospective 10-year study in top-tier journals. Knowledge and Process Management (Online); 27(2): 123-132. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pedron, C.Soares, R. Chaves, M. & Pedron, C. (2020). W4RM: A prescriptive framework based on a wiki to support collaborative risk management in information technology projects. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 8 (1): 67-83. DOI: 10.12821/ijispm080104Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pedron, C.Vasconcelos, V., Silveira, A., Pedron, C. & Andrade, D. (2020). Intenção Empreendedora, Comportamento empreendedor inicial e Teoria Sociocognitiva do Desenvolvimento de Carreira. 4) REGEPE, 9 (8): 159-188. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Silva, F.Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P., Lacerda, T., Da Silva, F. & Vieira, P. (2020). Going green and sustainable: The influence of green HR practices on the organizational rationale for sustainability, Journal of Business Research, 112: 413-421. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Silva, F.DA SILVA, F. P., H. M.JERÓNIMO, P.VIEIRA, "Leadership competencies revisited: A causal configuration analysis of success in the requirements phase of information systems projects", Journal of Business Research, [season] 2019, vol. 101, pp. 688-696 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P., Lacerda, T., Da Silva, F. & Vieira, P. (2020). Going green and sustainable: The influence of green HR practices on the organizational rationale for sustainability, Journal of Business Research, 112: 413-421. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Vieira, R.P.Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P., Lacerda, T., Da Silva, F. & Vieira, P. (2020). Going green and sustainable: The influence of green HR practices on the organizational rationale for sustainability, Journal of Business Research, 112: 413-421. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Tiago, F.Borges‐Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Silva, O., Guaita Martínez, J. M., & Botella‐Carrubi, D. (2020). Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management. Psychology & Marketing, 37(9), 1171-1184. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Tiago, T.Borges‐Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Silva, O., Guaita Martínez, J. M., & Botella‐Carrubi, D. (2020). Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management. Psychology & Marketing, 37(9), 1171-1184. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Arruda, C., Tiago, F., & Rita, P. Differences between TripAdvisor and in branding co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 123, 380-388. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Arruda, C., Tiago, F., & Rita, P. Differences between TripAdvisor and in branding co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 123, 380-388. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Silva, G.Jahanmir, S. F., Silva, G.M., Gomes, P. & Gonçalves, H.M. (2020). Determinants of users’ continuance intention towards digital innovations: Are late adopters different?. Journal of Business Research, 115(July), 225-233. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Silva, G.Pinheiro, J.M, Silva, G.M, Dias, A., Lages, L.F., & Preto, M.T. (2020). Fostering Knowledge Creation to Improve Performance: the Mediation Role of Manufacturing Flexibility. Business Process Management Journal, 26(7), 1871-1892. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, H. Jahanmir, S. F., Silva, G.M., Gomes, P. & Gonçalves, H.M. (2020). Determinants of users’ continuance intention towards digital innovations: Are late adopters different?. Journal of Business Research, 115(July), 225-233. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Jerónimo, H.Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P., Lacerda, T., Da Silva, F. & Vieira, P. (2020). Going green and sustainable: The influence of green HR practices on the organizational rationale for sustainability, Journal of Business Research, 112: 413-421. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Jerónimo, H.Jerónimo, H.M., Lacerda, T.C., & Henriques, P.L. (2020), “From sustainable HRM to employee performance: A complex and intertwined road”, European Management Review, 17(4), 871-884. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Jerónimo, H.Jerónimo, H.M., Henriques, P.L, & Lacerda, T.C. (2020), Green perceptions or green practices: What are the strongest influences on work engagement?, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, 6(4), 454-461. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, H. Roque, A., Moreira, J.M., Dias Figueiredo, J., Albuquerque, R. and Gonçalves, H. (2020), "Ethics beyond leadership: can ethics survive bad leadership?", Journal of Global Responsibility, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp. 275-294. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pinto, I.Pinto, I., A. Morais e R. Quick (2020), The impact of the precision of accounting standards on the expanded auditor´s report, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 40. DOI: in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pinto, I.Aust, V., Morais, A. & Pinto, I. (2020). How Does Foreign Direct Investment Contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from African countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245: 1-10. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Fernandes, J. Silva, V. G., & Fernandes, J. C. (2020). Use of the Benefits Management Methodology in an Insurance Company: Case Study. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 16(4), 1–13. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Estevão, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Estevão, J.Estevão, J., Raposo, C. & Dias Lopes, J. (2018) "The Paris Agreement and electricity prices in markets outside the EU", Contemporary Economics, 12 (4): 419-432. DOI:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.287 in international peer reviewed journals2018
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. & Raposo,C. (2018) The impact of the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework Agreement on electricity prices in MIBEL: A mixed-methods approach, Journal of Business ResearchPublications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Estevão, J.Penela, D., Estevão, J. & Gregory, A. (2019) “Accounting and financial antecedents of corporate spin-offs in the lodging industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83: 151-158. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Penela, D.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Sarmento J. & Renneboog, L. (2021), “Renegotiating Public-Private Partnerships”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P., Sarmento, J. & Vieira P.(2021), “Do shareholders activists influence manager’s decisions on firm’s dividend policy: a mixed-method study”, Journal of Business Research 122: 387-397 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Barros, V., Matos, P., Sarmento, J. & Vieira P.(2021), “Do shareholders activists influence manager’s decisions on firm’s dividend policy: a mixed-method study”, Journal of Business Research 122: 387-397 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Matos, P., Sarmento, J. & Vieira P.(2021), “Do shareholders activists influence manager’s decisions on firm’s dividend policy: a mixed-method study”, Journal of Business Research 122: 387-397 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Vieira, R.P.Silva, Filipa Pires da, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, & Pedro Rino Vieira (2019), “Leadership competencies revisited: A causal configuration analysis of success in the requirements phase of information systems projects”, Journal of Business Research, 101, 688-696, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Sarmento, J.Matos, P.V., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. (2020) Does ESG Affect the Stability of Dividend Policies?”, Sustainability, 12(21), 8804; in international peer reviewed journals2020
Matos, P. V.Matos, P.V., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. (2020) Does ESG Affect the Stability of Dividend Policies?”, Sustainability, 12(21), 8804; in international peer reviewed journals2020
Barros, V.Matos, P.V., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. (2020) Does ESG Affect the Stability of Dividend Policies?”, Sustainability, 12(21), 8804; in international peer reviewed journals2020
Barros, V.Barros, V., Sarmento, J. & Sousa, J. (2020), “Market reaction and firm value in the award of highway concessions”, Case Studies on Transport Policy 8(4): 1468-1477 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Sarmento, J. & Sousa, J. (2020), “Market reaction and firm value in the award of highway concessions”, Case Studies on Transport Policy 8(4): 1468-1477 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Viana, L., Sarmento, J., Moreira, J. & Alves, P. (2020), “The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Public Accounts: The Portuguese Roads Sector”, Financial Accountability & Management, 1-24. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C. & Sarmento; J. (2020), “Mobility as a Service” platforms: using digitalization to increase the sustainability of transportation systems”, Sustainability, 12 (16), 63-68 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Costa, C.Costa, C., Aparicio, M., & Raposo, J. (2020). Determinants of the management learning performance in ERP context. Heliyon, 6(4), e03689. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Costa, C.Fernandes, N., Moro, S., Costa, C., & Aparício, M. (2020). Factors influencing charter flight departure delay. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 34, 100413. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Costa, C.Pedrosa, I., Costa, C., & Aparicio, M. (2020). Determinants adoption of computer-assisted auditing tools (CAATs). Cognition, Technology & Work, 22: 565-583. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Coss, D. L., & Dhillon, G. (2020). A Framework for auditing and strategizing to ensure cloud privacy. Journal of Information Systems, 34 (2): 47-63. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Smith, K.J. and Dhillon, G. (2019), "Assessing blockchain potential for improving the cybersecurity of financial transactions", Managerial Finance, 46 (6): 833-848. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.V.Simplício, R., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2020). Pilot portfolio model: Portuguese Navy. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM), 9(3) article 4. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Romão, M.Simplício, R., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2020). Pilot portfolio model: Portuguese Navy. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM), 9(3) article 4. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Veríssimo, J.Silva, A. & Veríssimo, J. (2020). From Fans to Buyers: Antecedents of Sponsor’s Products Purchase Intention. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 21(3), 449-466. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Veríssimo, J.Freire, R. & Veríssimo, J. (2020). Mapping co-creation and co-destruction in tourism: a bibliographic coupling analysis. Anatolia, 1-11. Published Online. (1 dezembro 2020). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., Soares, M. E., & Oliveira, D. (2020). Do intrinsic rewards matter for real estate agents? Journal of European Real Estate Research, 13 (2), 207-222. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, M.E.Mosquera, P., Soares, M. E., & Oliveira, D. (2020). Do intrinsic rewards matter for real estate agents? Journal of European Real Estate Research, 13 (2), 207-222. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Estevão, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Penela, D.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J., Penela, D. & Soares, J. (2020) “The Doing Business ranking and the GDP. A qualitative study”, Journal of Business Research, 115: 435-442. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2020). Information searching in the mobile environment: Differences in involvement dimensions among product categories. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 162, 120379 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, S. Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2020). Information searching in the mobile environment: Differences in involvement dimensions among product categories. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 162, 120379 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, J. M.Santos, R., Abreu, A., Dias, A., Calado, J. M. F., Anes, V., & Soares, J. M. (2020). A Framework for Risk Assessment in Collaborative Networks to Promote Sustainable Systems in Innovation Ecosystems. Sustainability, 12, 6218. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Santos, R., Abreu, A., Soares, J. M., Mendes, F., & Calado, J. M. F. (2020). A Soft Computing Framework to Support Consumers in Obtaining Sustainable Appliances from the Market. Applied Sciences, 10, 3206. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Soares, J. M.Mendes, F., & Soares, J. M. (2021). Financial KPI Analysis in the Implementation of DMAIC in a Pharmaceutical Organization - a Case Study. International Journal for Quality Research, 15(1), doi 10.24874/IJQR15.01-11 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Oliveira, M., Curado, C., Balle, A. & Kianto, A. (2020). Knowledge sharing, intellectual capital and organizational results in SMEs: Are they related?. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 21 (6), 893-911. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Porto, J., & Oliveira, M. (2020). The Smart Cities MethodoLogy based on public value: The first evaluation cycle. BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, 17, Brasil, p. 1-24. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Santos, R., Bragagnolo, G., Oliveira, M., Chaves, M. (2020). Exploring knowledge management within teams from a social capital perspective: a literature review. GESTÃO & PRODUÇÃO, v. 27, p. 1-15.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, M.Balle, A., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2020). Knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity: Interdependency and complementarity. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(8), 1943-1964. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gomes, J. F. S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2020). The association between human resource management and organisational performance: A literature review. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 10(3), 266-291. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gomes, J. F. S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). Employees’ perceptions and understanding the effect of human resources on organisational performance. Knowledge and Performance Management, 3(1), 46-63.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J. F. S.Marques, T., Crespo, C., Menon, S.T., Gomes, J.F.S. & Gilmartin, S.R. (2019). Culture and Love of Money: Evidence from the Iberian Peninsula and US Residents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41(4), 550-571. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J. F. S.Marques, T., Ferreira, M.P. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). Understanding cheating behaviours: Proactive and reactive intentions. Ethics and Education, 14(4), 415-429. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J. F. S.Marques, T., Reis, N. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). A bibliometric study on academic dishonesty research. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17(2), 169-191.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J. F. S.Colaço, M.C., Coelho, F., Gomes, J.F.S. & Sousa, C.M.P. (2019). Personal values and the features of psychological contracts. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(4), 1111-1123.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J. F. S.Gallon, S., Scheffer, A.B.B., Gomes, J.F.S. & Corte, F.D. (2019). As diferenças culturais e socioeconômicas e o impacto na internacionalização empresarial: Um estudo comparativo entre duas empresas multinacionais. Desenvolvimento em Questão, 17(49), 222-246.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Crespo, N.Crespo, C., Lages, L.F. & Crespo, N. (2020). Improving Subsidiaries’ Innovation Through Knowledge Inflows from Headquarters and Peer Subsidiaries. Journal of International Management, 26 (4) 100803. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Crespo, C.Crespo, C., Lages, L.F. & Crespo, N. (2020). Improving Subsidiaries’ Innovation Through Knowledge Inflows from Headquarters and Peer Subsidiaries. Journal of International Management, 26 (4) 100803. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Crespo, N.Crespo, N., Simões, V. & Fontes, M. (2020), Competitive strategies and international new ventures' performance: Exploring the moderating effects of internationalization duration and preparation, Business Research Quarterly, 23(2): 120-140. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Simões, V. C.Crespo, N., Simões, V. & Fontes, M. (2020), Competitive strategies and international new ventures' performance: Exploring the moderating effects of internationalization duration and preparation, Business Research Quarterly, 23(2): 120-140. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Crespo, N.Crespo, N. & Aurélio, D. (2020), Between domestic and international new venture: the relevance of entrepreneurs' and firms' characteristics, European Journal of International Management, 14(1): 28-54. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Henriques, P.Jerónimo, H.M., Lacerda, T.C., & Henriques, P.L. (2020), “From sustainable HRM to employee performance: A complex and intertwined road”, European Management Review, 17(4), 871-884. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Henriques, P.Jerónimo, H.M., Henriques, P.L, & Lacerda, T.C. (2020), Green perceptions or green practices: What are the strongest influences on work engagement?, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, 6(4), 454-461. DOI: 10.15341/mese(2333-2581)/04.06.2020/004 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Henriques, P.Henriques, P., Curado, C., Jerónimo, H. & Martins, J. (2019), “Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1), 18-23, DOI in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Oliveira, M., Curado, C., Henriques, P.L. (2019) "Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis" Journal of Business Research, 101, 777-782 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Henriques, P.Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Maçada, A.C.G. (2019) "Publishing? You can count on knowledge, experience, and expectations" Quality and Quantity, 53(3): 1301-1324 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Isaías, P.Clarke, J.-A., Liu, Y. & Isaias, P. (2020). Critical Success Factors for Implementing Learning Analytics in Higher Education: A Mixed-Method Inquiry. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET), 36(6), Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Isaías, P.Isaias, P., Miranda, P., & Pifano, S. (2020). Framework for Web 2.0 Implementation in Higher Education: Experts Validation. Higher Education Quarterly, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Isaías, P.Rebelo, S. & Isaias, P. (2020). Gamification as an engagement tool in e-learning websites. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 833-854. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Isaías, P.Falcao, J., & Isaias, P. (2020). Perceptions and Attitude Toward Advertising on Social Networks and Search Engines: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Internet Commerce, 19(4), 404-436, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Isaías, P.Quadir, B., Chen, N.-S. & Isaias, P. (2020): Analyzing the Educational Goals, Problems and Techniques used in Educational Big Data Research from 2010 to 2018, Interactive Learning Environments, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Isaías, P.Isaias, P., Carvalho, L.C., Cassundé Junior, N. and Cassundé, F. R. (2020). e-Business Management Assessment: Framework Proposal through Case Study Analysis. Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES).18 (2): 237-254 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Isaías, P.Pífano, S., Isaias, P. & Miranda, P. (2021). Successful Implementation of Web 2.0 in Non-Profit Organisations: A Case Study. In J. Pelet (Ed.), Handbook of Research on User Experience in Web 2.0 Technologies and Its Impact on Universities and Businesses (pp. 353-370). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Matos, P. V.Rosati, N., Bellia, M, Matos, P.V., Oliveira, V. (2020) Ratings matter: Announcements in times of crisis and the dynamics of stock markets, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 64, 101166 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Matos, P. V.Rodrigues, R., Felicio, J. & Matos, P.V. (2020) Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in the Presence of Controlling Shareholders, Journal Risk Financial Management. 13(8), 162; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Rodrigues, R.Rodrigues, R., Felicio, J. & Matos, P.V. (2020) Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in the Presence of Controlling Shareholders, Journal Risk Financial Management. 13(8), 162; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Felicio, J.Rodrigues, R., Felicio, J. & Matos, P.V. (2020) Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in the Presence of Controlling Shareholders, Journal Risk Financial Management. 13(8), 162; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santiago, J.Santiago, J. (2020). Integrating knowledge and employer brand management: A conceptual model. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 8(1), 63-84. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santiago, J.Santiago, J. (2020). The influence of internal communication satisfaction on employees’ organizational identification: Effect of perceived organizational support. Journal of Economics and Management, 42(4), 70-98. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santiago, J.Santiago, J., & Castelo, I. (2020). Digital influencers: An exploratory study of influencer marketing campaign process on Instagram. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 8(2), 31-52. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Santiago, J.Santiago, J., Magueta, D., & Dias, C. (2020). Consumer attitudes towards fashion influencers on Instagram: Impact of perceptions and online trust on purchase intention. Issues in Information Systems, 21(1). Doi: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Belchior, R. Belchior, R.F., Lyons, R. (2021). Explaining entrepreneurial intentions, nascent entrepreneurial behavior and new business creation with social cognitive career theory – a 5-year longitudinal analysis. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17(4), pp. 1945–1972. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Gonçalves, V., Sarmento, J., & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. 34(1): 998-1012 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., Felício, T. (2020). Corporate governance and R&D investment by European listed companies. Journal of Business Research, 115, 289–295. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Samonas, Spyridon; Dhillon, Gurpreet; Almusharraf, Ahlam. "Stakeholder perceptions of information security policy: Analyzing personal constructs". International Journal of Information Management 50 (2020): 144-154. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Dhillon, G.. "Editorial". Journal of Information Systems Security 16 2 (2020): 77-77. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Coss, D.L.; Dhillon, G.. "A framework for auditing and strategizing to ensure cloud privacy". Journal of Information Systems 34 2 (2020): 47-63. 10.2308/isys-17-046Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Dhillon, G.Dhillon, G.; Talib, Y.Y.A.; Picoto, W.N.. "The mediating role of psychological empowerment in information security compliance intentions". Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 1 (2020): 152-174. 10.17705/1jais.00595Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Picoto, W.Dhillon, G., Talib, Y. & Picoto, W. (2020). "The mediating role of psychological empowerment in information security compliance intentions". Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 1 (2020): 152-174. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Oliveira, S.Oliveira, S., & Duarte, C.; "The job search journey of Portuguese Millennials: a qualitative exploratory study", European Journal of Management Studies, 25(2): 53-75. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Nunes, S.Dhillon, S. & Nunes, S. (2020). Interpreting individual values for information privacy and security. Journal of Information System Security, 16(2)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Lourenço, S.Lourenço, S. (2020),"Do self-reported motivators really motivate higher performance?", Management Accounting Research 47: 1-13 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, T.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T., & Azevedo, R. (2020). Earnings Management: Evidence of Listed and Unlisted Companies In Europe. Innovar, 30 (76), 77-90. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Costa, E. (2020). Committed vs opportunistic corporate and social responsibility reporting. Journal of Business Research, 115, 417-427. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Lélis, C. (2020). Accrual mispricing: Evidence from European sovereign debt crisis. Research in International Business and Finance, 52, 101-111. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., & Gaio, C. (2021). The role of management accounting systems in global value strategies. Journal of Business Research, 124: 603-609 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2020). "Enlightenment value theories and the three levels in fair value accounting". Accounting History, 20(4), 625-635. in international peer reviewed journals2020
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardão-Pito, T. (2020), "Editorial: the EJMS starts being published by Emerald", European Journal of Management Studies , 25 (1), 3-4 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardão-Pito, T. (2020), "Editorial: the journal launches its first annual meeting", European Journal of Management Studies, 25(2): 51-52.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Picoto, W.Fonseca, P. & Picoto, w. (2020) “The Competencies Needed for Digital Transformation” Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 8(2): 53-70. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Picoto, W.Curth, M, Picoto, W., Garcia, A & Neto, A. (2020) “Confiança em compras on-line: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Marketing”, Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 19, p. 237-260. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Felício, J.Caldeirinha, V., Felício, J., Salvador, A., Nabais, J. & Pinho, T. (2020), The impact of port community systems (PCS) characteristics on performance, Research in Transportation Economics, 80, 100818, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Felício, J.Porfírio, J., Felício, J. & Carrilho, T. (2020) Family business succession: Analysis of the drivers of success based on entrepreneurship theory, Journal of Business Research, 115: 250-257, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Felício, J.Alonso Dos Santos, M., Llanos Contreras, O., Calabuig Moreno, F. & Augusto Felicio, J. (2020), "Should a family firm communicate their family identity and country of origin? A cross-cultural study from Chile and Spain", International Journal of Emerging Markets, in international peer reviewed journals2020
Pereira, J.A.Silva, J., Souto, N. & Pereira, J. (2019), "Valuation of compounded deferred tax assets for the banking sector, using the binomial CRR algorithm" Cogent Business & Management (2019), 6: 1653543 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Pereira, J.A.Silva, J. Souto, N. & Pereira, J. (2021) Closed form solution for the valuation of deferred tax assets, Journal of Accounting and Taxation 13(1): 1-15 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, S.M.Gonçalves, A., Silva, R. & Teixeira, N. (2019) Individual actors and embeddedness in business-to-business interactions, Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 181-191. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gomes, J.F.S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2020). The association between human resource management and organisational performance: A literature review. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 10(3), 266-291. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Felicio, J.A. Medina-Molina, C., Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J.A., & Paguillo, I.R. (2019). Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capital. Review of Managerial Science, 13(3), 529-543. in international peer reviewed journals2019
Felicio, J.A. Felício, J.A., Caldeirinha, V. & Dutra, A. (2019) Ambidextrous capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises, Journal of Business Research 101: 607-614 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. Dias Lopes, J., & Penela, D. (2021) “The Doing Business ranking and the design of public policies: The effect of regional dynamics”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34:1, 2469-2483 IF 3.080; Q2; SJR 0.565 FIISEG C+ Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J. & Penela, D. 2021 "The Doing Business ranking and the design of public policies: The effect of regional dynamics", Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, in international peer reviewed journals2021
Penela, D.Estevão, J., Dias Lopes, J. & Penela, D. 2021 "The Doing Business ranking and the design of public policies: The effect of regional dynamics", Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. N. & Baptista C. (2021) “Development of dyadic relationships between competitors within multi-actor alliances”. Journal of business and industrial marketing in international peer reviewed journals2021
Baptista, C.Santos, J. N. & Baptista C. (2021) “Development of dyadic relationships between competitors within multi-actor alliances”. Journal of business and industrial marketing in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J. (2020). Editorial: Corporate governance and ownership: Changing towards an accountable, sustainable, responsible but profitable corporation. Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(1), 4-6. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., & Monteiro, A. G. (2020). A configurational approach to the determinants of women on boards. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(4), 100-109. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Guedes, M. J.Imaginário, J., & Guedes, M. J. (2020). Governance and government debt. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 10(3), 34-49. DOI:10.22495/rgcv10i3p3Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Guedes, M. J.Geller, G. & Guedes, M. J. (2020). Political institutions and investor protection [Special issue]. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(4), 339- 352. DOI:10.22495/cocv17i4siart11 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. C., Guedes, M.J., Pagano, M. & Olson, G. (2020). Industry profitability matters: The value of venture sustainable growth rate and distance from bankruptcy as enablers of venture survival. Journal of Business Research, 114, 80-92. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Henriques, R.Gaio, C. & Henriques, R. (2018), “Are large firms more profitable than small and medium firms in the European Union?”, The European Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), 25-48. in international peer reviewed journals2018
Santos, S. Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2019). Multichannel consumer behaviors in the mobile environment: Using fsQCA and discriminant analysis to understand webrooming motivations. Journal of Business Research, 101, 757-766. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.069Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Lacerda, T.Jerónimo, H.M., Henriques, P.L, & Lacerda, T.C. (2020), Green perceptions or green practices: What are the strongest influences on work engagement?, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, 6(4), 454-461. DOI: 10.15341/mese(2333-2581)/04.06.2020/004 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2020
Baptista, C.Santos, Jose Novais; Baptista, Cristina Sales. "Development of dyadic relationships between competitors within multi-actor alliances". Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing ahead-of-p ahead-of-p (2021): in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C. and Mota, A. (2021). A systematic literature review on sustainability in family firms. Sustainability, 13(7), 3824 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Galende, J. and Curado, C. (2021) Contributions to Sustainability: Human Resources, Sustainable Product Innovation Performance and the Mediating Role of Employee Creativity. Sustainability in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C. and Sousa, I. (2021). Training evaluation of a sales program in cosmetics. Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Melati, C., Janissek-Muniz, R. and Curado, C. (2021). Qualidade decisória dos gestores públicos: contribuições da Inteligência e Gestão do Conhecimento/ Decision-Making Quality of Public Managers: Contributions from Intelligence and Knowledge Management, Revista de Administração Contemporânea / Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(2), e190044 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Curado, C. and Galende, J. (2021). How does the use of information technologies affect the adoption of environmental practices in SMEs? A mixed-methods approach. Review of Managerial Science, 15(1), 75-102. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Morais, A.Penela, D., A. Morais e A. Gregory (2019), Is timeshare good for firm value and profitability? Evidence from segment reporting, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 31, N.º 8, pp. 3231-3248. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2018-0557.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Aust, Viktoria, A. Morais e Inês Pinto (2019), How does foreign direct investment contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from African countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118823.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Morais, A. e I. Pinto (2019), What matters in key audit matters disclosure: evidence from Europe, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Vol. 30, N.º 2, pp. 145-162. DOI: 10.1111/jifm.12095.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Morais, A. e I. Pinto (2019), Pension plans assumptions: the case of discount rate, Accounting Research Journal, Vol. 32 (1), pp. 36-49, DOI: 10.1108/ARJ-02-2018-0041.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Morais, A.Penela, D., A. Morais e A. Gregory (2019), An Analytical Inquiry on Timeshare Research: A Continuously Growing Segment, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, pp. 132-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.04.003Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Matos, P. V.Evans, A., Matos, P.V. & Santos, V. (2019) “The state as a large-scale aggregator: statist neoliberalismo and waste management in Portugal” Contemporary Politics, 25 (3): 353-372 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, S.M.Gonçalves, A. & Silva, R. (2021) Discussing the potential of the institutional theory to leverage service-dominant logic advancements. European Journal of Management Studies Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, S.M.Santos, D., Gonçalves, S. & Laranja, M. (2021) "Drivers, Processes and Outcomes of STI and DUI modes of innovation: a Systematic Review". International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (2021)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Carvalho, V.Carvalho, V. & Gaspar, R. (2021) “Relativistic Option Pricing” International Journal Financial Studies 9(2), 32; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Costa, A., Cruz, C., Sarmento J. & Sousa, V. (2021), “Empirical analysis on the effects of ownership model (public vs private) in the efficiency of urban rail firms”. Sustainability, 13(23), 13346. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros V., Falcão P.F. & Sarmento, J.M. (2021), “Are more sustainable firms able to operate with lower working capital requirements?”, Finance Research Letters, 102407 (in press) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Barros V., Falcão P.F. & Sarmento, J.M. (2021), “Are more sustainable firms able to operate with lower working capital requirements?”, Finance Research Letters, 102407 (in press) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Januário J., Costa A., Cruz C.O., Sarmento, J.M. & Sousa V. (2021), “Transport infrastructure, accessibility and spillover effects: empirical analysis of the Portuguese real estate market in the period 2000-2018”, Research in Transportation Economics, 90, 101130 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Barros, V., Cruz, C. Judice, T. & Sarmento, J. (2021), “Is taxation being effectively used in promoting public transport in Europe?”, Transport Policy, 114: 215-224 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Cruz, C. Judice, T. & Sarmento, J. (2021), “Is taxation being effectively used in promoting public transport in Europe?”, Transport Policy, 114: 215-224 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Barros, V., Guedes, M. J., Santos, P., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does CEO turnover influence dividend policy?. Finance Research Letters, 102085 (in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Guedes, M. J., Santos, P., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does CEO turnover influence dividend policy?. Finance Research Letters, 102085 (in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Barros, V., Guedes, M. J., Santos, P., & Sarmento, J. M. (2022). Does CEO turnover influence dividend policy?. Finance Research Letters, 44: 102085. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Sarmento, J. & Renneboog, L. (2021), “Renegotiating Public-Private Partnerships”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 59, 100661 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Curado, C., Tai, S. H., Oliveira, M., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Levels and dimensions of diversity in small businesses: contributions for performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C., Tai, S. H., Oliveira, M., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Levels and dimensions of diversity in small businesses: contributions for performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Curado, C., Tai, S. H., Oliveira, M., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Levels and dimensions of diversity in small businesses: contributions for performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Barros, V., Chilumbo, D., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does privatisation affect industries and firms’capital structure in Europe?. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10 (2): 166–178. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Chilumbo, D., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does privatisation affect industries and firms’capital structure in Europe?. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10 (2): 166–178. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Catalão, F. P., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Determinants of cost deviations and overruns in UK transport projects. In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, pp. 1-11. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Catalão, F. P., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021), “The determinants of time overruns in Portuguese public projects”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 27 (2) in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Highway Traffic and Management: The Case Study of an Operator Perspective. Sustainability, 13(9), 5320. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, S. Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2021). The consumer decision journey: A literature review of the foundational models and theories and a future perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121117. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. M. (2021). The consumer decision journey: A literature review of the foundational models and theories and a future perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121117. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Nunes, S.Monzelo,P. & Nunes,S. (2021) Information Security Awareness and Its Impact on the CISO's Responsibilities — A Study of the Portuguese Environment, Journal of Information System Security, 17 (2)Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Laranja, M.Santos, D., Gonçalves, S. & Laranja, M. (2021) “Drivers, Processes, and Outcomes of the STI and DUI Modes of Innovation: A Systematic Review” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, S. M.Santos, D., Gonçalves, S. & Laranja, M. (2021) “Drivers, Processes, and Outcomes of the STI and DUI Modes of Innovation: A Systematic Review” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Belchior, R. Belchior, R. & Lyons, R. (2022), "An exploration of changing student entrepreneurial motivators – a longitudinal analysis", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28 (1): 151-181. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J. V.Gomes, J. V., Carvalho, H., & Romão, M. J. (2021). The Contribution of the Knowledge Areas to Project Success: A Multidimensional Approach. International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA), 9(2), 90-106. doi:10.4018/IJPMPA.2021070105Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Romão, M.Gomes, J. V., Carvalho, H., & Romão, M. J. (2021). The Contribution of the Knowledge Areas to Project Success: A Multidimensional Approach. International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA), 9(2), 90-106. doi:10.4018/IJPMPA.2021070105Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gomes, J. V.Novais, Z., Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. J. (2021). Knowledge Sharing in Project Environments: Case Study in a Financial Sector Company. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), 12(1), 1-17. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Romão, M.Novais, Z., Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. J. (2021). Knowledge Sharing in Project Environments: Case Study in a Financial Sector Company. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), 12(1), 1-17. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gomes, J. V.Leitão, C., Gomes, J. V., Capela, D., & Maia, B. (2021). Impact of Leadership on the Relationship Between Innovation and Performance. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Digital Age, 5(2), 29-49. DOI: 10.4018/IJTHMDA.2021070103 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mosquera, P.Soares, M. E. & Mosquera, P. (2021). "Linking career management practices with individual outcomes: the mediating role of perceived employability". Journal of Business Research, 124, 547-559. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, M.E.Soares, M. E. & Mosquera, P. (2021). "Linking career management practices with individual outcomes: the mediating role of perceived employability". Journal of Business Research, 124, 547-559. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mosquera, P.Soares, M. E., Mosquera, P. & Cid, M. (2021). "Antecedents of Innovative Behaviour: Knowledge Management, Open Innovation Climate and Internal Communication". International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 30(2): 241-257 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, M.E.Soares, M. E., Mosquera, P. & Cid, M. (2021). "Antecedents of Innovative Behaviour: Knowledge Management, Open Innovation Climate and Internal Communication". International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 30(2): 241-257 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gomes, J. F. S.Chagas, B.T., Gomes, J.F.S., & Griffiths, M.D. (2021). Consumer profile segmentation in online lottery gambling utilizing behavioral tracking data from the Portuguese national lottery. Journal of Gambling Studies. .Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Chagas, B.Chagas, B.T., Gomes, J.F.S., & Griffiths, M.D. (2021). Consumer profile segmentation in online lottery gambling utilizing behavioral tracking data from the Portuguese national lottery. Journal of Gambling Studies. .Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gomes, J. F. S.Gallon, S., Ferasso, M., Gomes, J.F.S., & Costa, C. (2021). The maturation of the internationalisation of Portuguese and Brazilian multinational companies. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 13(4), 420-448. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gomes, J. F. S.Veloso, A., Ferreira, A.T., Roque, H., & Gomes, J.F.S. (2021). Características psicométricas de uma medida adaptada de comportamento inovador no trabalho. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 23(1), 141-152. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2021). "Fisher-Modigliani-Miller organisational finance theory and the financialisation of contemporary societies". European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(4): 499-522 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2021). "Academic discipline of economics as hedonist philosophy". Journal of Philosophical Economics, 14(1-2), 199-207. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardão-Pito, T., Smith, J. A. & Ferreira, J. S. (2021). Using accounting measures of (in)tangibility for organizational classifications. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 5(2), 325-351. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2021), "An embezzler test for norms, standards and regulations", Journal of Financial Crime, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Frias, A. Frias, A., Raskova, E., Costa, Á., Cabral, J. (2021) Obtaining Data Values from Tourist Preferences. Sustainability. 13(18), 10276. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Frias, A. Frias, A., Delaunay, R., Água, P.B. (2021) Operations Engineering for Food Warehousing Improvement: A case study from the Navy. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 12 (3), 206 - 215. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Gonçalves, T. & Curado, C. (2021). Individual and organizational conditions leading to quality of care in healthcare: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, Merits, 71–86. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C. & Santos, R. V. (2021). Transformational leadership and work performance in health care: the mediating role of job satisfaction, Leadership in Health Services, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Crespo, C., Crespo, N. & Curado, C. (2022). The effects of subsidiary’s leadership and entrepreneurship on international marketing knowledge transfer and new product development, International Business Review, 31(2), 101928 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, C.Crespo, C., Crespo, N. & Curado, C. (2022). The effects of subsidiary’s leadership and entrepreneurship on international marketing knowledge transfer and new product development, International Business Review, 31(2), 101928 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, N.Crespo, C., Crespo, N. & Curado, C. (2022). The effects of subsidiary’s leadership and entrepreneurship on international marketing knowledge transfer and new product development, International Business Review, 31(2), 101928 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Pena, L., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2021). The contribution of LinkedIn use to career outcome expectations, Journal of Business Research, forthcomingPublications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Curado, C. & Galende, J. (2021). Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis on the Adoption of Environmental Practices: Exploring Technological and Human Resources-Based Contributions, Mathematics, 9, 1553. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Gonçalves, T., Curado, C. & Balle, A. (2021). Psychosocial antecedents of knowledge sharing in healthcare research centers: A mixed methods approach. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Jerónimo, H.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Henriques, P. L.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Ferreira, B., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2021). The Contribution of Knowledge Management to Human Resource Development: A Systematic and Integrative Literature Review. Journal of the Knowledge Economy Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Ferreira, B., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2021). The Contribution of Knowledge Management to Human Resource Development: A Systematic and Integrative Literature Review. Journal of the Knowledge Economy Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Garcia, P. S. (2021). Knowledge Hiding and Knowledge Hoarding: A Systematic Literature Review. Knowledge and Process Management, 28(3), 277-294 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Garcia, P. S. (2021). Knowledge Hiding and Knowledge Hoarding: A Systematic Literature Review. Knowledge and Process Management, 28(3), 277-294 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C. & Mota, A. (2021). A systematic literature review on sustainability in family firms. Sustainability, 13(7), 3824 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Henriques, P. L.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P. & Tavares, M. (2021). The social exchange theory as a source of commitment: a set-theoretic approach, Evidence-based HRM: A global forum for empirical scholarship, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Muñoz-Pascual, L., Galende, J. & Curado, C. (2021). Contributions to Sustainability: Human Resources, Sustainable Product Innovation Performance, and the Mediating Role of Employee Creativity. Sustainability, 13(4), 2008 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C., Graça, J., Oliveira, M. and Fernandes, A. (2021). Knowledge sharing in Catholic organizations: A fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(3), 31-49. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Curado, C., Graça, J., Oliveira, M. and Fernandes, A. (2021). Knowledge sharing in Catholic organizations: A fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(3), 31-49. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Santos, R. F., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2021). The effects of the relational dimension of social capital on tacit and explicit knowledge sharing: a mixed-methods approach. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Santos, R. F., Oliveira, M. & Curado, C. (2021). The effects of the relational dimension of social capital on tacit and explicit knowledge sharing: a mixed-methods approach. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., Proença, I. & Maia, D. (2021). Crystal Market: A way to study knowledge-based dynamic capabilities, Sport Business and Management – An International Journal, 11(4), 472-490. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Henriques, P. L.Curado, C., Henriques, P. L., Proença, I. & Maia, D. (2021). Crystal Market: A way to study knowledge-based dynamic capabilities, Sport Business and Management – An International Journal, 11(4), 472-490. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Melati, C., Janissek-Muniz, R. & Curado, C. (2021). Qualidade decisória dos gestores públicos: contribuições da Inteligência e Gestão do Conhecimento/ Decision-Making Quality of Public Managers: Contributions from Intelligence and Knowledge Management, Revista de Administração Contemporânea / Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(2), e190044 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Crespo, N.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Curado, C.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Crespo, N., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Muñoz-Pascual, L. (2021). Entrepreneurial capital leveraging innovation in micro firms: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 333-342. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonaçlves, S. M.Gonçalves, S.M. & Silva, R.V. (2021), "Discussing the potential of the institutional theory to leverage service-dominant logic advancements", European Journal of Management Studies, 26(1): 3-16. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Laranja, M.Laranja, M. (2021): Translating Smart Specialisation and entrepreneurial discovery into a process-oriented policy, Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1959028 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Bachrach. D., Patel, P., Guedes, M. J. & Harms, P. (2021). CEO narcissism, top management team transactive memory systems, and firm performance: an upper echelons perspective on CEO admiration and rivalry narcissism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Forthcoming. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Gish, J., Guedes, M.J, Silva, B. & Patel, P. (2022). Latent profiles of personality, temperament, and eudaimonic well-being: Comparing life satisfaction and health outcomes among entrepreneurs and employees. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 17, June 2022, e00293. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Tsionas, M., Patel, P. & Guedes, MJ. (2022) Endogenous efficiency of dynamic profit maximization in intertemporal production models on venture behavior. International Journal of Production Economics. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Casaca, SF.; Guedes, M.J.; Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2022). A favor, contra, ou assim-assim? Posições e e discursos de membros dos órgãos de gestão sobre limiares de representação legalmente vinculativos, mérito e igualdade. Ex-Aequeo, Forthcoming.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. & Guedes, M. J. (2022). Do family firms perform better under financial constraints? Financial constraints, family firms and performance? Managerial and Decision Economics, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., & Casaca, SF. (2021). The GBB Index: a proposal to measure the gender balance on company boards. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10(2), 249-257. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Barros, V.Ahmad, N. G., Barros, V. & Sarmento, J. M. (2018). The Determinants of Dividend Policy in Euronext 100. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15(4), 8-17.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Barros, V.Duarte, D. & Barros, V. (2018). Corporate Tax Avoidance and Profitability Followed by Mergers and Acquisitions. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15 (2-1), 148-160.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Barros, V.Pulido, M. & Barros, V. (2017). Corporate Tax Avoidance and Ex Ante Equity Cost of Capital in Europe. European Journal of Management Studies 22 (1), 51-74.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2017
Barros, V.Barros, V. & Pádua, H. (2019). Can Green Taxation Trigger Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Acquisition?. EuroMed Journal of Business, 14(2), 168-186.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Guedes, M. J.Afonso, A., Guedes, M. J. & Patel, P. (2021). Labour Productivity in State-Owned Enterprises. Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 450-465. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Casaca, SF., Guedes, M.J., Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2021). Is a progressive law accelerating the longstanding snail’s pace? Women on corporate boards in Portugal. Journal of Business Management (Revista de Administração de Empresas), 61(2), 1-7. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P., Feng, C. & Guedes, M. J. (2021). Marketing capability and new venture survival: The role of marketing myopia. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 307-326. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Guedes, M. J.Fonseca, S., Guedes, M. J. & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2021). Profitability and size of newly established firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Forthcoming. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Veríssimo, J.Serafim, G. & Veríssimo, J. (2021). The Relationship between Strategic Orientation, Service Innovation, and Performance in Hotels in Angola. Sustainability, 13, 6256. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, M.E.Rouco, J. C., Soares, M. E., Martins, E., & Jamal, S. (2021). Leadership style and communication style of pilots: Perceived associations with crew members’ satisfaction and effort. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 8 (4). in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, M.E.Pires da Silva, Filipa, Mosquera, Pilar, e Soares, Maria Eduarda (in press). Factors influencing knowledge among IT geographically dispersed teams. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174 (2022), 121299 - accepted for publication on october 18, 2021. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Soares, M.E.Mosquera, Pilar, Soares, Maria Eduarda, Dórdio, Paula, e Melo, Leonor (in press) . The thief of time and social sustainability: Analysis of a model of procrastination at work. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 62 (5-Special Issue Human Resource Management Contribution to Sustainability) - accepted for publication on november 29, 2021Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Penela, D.Lopes, A. I., & Penela, D. (2022). From little seeds to a big tree: a far-reaching assessment of the integrated reporting stream. Meditari Accountancy Research, 30 (6): 1514-1542. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felicio, T.Felício, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124: 593-602 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Samagaio, A.Felício, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124: 593-602 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Felício, T., Samagaio, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Adoption of management control systems and performance in public sector organizations. Journal of Business Research, 124: 593-602 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Alves, I. Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2022). Subjective Performance Evaluation and Managerial Work Outcomes. Accounting and Business Research, forthcoming Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Lourenço, S. Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2022). Subjective Performance Evaluation and Managerial Work Outcomes. Accounting and Business Research, forthcoming Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Diogo, T.Pinheiro, J. M., Diogo, T. A., & Samagaio, A. (2021). Tax Compliance: factors that influence taxpayer invoice requests in Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 23(4): 619-634. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Samagaio, A.Pinheiro, J. M., Diogo, T. A., & Samagaio, A. (2021). Tax Compliance: factors that influence taxpayer invoice requests in Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 23(4): 619-634. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Diogo, T.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705; in international peer reviewed journals2022
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705; in international peer reviewed journals2022
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, T., Silva, S., Avelar, S., Couto, J.P., Mendes-Filho, L. & Tiago, F. (2021). Tourism and covid-19: The show must go on. Sustainability, 13, 12471. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Couto, J. P.Borges-Tiago, T., Silva, S., Avelar, S., Couto, J.P., Mendes-Filho, L. & Tiago, F. (2021). Tourism and covid-19: The show must go on. Sustainability, 13, 12471. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, T., Silva, S., Avelar, S., Couto, J.P., Mendes-Filho, L. & Tiago, F. (2021). Tourism and covid-19: The show must go on. Sustainability, 13, 12471. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G. Dias, A. & Silva, G.M. (2021). Willingness to Stay of Tourism Lifestyle Entrepreneurs: A Configurational Perspective. Sustainability, 13(24), 13519. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G. Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J., Carvalho, H. & Geraldes, V. (2021). Sustainable Development in SMEs: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Supply Chain Management. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), 3804-3820. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G. Dias, A. & Silva, G.M., (2021). Lifestyle Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Areas. The Case of Tourism Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(4), 40-49. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G. Pereira, V., Silva, G.M. & Dias, A. (2021) Sustainability Practices in Hospitality: Case study of a luxury hotel in Arrábida Natural Park. Sustainability, 13(6), 31-64. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, G. Dias, A., Silva, G.M., Patuleia, M. & González-Rodríguez, M.R. (2021). Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: Exploring the linear and quadratic relationships. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(22), 3222–3238 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A., Jalles, J. & Venâncio, A. (2021). Structural tax reforms and public spending efficiency, Open Economies Review. 32: 1017-1061 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Venâncio, A.Venâncio, A. & Jorge, J. (2022). “The role of accelerator programmes on the capital structure of start-ups”, Small Business Economics. 59: 1143–1167 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A., Jalles, J. & Venâncio, A. (2021). Taxation and public spending efficiency: An international comparison, Comparative Economic Studies, 63(3), 356-383. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Venâncio, A.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2022). Corporate Taxes and High-Quality Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 58, 353–382 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Raposo, C.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2022). Corporate Taxes and High-Quality Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 58, 353–382 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Venâncio, A., Barros, V. & Raposo, C. (2022). Corporate Taxes and High-Quality Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 58, 353–382 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Barros, V., Chilumbo, D. & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does Privatisation Affect Industries and Firms' Capital Structure in Europe?. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10(2), 166-178. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Chilumbo, D. & Sarmento, J. M. (2021). Does Privatisation Affect Industries and Firms' Capital Structure in Europe?. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10(2), 166-178. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Silva, P.Gaspar, R.M., Silva, P.M. (2022). Investors’ perspective on portfolio insurance. Portuguese Economics Journal. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Jerónimo, H.M., Henriques, P.L., & Carvalho, S.I. (2022), “Being inclusive boosts impact of diversity practices on employee engagement”, Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 20(2), 129-147. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Jerónimo, H.M., Henriques, P.L., & Carvalho, S.I. (2022), “Being inclusive boosts impact of diversity practices on employee engagement”, Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A. & Felício, T. (2022). The influence of the auditor’s personality in audit quality. Journal of Business Research Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felício, T. Samagaio, A. & Felício, T. (2022). The influence of the auditor’s personality in audit quality. Journal of Business Research Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Costa, C.Aparicio, M., Costa, C. J., & Moises, R. (2021). Gamification and reputation: key determinants of e-commerce usage and repurchase intention. Heliyon, 7(3), e06383. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Mota, J.Santos, J., Mota, J. and Baaptista, C. (2021), The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17, 63–82.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Crespo, N.Crespo, N., Simões, V.C. & Fontes, M. (2022), Uncovering the factors behind new ventures’ international performance: Capabilities, alertness and technological turbulence, European Management Journal, 40(3): 344-359. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Simões, V. C.Crespo, N., Simões, V.C. & Fontes, M. (2022), Uncovering the factors behind new ventures’ international performance: Capabilities, alertness and technological turbulence, European Management Journal, 40(3): 344-359. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, N.Picoto, W., Crespo, N.F., & Carvalho, F. (2021), The influence of technology-organization-environment framework and strategic orientation of cloud computing use, enterprise mobility, and performance, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios (RBM), 23(2): 278-300. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Picoto, W.Picoto, W., Crespo, N.F., & Carvalho, F. (2021), The influence of technology-organization-environment framework and strategic orientation of cloud computing use, enterprise mobility, and performance, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios (RBM), 23(2): 278-300. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, T.Moreno, D., Gonçalves, T. & Ntim, C. (2021) Collaborative governance outcomes and obstacles: Evidence from Portuguese armed forces, Accounting, Corporate Governance & Business Ethics, 8(1) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, T.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T. & Pereira, A. (2021). Financial Crisis and Impairment Recognition in Non-Financial Assets, Revista Brasileira de Gestão Negócio, 23(02) in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Pimentel, D. & Gaio, C. (2021). Risk and performance of european green and conventional funds, Sustainability, 13(8), 4226; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, T.Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. & Ferro, A. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and earnings management: Moderating impact of economic cycles and financial performance, Sustainability, 13(17), 9969; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, S. M.Miranda, S., & Duarte, M. (2022). How perfectionism reduces positive word-of-mouth: The mediating role of perceived social risk. Journal of Psychology & Marketing, 39, 255-270. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Duarte, M.Miranda, S., & Duarte, M. (2022). How perfectionism reduces positive word-of-mouth: The mediating role of perceived social risk. Journal of Psychology & Marketing, 39, 255-270. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oosterveen, M.Coveney, M., & Oosterveen, M. (2021). What drives ability peer effects?. European Economic Review, 136, 103763. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oosterveen, M.Kapoor, S., Oosterveen, M., & Webbink, D. (2021). The price of forced attendance. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 36(2), 209-227. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Borges‐Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Silva, O., Guaita Martínez, J. M., & Botella‐Carrubi, D. (2021). Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management. Psychology & Marketing, 37(9), 1171-1184. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges‐Tiago, T., Tiago, F., Silva, O., Guaita Martínez, J. M., & Botella‐Carrubi, D. (2021). Online users' attitudes toward fake news: Implications for brand management. Psychology & Marketing, 37(9), 1171-1184. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Tiago, F., Gil, A., Stemberger, S., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Digital sustainability communication in tourism. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 6(1): 27-34. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Borges-Tiago, T.Tiago, F., Gil, A., Stemberger, S., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Digital sustainability communication in tourism. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 6(1): 27-34. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, T., Arruda, C., Tiago, F., & Rita, P. (2021). Differences between TripAdvisor and Booking. com in branding co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 123, 380-388. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, T., Arruda, C., Tiago, F., & Rita, P. (2021). Differences between TripAdvisor and Booking. com in branding co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 123, 380-388. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Tiago, F., Correia, P., Briciu, V. A., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Geotourism Destinations Online Branding Co-Creation. Sustainability, 13(16), 8874. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Borges-Tiago, T.Tiago, F., Correia, P., Briciu, V. A., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Geotourism Destinations Online Branding Co-Creation. Sustainability, 13(16), 8874. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Borges-Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Verissimo, J.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santiago, J.Santiago, J., Borges-Tiago, T., & Tiago, F. (2022). Is firm-generated content a lost cause? Journal of Business Research, 139, 945-953. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, F.Santiago, J., Borges-Tiago, T., & Tiago, F. (2022). Is firm-generated content a lost cause? Journal of Business Research, 139, 945-953. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Borges-Tiago, T.Santiago, J., Borges-Tiago, T., & Tiago, F. (2022). Is firm-generated content a lost cause? Journal of Business Research, 139, 945-953. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, C. Marques, T., Miska, C., Crespo, C. & Branco, M. (2021): Responsible leadership during international assignments: a novel approach toward expatriation success, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, C. Ferreira, A., Crespo, C., & Mendes, C. (2022). Effects of athletic performance and marketable lifestyle on consumers' engagement with sport celebrity's social media and their endorsements. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, C. Crespo, C., Ferreira, A., Cardoso, M. (2022). The influence of storytelling on the consumer–brand relationship experience. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-16. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J. N., & Mota. J. (2021) “Value of initial relationships in new business start-ups”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36 (9), 1585-1599. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santos, Jose Novais Santos, J., Mota, J. & Baptista, C. (2021), The role of a strategic net in international entrepreneurship: overcoming the liabilities of foreignness and outsidership in the context of the Pharma industry, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17, 63-82 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Romão, M.Almeida, R., Abrantes, R., Romão, M. and Proença, I. (2021). The Impact of Uncertainty in the Measurement of Progress in Earned Value Analysis. Procedia in Computer Science. Volume 181, 2021, Pages 457-467. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rodrigues, R.Felício, J.A., Rodrigues, R., & Caldeirinha, V. (2021). Green shipping effect on sustainable economy and environmental performance. Sustainability, 13(8), 4256. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Felicio, J. A.Felício, J.A., Rodrigues, R., & Caldeirinha, V. (2021). Green shipping effect on sustainable economy and environmental performance. Sustainability, 13(8), 4256. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Felicio, J. A.Porfirio, J., Carrilho, T., Felicio, J. & Jardim, J. (2021). Leadership characteristics and digital transformation, Journal of Business Research, 124: 610-619 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Isaías, P.Isaias, P., Miranda, P., & Pifano, S. (2021). Framing social media and web-based communities within the COVID-19 pandemic: Enduring social isolation and subsequent deconfinement. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 17(2), 120-134. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Egidio dos Reis, A. Alcoforado, R., Bergel, A., Cardoso, R, Egídio dos Reis, A. & Rodriguez-Martinez, E. (2021). Ruin and dividend measures in the renewal dual risk model, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Picoto, W.Picoto, W. & Pinto, I. (2021). Cultural impact on mobile banking use – A multi-method approach, Journal of Business Research, 124: 620-628 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pinto, I.Picoto, W. & Pinto, I. (2021). Cultural impact on mobile banking use – A multi-method approach, Journal of Business Research, 124: 620-628 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Picoto, W.Ahad, T., Busch, P., Blount, Y. & Picoto, W. (2021). Mobile Phone-based Information Systems for Empowerment: Opportunities for Ready-made Garment Industries, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 24(1): 57-85. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Picoto, W.Carvalho, D., Picoto, W., & Busch, P. (2022). Organizational experience of social media: impacts on competitive intelligence, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Picoto, W.Silva, E.C., Pedron, C.D. & Picoto, W. (2021). Customer relationship management and innovation capability: A multiple case study, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 26(2):240-260 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pedron, C.Silva, E.C., Pedron, C.D. & Picoto, W. (2021). Customer relationship management and innovation capability: A multiple case study, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 26(2):240-260 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Picoto, W.Ahad, T., Busch, P., Blount, Y. & Picoto, W. (2021). Bangladeshi ready-made garment development via ubiquitous and mobile computing, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 87(4),e12170 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Al-Obeidat, F., Rocha, Á., Khan, M.S., Maqbool, F., Razzaq, S. (2021). Parallel tensor factorization for relational learning, Neural Computing and Applications Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Al-Obeidat, F., Rocha, Á., Akram, M., Razzaq, S., Maqbool, F. (2022). (CDRGI)-Cancer detection through relevant genes identification, Neural Computing and Applications Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Arora, G., Dubey, A.K., Jaffery, Z.A. & Rocha, A. (2022). Architecture of an effective convolutional deep neural network for segmentation of skin lesion in dermoscopic images, Expert Systems, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Bai, H., Yu, H., Yu, G., Rocha, Á. & Huang, X. (2021). Analysis on an auto increment detection system of chinese disaster weibo text, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 27(2), 230-252 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Rocha, Á., Gonçalves, M.J.A., da Silva, A.F., Teixeira, S. & Silva, R. (2021). Leadership challenges in the context of university 4.0. A thematic synthesis literature Review, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Riurean S., Leba M., Ionica A., Rocha Á. (2021) Optical Wireless Communication Applications and Progress to Ubiquitous Optical Networks. In: Rocha Á., Adeli H., Dzemyda G., Moreira F., Ramalho Correia A.M. (eds) Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1365. Springer, Cham. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Pereira, R.H., de Carvalho, J.V. & Rocha, Á. (2021). Architecture of a maturity model for information systems in higher education institutions: multiple case study for dimensions identification, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Ali, G., Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Zia, T., Ilyas, M., Rocha, A. (2022) Counterfactual explanation of Bayesian model uncertainty, Neural Computing and Applications, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Sharma, S., Dubey, A.K., Ranjan, P. & Rocha, A. (2021). Neural correlates of affective content: application to perceptual tagging of vídeo, Neural Computing and Applications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Parameshachari, B.D., Rocha, Á. & Fung, C.C.L. (2022). Ultra-low power wearables, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Sousa, M.J. & Rocha, Á. (2021). Decision-Making and Negotiation in Innovation & Research in Information Science, Group Decision and Negotiation, 30(2): 267-275 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Cardoso, M., Marques, R., de Castro, A.V. & Rocha, Á. (2021). Using Virtual Programming Lab to improve learning programming: The case of Algorithms and Programming, Expert Systems, 38(4),e12531 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Pereira, R., de Vasconcelos, J.B., Rocha, Á. & Bianchi, I.S. (2021). Business process management heuristics in IT service management: a case study for incident management, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 27(3): 264-301 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Yogesh, E., Dubey, A.K., Arora, R.R. & Rocha, A. (2021). Deep learning based automated fruit nutrients deficiency recognition system, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 37(5): 1153-1164 JISE ( in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Pesqueira, A.M., Sousa, M.J., Melé, P.M., Rocha, A., Sousa, M., DA Costa, R.L. (2021) Data science projects in pharmaceutical industry, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 37(5): 1135-1152 200005-1.pdf ( in international peer reviewed journals2021
Rocha, A.Sousa, M.J., Melé, P.M., Pesqueira, A.M., Rocha, A., Sousa, M. & Noor, S. (2021). Data science strategies leading to the development of data scientists’ skills in organizations, Neural Computing and Applications, 33(21), pp. 14523-14531. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Morais, A.Rodrigues, M. & Morais, A. (2021). How to Challenge University Students to Work on Integrated Reporting and Integrated Reporting Assurance. Sustainability, 13, 10761. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Morais, A.Fialho, A., Morais, A. & Costa, R.P. (2021), Impression management strategies and water disclosures – the case of CDP A-list, Meditari Accountancy Research, 29 (3): 568-585. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Palma dos Reis, A.Carvalho, R., Palma dos Reis, A., Larieira, C. & Pinochet, L. (2021) Digital Transformation: Construct definition challenges and scenarios for a research agenda, Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 22 (6) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Santos, R. F., Oliveira, M. Chaves, M. (2021). Are you getting full benefits from the use of social media? A review combining the concepts of social media, social capital and knowledge sharing. Revista de administração da UFSM, 14: 349-368, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Oliveira, M.Melchior, C., & Oliveira, M. (2022). Health-related fake news on social media platforms: A systematic literature review. New Media & Society, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Dhillon, G.Smith, K.J., Dhillon, G., Otoo, B.A. (2022). iGen User (over) Attachment to Social Media: Reframing the Policy Intervention Conversation, Information Systems Frontiers in international peer reviewed journals2021
Dhillon, G.Smith, K.J., Dhillon, G., Carter, L. (2021). User values and the development of a cybersecurity public policy for the IoT. International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102123 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Dhillon, G.Kolotylo-Kulkarni, M., Xia, W. & Dhillon, G. (2021). Information disclosure in e-commerce: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Journal of Business Research, 126, 221-238 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Dhillon, G.Dhillon, G., Smith, K., Dissanayaka, I. (2021). Information systems security research agenda: Exploring the gap between research and practice, Journal of Strategic Information Systems 30(4), 101693 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Soares, J. M.Santos, R., Soares, J., Marques, P.C., Navas, H.V.G. & Martins, J. (2021). Integrating business, social, and environmental goals in open innovation through partner selection, Sustainability, 13(22), 12870; in international peer reviewed journals2021
Picoto, W.Ahad, T., Busch, P., Blount, Y. & Picoto, W. (2021) “Bangladeshi ready-made garment development via ubiquitous and mobile computing” The Electronic Journal Information Systems in Developing Countries, 87(4): 12170. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pedron, C.Filho, M., Pedron, C. & Ruas, R. (2021). What’s going on in absorptive capacity studies? Research fronts on organisational knowledge absorption. International Journal of Innovation Management (ONLINE), 25(5): 2150056 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pedron, C.Barbosa, L., Carvalho, R., Versiani, Â. & Pedron, C. (2021). Gestão do Conhecimento em Organizações Baseadas em Projeto (OBPs): estudo de casos múltiplos. Atoz: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, 10: 50-59; Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Pedron, C.Townsend, T., Pedron, C., Mazzieri, M. (2021). The evolution of absorptive capacity in the scientific literature: a bibliometric analysis focused on innovation. Revista Iberoamericana de Estratégia, 20, p. e18752-31. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Santiago, J.Santiago, J., & Pimenta, M. (2021). The Net generation in times of pandemic: Customers’ technology savviness and social media communication impact on customer-based brand equity. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 9(2), Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santiago, J.Santiago, J. & Serralha, T. (2022). What more influences the followers? The effect of digital influencer attractiveness, homophily and credibility on followers' purchase intention. Issues in Information Systems, 23(1), 86.101. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Verga Matos, P., Miranda Sarmento, J., Rino Vieira, P. (2022). M&A activity as a driver for better ESG performance, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 175,121338 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santos, Jose Novais Baptista, C., Mota, J. & Novais Santos, J. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces, Services Business in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mota, J.Baptista, C., Mota, J. & Novais Santos, J. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces, Services Business in international peer reviewed journals2022
Baptista, C.Baptista, C., Mota, J. & Novais Santos, J. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces, Services Business in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Alves, C. & Guedes, M.J. (2022). Narcissistic leaders do not share! The relationship between top managers' narcissism and the distribution of value added. Finance Research Letters, in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, C. Curado, C., Henriques, P., Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P. L.Curado, C., Henriques, P., Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Curado, C., Henriques, P., Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. A. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Diogo, T.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. A. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, V. Fonseca, S., Guedes, M. & Gonçalves, V. (2022)Profitability and size of newly established firms, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18(2), pp. 957–974Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. (2022). Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data, European Management Journal in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santos, S.Santos, S. & Gonçalves, H. (2022). Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data, European Management Journal in international peer reviewed journals2022
Francisco, P.Francisco, P. (2022). A Case-Study on State-Owned Firms Agency Costs. A Call for More Effective Governance and Board Independence. Public Integrity, 1-15 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Céu, M.Céu M. & Gaspar R. (2022): Vegetative cycle and bankruptcy predictors of agricultural firms. Agricultural Economics– Czech., 68: 445–454. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Veríssimo, J.Reis, A. & Veríssimo, J. (2022). The journey of culture and social responsibility and its relationship with organizational performance: pathway and perspectives, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Veríssimo, J.Brochado, A., Veríssimo, J. & de Oliveira, J.C.L. (2022). Memorable tourism experiences, perceived value dimensions and behavioral intentions: a demographic segmentation approach, Tourism Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Veríssimo, J.Chaouali, C., Hammami, S., Veríssimo, J., Harris, L., El-Manstrly, D. & Woodside, A. (2022). Customers who misbehave: Identifying restaurant guests “acting out” via asymmetric case models. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102897 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Morais, A.Penela, D., Estevão, J., & Morais, A. (2022). “The effect of IFRS adoption on the business environment: a country perspective”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(12): 604 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Penela, D.Penela, D., Estevão, J., & Morais, A. (2022). “The effect of IFRS adoption on the business environment: a country perspective”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(12): 604 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Estevão, J.Penela, D., Estevão, J., & Morais, A. (2022). “The effect of IFRS adoption on the business environment: a country perspective”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(12): 604 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Morais, A.Eugénio, T., Gomes, S., Branco, M. & Morais, A. (2022), Non-Financial Reporting and Assurance: A New Opportunity for Auditors? Evidence from Portugal. Sustainability, 14, 13469. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Morais, A.Pinto, I. & Morais, A. (2022), “Classification of Equity Instruments under IFRS 9: determinants and consequences”, Australian Accounting Review, 32(4), 411-426. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Pinto, I.Pinto, I. & Morais, A. (2022), “Classification of Equity Instruments under IFRS 9: determinants and consequences”, Australian Accounting Review, 32(4), 411-426. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Morais, A.Santos, P., Albuquerque, F., Rodrigues, M. & Morais, A. (2022). “The Views of Stakeholders on Mandatory or Voluntary Use of a Simplified Standard on Non-Financial Information for SMEs in the European Union”. Sustainability, 14(5), 2816. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., Albuquerque, P.C. & Picoto, W. (2022). Is Online Teaching Challenging FacultyWell-Being? Administrative Sciences, 12 (4), 147. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Picoto, W.Mosquera, P., Albuquerque, P.C. & Picoto, W. (2022). Is Online Teaching Challenging FacultyWell-Being? Administrative Sciences, 12 (4), 147. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E. & Alvadia, T. (2022). Is teleworking at odds with social sustainability and organizational learning? The Learning Organization, 29 (5), 527-547. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Soares, M.E.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E. & Alvadia, T. (2022). Is teleworking at odds with social sustainability and organizational learning? The Learning Organization, 29 (5), 527-547. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mosquera, P.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E., Dordio, P., Melo, L. (2022). The Thief of time and social sustainability: analysis of a model of procrastination at work. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 62 (5), e2021-0313. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Soares, M.E.Mosquera, P., Soares, M.E., Dordio, P., Melo, L. (2022). The Thief of time and social sustainability: analysis of a model of procrastination at work. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 62 (5), e2021-0313. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Silva, F.P.Silva, F. P., Mosquera, P., & Soares, M. E. (2022). Factors influencing knowledge sharing among IT geographically dispersed teams. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 1211299. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mosquera, P.Silva, F. P., Mosquera, P., & Soares, M. E. (2022). Factors influencing knowledge sharing among IT geographically dispersed teams. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 1211299. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Soares, M.E.Silva, F. P., Mosquera, P., & Soares, M. E. (2022). Factors influencing knowledge sharing among IT geographically dispersed teams. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 1211299. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. (2021). “Toward the Paris Agreement implementation impact on electricity sector: The emerging reality”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(1), 1-8. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. Dias Lopes, J., & Penela, D. (2022). “The importance of business environment for the informal economy: Evidence from the Doing Business Ranking”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174 (121288) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dias Lopes, J.Estevão, J. Dias Lopes, J., & Penela, D. (2022). “The importance of business environment for the informal economy: Evidence from the Doing Business Ranking”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174 (121288) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Penela, D.Estevão, J. Dias Lopes, J., & Penela, D. (2022). “The importance of business environment for the informal economy: Evidence from the Doing Business Ranking”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174 (121288) Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Estevão, J.Estevão, J. (2022). “An analysis of the impact of the 2030 Agreement on R&D intensity in the energy sector”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12 (4): 204-216. DOI: Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Vieira, R.P.Barros, V., Matos, P.V., Sarmento, J.M. & Vieira, P.R. (2022), M&A activity as a driver for better ESG performance, Technological Forecasting and Social. 175, 121338. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Barros, V., Matos, P.V., Sarmento, J.M. & Vieira, P.R. (2022), M&A activity as a driver for better ESG performance, Technological Forecasting and Social. 175, 121338. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Matos, P.V., Sarmento, J.M. & Vieira, P.R. (2022), M&A activity as a driver for better ESG performance, Technological Forecasting and Social. 175, 121338. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P.V., Sarmento, J.M. & Vieira, P.R. (2022), M&A activity as a driver for better ESG performance, Technological Forecasting and Social. 175, 121338. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 2022, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Vieira, R.P.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 2022, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 2022, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Almeida, J. & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022) “A Systematic Literature Review of Volatility and Risk Management on Cryptocurrency Investment: A Methodological Point of View”, Risks, 10(5), p. 107. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Almeida, J.Almeida, J. & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022) “A Systematic Literature Review of Volatility and Risk Management on Cryptocurrency Investment: A Methodological Point of View”, Risks, 10(5), p. 107. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Silva, G.Silva, G., Dias, Á., & Rodrigues, M. (2022). Continuity of Use of Food Delivery Apps: An Integrated Approach to the Health Belief Model and the Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(3), 114. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Silva, G.Pinheiro, J., Lages, L., Silva, G., Dias, A., & Preto, M. (2022). “Effects of Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Spillover on Manufacturing Flexibility”. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 71 No. 5, pp. 1786-1809. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J.F.S.Gomes, J.F. & Marques, T. (2022). The influence of organisational justice on work engagement, organisational commitment, and job satisfaction: A comprehensive study. Journal of General Management in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J.F.S.Pombo, G. & Gomes, J.F. (2022). The link between Human Resources Management, management values and organisational performance: Unleashing line managers’ potential. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, 17(1), 103-130 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J.F.S.Gomes, J.F., Marques, T., & Cabral, C. (2022). Responsible leadership, organizational commitment, and work engagement: The mediator role of organizational identification. Nonprofit Leadership & Management, 33(1): 89-108 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, N.Espeche, J.F.T., Sacristan-Navarro, M., Zuñiga-Vicente, J.A. & Crespo, N. (2022), “Innovation and internationalisation during times of economic growth, crisis, and recovery prior to Covid-19: A configurational approach comparing Spanish manufacturing family and non-family firms”, Journal of Family Business Strategy, 100513. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Crespo, N.Crespo, N., Crespo, C. & Calado, M. (2023), Strategic responses of the family businesses in accommodation industry: lessons for overcoming crises, Journal of Family Business Management, Ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Crespo, C.Crespo, N., Crespo, C. & Calado, M. (2023), Strategic responses of the family businesses in accommodation industry: lessons for overcoming crises, Journal of Family Business Management, Ahead-of-print. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Costa, C.Hajishirzi, R. Costa, C. & Aparicio, M (2022). "The Impact of Technology and Change Management on Value Proposition Innovation: An Iranian Study," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3225664 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Costa, C.Hajishirzi, R., Costa, C., & Aparicio, M. (2022). Boosting Sustainability through Digital Transformation’s Domains and Resilience. Sustainability, 14(3), 1822. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Couto, J. P.Natário, M., & Couto, J. (2022). Drivers, Enablers, and Conditions for Public Sector Innovation in European Countries. Innovar, 32(83), 5-15. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Carvalho, H. (2022). Organisational maturity and project success in healthcare: the mediating effect of project management. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 19(2), 91-115. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Romão, M.Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Carvalho, H. (2022). Organisational maturity and project success in healthcare: the mediating effect of project management. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 19(2), 91-115. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gomes, J.V.Correia, B., Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Ferreira, J. (2022). The X-Matrix as an Integrating Element Between Definition and Strategic Implementation. International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA), 10(1), 1-16. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Romão, M.Correia, B., Gomes, J.V., Romão, M., & Ferreira, J. (2022). The X-Matrix as an Integrating Element Between Definition and Strategic Implementation. International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA), 10(1), 1-16. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M. J., Patel, P., & Casaca, S.F. (2022) On the same page? Differences between male and female board members on the benefits of a gender-balanced representation. Corporate Governance, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Guedes, M.J., Patel, P.C., Kowalkowski, C. & Oghazi, P. (2022). Family business, servitization, and performance: Evidence from Portugal. Technological Forecast and Social Change, 185, 122053. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Casaca, S.F., Marques, S.R., Guedes, M.J. & Seierstad, C. (2022) Gender-Balanced Seats, Equal Power and Greater Gender Equality? Zooming into the Boardroom of Companies Bound by the Portuguese Gender Quota Law, Social Sciences, 11(10), 449. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Casaca, SF. Guedes, M.J., Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2022). Shedding light on the gender quota law debate: board members´profile before and after legally binding quotas in Portugal. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 37(8), 1026-1044. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Alves, C., & Guedes, M. J. (2022). Narcissistic leaders do not share! The relationship between top managers' narcissism and the distribution of value added. Finance Research Letters, 49, 103054. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Tsionas, M., Patel, P. & Guedes, M.J. (2022) Endogenous efficiency of dynamic profit maximization in intertemporal production models on venture behavior. International Journal of Production Economics. 246, 108411. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P., Tsionas, M. & Guedes, M.J. (2022). Benford's law, small business financial reporting, and survival. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(8), 3301-3315. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Gish, J., Guedes, M.J., Silva, B. & Patel, P. (2022). Latent profiles of personality, temperament, and eudaimonic well-being: Comparing life satisfaction and health outcomes among entrepreneurs and employees. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 17, June 2022, e00293. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Bachrach. D., Patel, P., Guedes, M. J. & Harms, P. (2022). CEO narcissism, top management team transactive memory systems, and firm performance: an upper echelons perspective on CEO admiration and rivalry narcissism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(1), 61-76. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Patel, P. & Guedes, M. J. (2022). Do family firms perform better under financial constraints? Financial constraints, family firms and performance? Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(4), 933-949. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Guedes, M. J.Fonseca, S., Guedes, M. J. & Gonçalves, V. (2022). Profitability and size of newly established firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 957-974. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, V. Fonseca, S., Guedes, M. J. & Gonçalves, V. (2022). Profitability and size of newly established firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 957-974. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Romão, M.Piroozi, F., Romão, M., Faraji, H. & Iranpoor, S. (2022). Critical Success Factors in Strategic Alliances in Iran's Pharmaceutical Industry: A Qualitative Content Analysis Study. International Journal of Business Administration, 13(6), 39-56, ISSN 1923-400, .Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Romão, M.Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2023). The contribution of Benefit Management to improve Organizational Maturity. In Wang, J. (Ed.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (5 Volumes). IGI Global. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Gomes, J.V.Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2023). The contribution of Benefit Management to improve Organizational Maturity. In Wang, J. (Ed.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (5 Volumes). IGI Global. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Romão, M.Novais, Z., Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2023). Integration of knowledge sharing into project management. In Wang, J. (Ed.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (5 Volumes). IGI Global. ch183 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Gomes, J.V.Novais, Z., Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2023). Integration of knowledge sharing into project management. In Wang, J. (Ed.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (5 Volumes). IGI Global. ch183 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2022). "An embezzler test for norms, standards, and regulations". Journal of Financial Crime, 29(3), 878-889. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2022). Hypothesis that Tobin’s q captures organizations’ debt levels instead of their growth opportunities and intangible assets. Cogent Economics and Finance. 10(1), 2132636. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Cardao-Pito, T.Cardao-Pito, T. (2023). Prevalence of Fisher’s theory in mainstream accounting and economic research. Accounting History. in international peer reviewed journals2023
Santos, S.Santos, S., & Gonçalves, H. (2022). Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data. European Management Journal. (article in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S., & Gonçalves, H. (2022). Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data. European Management Journal. (article in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santos, S.Santos, S., Gonçalves, H. & Teles, M. (2022). Social media engagement and real‐time marketing: Using net‐effects and set‐theoretic approaches to understand audience and content‐related effects. Psychology & Marketing. (article in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, H.Santos, S., Gonçalves, H. & Teles, M. (2022). Social media engagement and real‐time marketing: Using net‐effects and set‐theoretic approaches to understand audience and content‐related effects. Psychology & Marketing. (article in press). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A. & Felício, T. (2022). The influence of the auditors’ personality in the audit quality. Journal of Business Research. 141, 794-807. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felicio, T.Samagaio, A. & Felício, T. (2022). The influence of the auditors’ personality in the audit quality. Journal of Business Research. 141, 794-807. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felicio, J.A. Felício, J.A., Rodrigues, R., Patiño-Alonso, C., & Felício, T. (2022). Allostasis and organizational excellence. Journal of Business Research, 140, 107-114. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rodrigues, R.Felício, J.A., Rodrigues, R., Patiño-Alonso, C., & Felício, T. (2022). Allostasis and organizational excellence. Journal of Business Research, 140, 107-114. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felicio, T.Felício, J.A., Rodrigues, R., Patiño-Alonso, C., & Felício, T. (2022). Allostasis and organizational excellence. Journal of Business Research, 140, 107-114. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Martins, P.Martins, P., Picoto, W. & Bélanger, F. (2022). “The effects of digital nativity on nonvolitional routine and innovative usage”. Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Picoto, W.Martins, P., Picoto, W. & Bélanger, F. (2022). “The effects of digital nativity on nonvolitional routine and innovative usage”. Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Picoto, W.Carvalho, D., Picoto, W., & Busch, P. (2022). Organizational experience of social media: impacts on competitive intelligence, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 52(2): 161-183 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Penela, D.Penela, D. (2022). Market movers: the case of bitcoin in the covid-19 setting. Human Review 11(8): 1–11. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Felício, J.A.Felicio, J. A., Batista, M., Dooms, M., & Caldeirinha, V. (2022). How do sustainable port practices influence local communities' perceptions of ports? Maritime Economics & Logistics. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Frias, A. Frias, A., Água, P.B., Lopes, B.M. & Melo, P.S. (2022) Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Complex Systems: an application to shipbuilding. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 13(4): 215-224. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Proença, J.Rodrigues, M., Proença, J. & Soares, I. (2022). The influence of perceived risk on mobile shopping cart abandonment. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Proença, J.Pinho Santos, L. & Proença, J.F. (2022). Developing Return Supply Chain: A Research on the Automotive Supply Chain. Sustainability, 14, 6587. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Proença, J.Leal, M., Casais, B. & Proença, J.F. (2022). Tourism co-creation in place branding: the role of local community”. Tourism Review, 77 (5), 1322-1332. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Proença, J.Casais, B. & Proença, J.F. (2022). The Use of Positive and Negative Appeals in Social Advertising: A Content Analysis of Television Ads for Preventing HIV/AIDS. International Review of Public & Nonprofit Marketing, 19, 623-647. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Proença, J.Proença, J.F., Torres, A.C., Marta, B., Silva, D.S., Fuly, G. & Pinto, H.L. (2022). Sustainability in the Coffee Supply Chain and Purchasing Policies: A Case Study Research. Sustainability, 14, 459. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Isaías, P.Gholizadeh, M., Akhlaghpour, S., Isaias, P., & Namvar, M. (2022). Emergent Affordances and Potential Challenges of Mobile Learning Apps: Insights from Online Reviews. Information Technology & People (ITP), 35(7), 2500-2517, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Isaías, P.Li, K.C., Wong, B T.-K., Wang, F. L., Kwan, R., & Isaias, P. (2022). Breaking the Boundaries of Learning With Mobile Technological Advances [Special Issue]. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), 16(3). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tigre, F.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Curado, C.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Henriques, P.L.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Jerónimo, H.Henriques, P.L., Matos, P.V. & Jerónimo, H.M. (2022). Eager to Develop Sustainable Business Ideas? Assessment through a New Business Plan (BP4S Model). Sustainability, 14, 1030. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Henriques, P.L., Matos, P.V. & Jerónimo, H.M. (2022). Eager to Develop Sustainable Business Ideas? Assessment through a New Business Plan (BP4S Model). Sustainability, 14, 1030. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Henriques, P.L., Matos, P.V. & Jerónimo, H.M. (2022). Eager to Develop Sustainable Business Ideas? Assessment through a New Business Plan (BP4S Model). Sustainability, 14, 1030. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P.L. & Tavares, M. (2022). Commitment in an organizational context: a SET-theoretic approach that provides management tools. Evidence-Based HRM, 10(1), 53-70. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P.L. & Tavares, M. (2022). Commitment in an organizational context: a SET-theoretic approach that provides management tools. Evidence-Based HRM, 10(1), 53-70. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Curado, C., Jerónimo, H., Henriques, P.L. & Tavares, M. (2022). Commitment in an organizational context: a SET-theoretic approach that provides management tools. Evidence-Based HRM, 10(1), 53-70. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Curado, C. Henriques, P. Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis. Vision. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Curado, C. Henriques, P. Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis. Vision. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Curado, C. Henriques, P. Jerónimo, H. & Azevedo, J. (2022). The Contribution of Communication to Employee Satisfaction in Service Firms: A Causal Configurational Analysis. Vision. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Henriques, P., Jerónimo, H. & Laranjeira, J. (2022). Influence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates. Creativity and Innovation Management, 1-10. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Henriques, P., Jerónimo, H. & Laranjeira, J. (2022). Influence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates. Creativity and Innovation Management, 1-10. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Laranja, M.Laranja, M. (2022). Translating Smart Specialisation and entrepreneurial discovery into a process-oriented policy, Regional Studies, 56(5): 853-865, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Laranja, M.Laranja, M. & Pinto, H. (2022). Transformation for a Post-Pandemic World: Exploring Social Innovations in Six Domains. Knowledge 2(1) 167–184. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “The Impact of Discretionary Measurement Criteria on Investors’ Judgement and Decisions”. Games, 13(1), 3. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Vieira, R.P.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Gonçalves, T.C., Borda, J.V.Q., Vieira, P.R. & Matos, P.V. (2022), Log Periodic Power Analysis of Critical Crashes: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market, Economies, 10(1), 14. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Goncalves, T.C., Gaio, C., & Ramos, P. (2022). “Earnings management and impression management: European evidence”. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 20(1), 459–472. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Goncalves, T.C., Gaio, C., & Ramos, P. (2022). “Earnings management and impression management: European evidence”. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 20(1), 459–472. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T., & Venâncio, A. (2022). “Cash holdings in start-ups: The role of founder sociodemographic characteristics”. Journal of Business Research, 139, 520–528. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T., & Venâncio, A. (2022). “Cash holdings in start-ups: The role of founder sociodemographic characteristics”. Journal of Business Research, 139, 520–528. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Venâncio, A.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T., & Venâncio, A. (2022). “Cash holdings in start-ups: The role of founder sociodemographic characteristics”. Journal of Business Research, 139, 520–528. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Madime, E., & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “Consequences of Social and Environmental Corporate Responsibility Practices: Managers’ Perception in Mozambique”. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(1), 4. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Gaio, C., & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “Gender Diversity on the Board and Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility”. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(1), 15. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gaio, C., & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “Gender Diversity on the Board and Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility”. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(1), 15. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T.C., & Sousa, M. V. (2022). “Does corporate social responsibility mitigate earnings management?” Management Decision, 60(11), 2972–2989. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T.C., & Sousa, M. V. (2022). “Does corporate social responsibility mitigate earnings management?” Management Decision, 60(11), 2972–2989. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Saraiva, T., & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “Should I Play or Should I Go? Individuals’ Characteristics and Preference for Uncertainty”. Games, 13(2), 31. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T.C., Barros, V., & Serra, G. (2022). “Political elections uncertainty and earnings management: Does firm size really matter?” Economics Letters, 214, 110438. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Gonçalves, T.C., Barros, V., & Serra, G. (2022). “Political elections uncertainty and earnings management: Does firm size really matter?” Economics Letters, 214, 110438. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Almeida, J.Almeida, J. & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022) “A Systematic Literature Review of Volatility and Risk Management on Cryptocurrency Investment: A Methodological Point of View”, Risks, 10(5): 107. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Almeida, J. & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022) “A Systematic Literature Review of Volatility and Risk Management on Cryptocurrency Investment: A Methodological Point of View”, Risks, 10(5): 107. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T. C., Gaio, C., & Rodrigues, M. (2022). “The Impact of Women Power on Firm Value”. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 93. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Gonçalves, T. C., Gaio, C., & Rodrigues, M. (2022). “The Impact of Women Power on Firm Value”. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 93. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Gonçalves, T. C., Dias, J., & Barros, V. (2022). “Sustainability Performance and the Cost of Capital”. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(3), 63. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Gonçalves, T. C., Dias, J., & Barros, V. (2022). “Sustainability Performance and the Cost of Capital”. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(3), 63. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Madime, E., & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022). “Determining Factors for Social and Environmental Practices of Corporate Responsibility in Mozambique”. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 16(2), e03002. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.C.Castanho, A., & Gonçalves, T.C. (2022). Os Diferentes Paradigmas da Administração Pública nas Forças Armadas Portuguesas. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, (E49), 51-64. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Baptista, C.Baptista, C. S., Mota, J., & Santos, J. N. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces. Service Business, 16(3), 621-643. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Mota, J.Baptista, C. S., Mota, J., & Santos, J. N. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces. Service Business, 16(3), 621-643. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santos, Jose Novais Baptista, C. S., Mota, J., & Santos, J. N. (2022). Buyer–supplier interactions in business services: variety in relational interfaces. Service Business, 16(3), 621-643. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Curado, C., Gonçalves, T., & Brito, J. C. (2022). Understanding the HRM systems double contribution to radical and incremental innovation in SMEs: A configurational approach. Journal of Economics and Management, 44, 315–343. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.R.Curado, C., Gonçalves, T., & Brito, J. C. (2022). Understanding the HRM systems double contribution to radical and incremental innovation in SMEs: A configurational approach. Journal of Economics and Management, 44, 315–343. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.R.Gonçalves, T.R. (2022). Knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding: Using grounded theory for conceptual development. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 10(3), 26–46. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, T.Rita, P., Ramos, R., Borges-Tiago, M. T., & Rodrigues, D. (2022). Impact of the rating system on sentiment and tone of voice: A Booking. com and TripAdvisor comparison study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 104, 103245. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Veríssimo, J.Borges-Tiago, T., Veríssimo, J., & Tiago, F. (2022). Smart tourism: a scientometric review (2008-2020). European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3006-3006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, T.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Santiago, J., & Tiago, F. (2023). Mega or macro social media influencers: Who endorses brands better?. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113606 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tiago, F.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Santiago, J., & Tiago, F. (2023). Mega or macro social media influencers: Who endorses brands better?. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113606 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santiago, J.Borges-Tiago, M. T., Santiago, J., & Tiago, F. (2023). Mega or macro social media influencers: Who endorses brands better?. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113606 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Alves, I.Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2022). “The use of non-financial performance measures for managerial compensation: evidence from SMEs”. Journal of Management Control 33, 151–187. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Lourenço, S.Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2022). “The use of non-financial performance measures for managerial compensation: evidence from SMEs”. Journal of Management Control 33, 151–187. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Borba, D., Chaves, M. & Oliveira, M. (2022). Knowledge sharing in the banking sector: a systematic literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 13 (1): 55-70. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Garcia, P., Oliveira, M. & Brohman, K. (2022). “Knowledge sharing, hiding and hoarding: how are they related?”. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 20 (3): 339-351. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Balle, A., Oliveira, V. & Oliveira, M. (2022). “Knowledge sharing behavior in young working college students: a perspective during COVID-19”. Future Studies Research Journal - Future, v. 14: 1-19.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Melchior, C., & Oliveira, M. (2022). Health-related fake news on social media platforms: A systematic literature review. New Media & Society, 24 (6): 1500-1522 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Silva, P.Gaspar, R.M., Silva, P.M. (2023). Investors’ perspective on portfolio insurance. Portuguese Economics Journal. 22: 49-79 in international peer reviewed journals2023
Pedron, C.Barbosa, L., Carvalho, R., Choo, C., Versiani, Â. & Pedron, C. (2022). Corporate memory dynamics in project-based organizations (PBOs): multiple case study in Brazilian engineering design firms and a framework proposal. The Learning Organization, 29(4), 297-316. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Pedron, C.Palma, E., Klein, A., & Pedron, C. (2022). The acceptance of telemedicine by physicians in B razil: An institutional theory view. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, e12254. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Pedron, C.Towsend, T., Pedron, C., Souza, R. M. & Ruas, R. (2022). Industry 4.0 projects: a set of new individual competencies. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 22, 2022.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Pedron, C.Lair, R., Pedron, C. & Pinto, A. (2022). Anti-smoking social media: Why are Stakeholders important?. Revista de Saúde Digital e Tecnologias Educacionais, 7: 124-134.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A., Jalles, J. & Venâncio, A. (2022). “Do financial markets reward public spending efficiency?”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 77, 101505 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gaio, C.Henriques, R., Gaio, C., & Costa, M. (2022). Sustainability Reporting Quality and Stakeholder Engagement Assessment: The Case of the Paper Sector at the Iberian Level. Sustainability, 14(21), 14404 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, R.Henriques, R., Gaio, C., & Costa, M. (2022). Sustainability Reporting Quality and Stakeholder Engagement Assessment: The Case of the Paper Sector at the Iberian Level. Sustainability, 14(21), 14404 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Samagaio, A.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Diogo, T.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Balle, A. (2022). Special issue editorial: Knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding in different environments, The Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 10(3), 1-5. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Balle, A. (2022). Special issue editorial: Knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding in different environments, The Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 10(3), 1-5. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Hong, J., Curado, C. & Henriques, P. L. (2022). Guest editorial: Learning organization, human resource management and sustainability: leading the future of organizations. The Learning Organization, 29(5), 421-427. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Hong, J., Curado, C. & Henriques, P. L. (2022). Guest editorial: Learning organization, human resource management and sustainability: leading the future of organizations. The Learning Organization, 29(5), 421-427. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Curado, C., Jesus, M. & Bontis, N. (2022). “SMEs managers’ perceptions of MCS: A mixed methods approach”. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32(4), Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Curado, C., Muñoz-Pascual, L., Oliveira, M., Henriques, P.L. & Jerónimo, H. (2022). “Contribution of human resources management for sustainability”, Journal of Business Management, 62(5), 1-4, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Henriques, P.L.Curado, C., Muñoz-Pascual, L., Oliveira, M., Henriques, P.L. & Jerónimo, H. (2022). “Contribution of human resources management for sustainability”, Journal of Business Management, 62(5), 1-4, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Jerónimo, H.Curado, C., Muñoz-Pascual, L., Oliveira, M., Henriques, P.L. & Jerónimo, H. (2022). “Contribution of human resources management for sustainability”, Journal of Business Management, 62(5), 1-4, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Curado, C., Muñoz-Pascual, L., Oliveira, M., Henriques, P.L. & Jerónimo, H. (2022). “Contribution of human resources management for sustainability”, Journal of Business Management, 62(5), 1-4, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Gonçalves, T.R., Curado, C. & Balle, A.R. (2022). “Psychosocial antecedents of knowledge sharing in healthcare research centers: a mixed-methods approach”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36(1), 1-23. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, T.R.Gonçalves, T.R., Curado, C. & Balle, A.R. (2022). “Psychosocial antecedents of knowledge sharing in healthcare research centers: a mixed-methods approach”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36(1), 1-23. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Curado, C.Pena, L., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2022). The contribution of LinkedIn use to career outcome expectations, Journal of Business Research, 144, 788-796. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Oliveira, M.Pena, L., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2022). The contribution of LinkedIn use to career outcome expectations, Journal of Business Research, 144, 788-796. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Tigre, F.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Curado, C.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Henriques, P.L.Tigre, F., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2023). Digital leadership: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1): 40-70 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Barros, V.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social ChangePublications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social ChangePublications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social ChangePublications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Vieira, R.P.Barros, V., Matos, P. V., Sarmento, J. M. & Vieira, P. R. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social ChangePublications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Barros, V.Ruano, F. & Barros, V. (2022). Commodities and Portfolio Diversification: Myth or Fact?. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 86, 281-295. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Gonçalves, T. C., Dias, J., & Barros, V. (2022). Sustainability Performance and the Cost of Capital. International Journal of Financial Studies, 10(3), 63. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Barros, V., Jalles, J. T. & Sarmento, J. M. (2022). Drivers of the Tax Effort: Evidence from a Large Panel. Comparative Economic Studies, In Press. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Jalles, J. T. & Sarmento, J. M. (2022). Drivers of the Tax Effort: Evidence from a Large Panel. Comparative Economic Studies, In Press. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Gonçalves, T.C., Barros, V., & Serra, G. (2022). Political elections uncertainty and earnings management: Does firm size really matter?, Economics Letters, 214, 110438. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Barros, V.Barros, V., Costa, D. & Sarmento, J. (2022). An alternative valuation of Public Private Partnerships by using the Black Scholes Model: The Portuguese highway case. Global Business and Economics Review, 26(2), 135-151. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Costa, D. & Sarmento, J. (2022). An alternative valuation of Public Private Partnerships by using the Black Scholes Model: The Portuguese highway case. Global Business and Economics Review, 26(2), 135-151. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dias Lopes, J.Lopes, J. D. (2022). Industry 4.0 and the small business something behind the technology - a literature review. Serbian Journal of Management, 17(1), 161-178. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dias Lopes, J.Lopes, J. D. & Losada, A. (2022). A relação política-administração. Que se conclui da revisão sistemática da literatura mais recente?. RIPS. Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas, 21(1). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dias Lopes, J.Osifodunrin, E. A., & Lopes, J. D. (2022). Theory and determinants of regulatory effectiveness in a formal microinsurance context: the insurers’ perspectives. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 11(4 Special Issue), 277-288. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Sancho, B., Christopoulos, T., Mello, R., & Matos, P.V. (2022). Social impact bonds as public policy: international panorama and contributions to implementation in Brazil. RAP: Revista Brasileira de Administração Pública, 56(2): 309-323. DOI: 10.1590/0034-761220210245X Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Matos, P. V.Dias, A., Camargos, M., Falcão, N., & Matos, P.V. (2022). Analysis of the effects of task environment and firm's market power on competitive position of brazilian firms. Brazilian Journal of Management/Revista de Administração da UFSM, 15(4): 581-595 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Catalão, F., Cruz, C., Sarmento, J. (2022). Public management and cost overruns in public projects, International Public Management Journal, 25(5): 677–703. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Sarmento, J.Costa, Á., Cruz, C., Sarmento, J., Sousa, V. (2022). Impact of alternative concession models on the economic efficiency of road concessions, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(2): 1026–1033. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dhillon, G.Smith, K.J., Dhillon, G., Otoo, B.A. (2022). iGen User (over) Attachment to Social Media: Reframing the Policy Intervention Conversation, Information Systems Frontiers 24(6): 1989-2006. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dhillon, G.Soh, F., Smith, K., & Dhillon, G. (2022). The Relationship between Social Capital and Social Media Addiction: The Role of Privacy Self-Efficacy, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 26 in international peer reviewed journals2022
Afonso, C.Castro, E., Ferreira, P. Rebelo, A., Rio-Torto, I., Capozzi, L., Ferreira, M., Gonçalves, T., Albuquerque, T., Silva, W., Afonso, C., Sousa, R., Cimarelli, C., Daoudi, N., Moreira, G., Yang, H., Hrga, I., Ahmad, J., Keswani, M. & Beco, S. (2023). Fill in the blank for fashion complementary outfit product Retrieval: VISUM summer school competition, Machine Vision and Applications 34, 16 (2023). Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Rocha, A.Razzaq, S., Shah, B., Iqbal, F., Ilyas, M., Maqbool, F., & Rocha, A. (2022). DeepClassRooms: a deep learning based digital twin framework for on-campus class rooms. Neural Computing and Applications,. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Tiwari, R., Dubey, A. K. & Rocha, Á. (2022), “A novel YOLOv4-modified approach for efficient object detection in satellite imagery”, Expert Systems (Online), e13180. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Saini, H., Dash, S., Pani, S., Sousa, M.J. & Rocha, Á. (2022), “Blockchain-based raw material shipping with PoC in Hyperledger Composer”, Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), 19(3), 1075-1092. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Yogesh, A., Dubey, A.K, Ratan, R. & Rocha, Á. (2022), “Multiclass Classification of Nutrients Deficiency of Apple using Deep Neural Network”, Neural Computing and Applications, 34: 8411-8422, Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Rocha, A., Angélico, M.J., Silva, A.F., Teixeira, S. & Silva, R. (2022), “Leadership Challenges in the Context of University 4.0 - A Thematic Synthesis Literature Review”, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 28: 214-246. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Arora, J., Dubey, A.K, Jaffery, Z.A. & Rocha, Á (2022), “Bag of Feature and Support Vector Machine Based Early Diagnosis of Skin Cancer”, Neural Computing and Applications, 34, 8385-8392. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Nawaz, M., Al-Obeidat, A.K., Tubaishat, A., Zia, T. & Rocha, Á. (2023), “MDVA-GAN: multi-domain visual attribution generative adversarial networks”, Neural Computing and Applications (online), 35, 8035–8050. in international peer reviewed journals2023
Rocha, A.Arora, G., Dubey, A.K., Jaffery, Z. A. & Rocha, Á. (2023), “A comparative study of fourteen deep learning networks for multi skin lesion classification (MSLC) on unbalanced data”, Neural Computing and Applications 35, 7989–8015. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Rocha, A.Razzaq, S., Shah, B., Iqbal, F., Ilyas, M., Maqbool, F., & Rocha, A. (2023). DeepClassRooms: a deep learning based digital twin framework for on-campus class rooms. Neural Computing and Applications,. 35, 8017–8026. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Rocha, A.Al-Obeidat, F., Rocha, Á., Khan, M.S., Maqbool, F., Razzaq, S. (2022). Parallel tensor factorization for relational learning, Neural Computing and Applications 34, 8455-8464. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Rocha, A.Al-Obeidat, F., Rocha, Á., Akram, M., Razzaq, S., Maqbool, F. (2022). (CDRGI)-Cancer detection through relevant genes identification, Neural Computing and Applications 34, 8447–8454. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Santiago, J.Ladeira, W., Santiago, J., Santini, F., & Pinto, D. (2022). Impact of brand familiarity on attitude formation: insights and generalizations from a meta-analysis. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(8), 1168-1179. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Venâncio, A.Afonso, A., Jalles, J. & Venâncio, A. (2021). Structural tax reforms and public spending efficiency, Open Economies Review. 32, 1017-1061 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Raposo, C.Bonfim, D., Custódio, C., Raposo, C. (2023). Supporting small firms through recessions and recoveries, Journal of Financial Economics
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Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Barros, V.Barros, V., Verga Matos, P., Miranda Sarmento, J., Rino Vieira, P. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122434 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Matos, P. V.Barros, V., Verga Matos, P., Miranda Sarmento, J., Rino Vieira, P. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122434 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Sarmento, J.Barros, V., Verga Matos, P., Miranda Sarmento, J., Rino Vieira, P. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122434 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Vieira, R.P.Barros, V., Verga Matos, P., Miranda Sarmento, J., Rino Vieira, P. (2023). High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122434 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2023
Guedes, M. J.Casaca, SF., Guedes, M.J.; Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2021). A favor, contra, ou assim-assim? Posições e e discursos de membros dos órgãos de gestão sobre limiares de representação legalmente vinculativos, mérito e igualdade. ex aequo, (44), 57-77.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, A. S.Gonçalves, S., Silva, R. and Teixeira, N. (2019). "Individual actors and embeddedness in business-to-business interactions", Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 181-191 in international peer reviewed journals2019
Gonçalves, A. S.Gonçalves, S.M. and Silva, R.V. (2021), "Discussing the potential of the institutional theory to leverage service-dominant logic advancements", European Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 3-16. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Gonçalves, A. S.Santos, D. M., Gonçalves, S. M., & Laranja, M. (2022). Drivers, Processes, and Outcomes of the STI and DUI Modes of Innovation: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 19(03), 2140015.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, A. S.Against all odds, the Dynamics of Power in the Adoption of New PracticesPublications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Reis, A.P. Carvalho, R. B., REIS, A. M., Larieira, C. L., & Pinochet, L. H. (2021). Digital transformation: construct definition challenges and scenarios for a research agenda. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 22. in international peer reviewed journals2021
Agostinho, E.Agostinho, E. & Gaspar, R. (2021). Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions: Analysis of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member Countries, Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 8(1): 12-23 in international peer reviewed journals2021
Faria, S.Couto, G., Castanho, R.A., Santos, C., ...Faria, S., Batista, M.G. (2021). Guidelines for tourism sustainability in ultra-peripheral territories: A research based on the azores region’s touristic companies’ analysis. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(7), 3895Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Almeida Lopes, S.Almeida Lopes, S., Duarte, M. & Lopes, J. (2018). Can artificial neural networks predict lawyers’ performance rankings, Can artificial neural networks predict lawyers’ performance rankings, 67(9): 1940 - 1958Publications in international peer reviewed journals2018
Lacerda, T.Lacerda, T. (2019). Crisis leadership in economic recession: A three-barrier approach to offset external constraints, Business Horizons 62(2): 185 - 197
Publications in international peer reviewed journals2019
Diogo, T.Samagaio, A., & Diogo, T. (2022). Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(2), 705 Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Diogo, T.Pinheiro, J. M., Diogo, T. A., & Samagaio, A. (2021). Tax Compliance: factors that influence taxpayer invoice requests in Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 23(4): 619-634. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021
Simões, V. C.Lopes, T.S., Simões, V.C. (2020). Foreign investment in Portugal and knowledge spillovers: From the Methuen Treaty to the 21st century, Business History, 2020, 62(7), pp. 1079–1106 in international peer reviewed journals2020
Simões, V. C.Godinho, M.M., Simões, V.C. (2023). The Tech Cold War: What can we learn from the most dynamic patent classes? International Business Review, 2023, 102140 in international peer reviewed journals2023
Almeida, J.Almeida, J. & Gonçalves, T. C. (2022) “A Systematic Literature Review of Volatility and Risk Management on Cryptocurrency Investment: A Methodological Point of View”, Risks, 10(5): 107. Publications in international peer reviewed journals2022
Dias Lopes, J.Osifodunrin, E. A., & Lopes, J. D. (2022). Theory and determinants of regulatory effectiveness in a formal microinsurance context: The insurers’ perspectives [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 11(4), 277–288. in international peer reviewed journals2022
Gonçalves, V. Gonçalves, V., Sarmento, J. M., & Rodrigues, R. (2021). Aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis, the new challenges to competitiveness in Portugal. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 34(1), 998-1012.Publications in international peer reviewed journals2021