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1997 Link

    Nº07/97 Paulo Brito
    Local dynamics for planar optimalcontrol problems: A complete characterization
    Nº06/97 António Pedro Afonso, Miguel St.Aubyn
    Is there credit rationing in Portuguese Banking?
    Nº05/97 António Pedro Afonso
    The Economics of Budget Deficits and Public Debt
    Nº04/97 Francisco Louçã
    The Intriguing Pendulum - Foundingmetaphors and persuasion in the analysis of economic fluctuations
    Nº03/97 Maria Cândida Ferreira
    Utilização de metodologiasde controlo óptimo em problemas de Política Económica
    Nº02/97 António Pedro Afonso, João Cláudio Teixeira
    Efficiency in Portuguese stockexchange indexes: Runs tests and BDS statistics
    Nº01/97 Francisco Louçã
    How long is the The Long Time? A critical review of historical methods in Economic research