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2009 Link

    WP 42/2009/DE Carlos Farinha Rodrigues
    Efficacy of Anti-poverty and Welfare Programs in Portugal: the Joint Impact of the CSI and RSI  "
    WP 41/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso, Peter Clayes and Richard M. Sousa
    Fiscal Regime Shifts in Portugal  "
    WP 40/2009/DE Carlos R. Ferreira and José Filipe
    Using Institutional Theory to improve Results in an Industrial Company  "
    WP 39/2009/DE/SOCIUS Paula Albuquerque, Manuela Arcanjo and Vítor Escária
    Early Retirement in Portugal   "
    WP 38/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso
    Long-Term Government Bond Yields and Economic Forecast: Evidence for the EU  "
    WP 37/2009/DE/SOCIUS Maria Rosa Borges
    " Calendar Effects in Stock Markets: Critique of Previous Methodologies and Recent Evidence in European Countries "
    WP 36/2009/DE/SOCIUS  Horácio Faustino and João Peixoto 
    Immigration-Trade Links: The Impact of Recent Immigration on Portuguese Trade "
    WP 35/2009/DE/SOCIUS Isabel Mendes and Isabel Proença
    Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: A Count-Data Travel Cost Approach "
    WP 34/2009/DE/SOCIUS Manuel Arcanjo
    Regimes and Reform of Welfare State: the Classification of ten European Countries in 1990 and 2006  "
    WP 33/2009/DE/UECE Nuno Crespo and Paula Fontoura
    Does the Location of Manufacturing Determine Service Sectors Location' Choices? Evidence from Portugal    "
    WP 32/2009/DE Carlos Ferreira and José Filipe
    Using Institutional Theory to Improve Results in an  Industrial Company     "
    WP 31/2009/DE/UECE Susana Santos
    " Using a SAM-based model to measure the distributional impacts of government policies   "
    WP 30/2009/DE/UECE José Pedro Pontes
    " Vertical Linkages and Multinational Plant Size       "
    WP 29/2009/DE/SOCIUS Manuel Coelho
    Roman Legal Tradition and the Mismanagement of Hunting Resources    "
    WP 28/2009/DE/UECE  Nuno Crespo and Paula Fontoura
    Determinant Factors of Structural Similarity at the Regional Level: Evidence from Portugal   " 
    WP 26/2009/DE/UECE Cândida Ferreira
    The European Credit Market and Institutions  "
    WP 25/2009/DE/UECE Luís F. Costa and Huw Dixon
    Fiscal Policy under Imperfect Competition: A survey   "
    WP 24/2009/DE/UECE Cândida Ferreira
    Public Debt and Economic Growth: a Granger Causality Panel Data Approach   "
    WP 23/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso and Sebastian Hauptmeier
    Fiscal Behaviour in the European Union: Rules, Fiscal Decentralization and Government Indebtedness  "
    WP 21/2009/DE/SOCIUS

    Manuel Coelho, José Filipe and Manuel Ferreira
    Tragedies on Natural Resources a Commons and Anticommons Approach  "

    WP 20/2009/DE/SOCIUS Horácio Faustino, Ana Kaizeler and Rafael Marques
    The ethics of a globalized world: a universal ethic? "
    WP 19/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso, Luca Agnello, David Furceri and Ricardo M. Sousa
    Assessing Long-Term Fiscal Developments: a New Approach  "
    WP 18/2009/DE/SOCIUS Manuel A. Ferreira, José A. Filipe and Manuel Coelho
    A queue model for recycling and dismantling motor vehicles  "
    WP 17/2009/DE/SOCIUS Horácio Faustino and Nuno Leitão
    " Intra-industry trade and labor costs: The smooth adjustment hypothesis  "
    WP 16/2009/DE/UECE Sven Banisch, Tanya Araujo and Jorge Loução
    " Opinion Dynamics and Communication Networks "
    WP 15/2009/DE Mário Olivares
    " Expectation and Uncertainty in the Keynesian Theory "
    WP 14/2009/DE Mário Olivares
    " Risk, Uncertainty and Expectation as Language Game Categories: - what we can still learn from keynes  "
    WP 13/2009/DE/UECE Mário Olivares and Cezar Guedes
    " Globalization Dynamics in Latin America: South Cone and Iberian Investments  "
    WP 12/2009/DE/UECE Mário Olivares and Sofia Santos
    Market  Solutions in Poverty: The Role of Microcredit in Development Countries with Financial Restrictions   "
    WP 11/2009/DE Miguel Fonseca, António Mendonça and José Passos
    Outward FDI Effects on the Portuguese Trade Balance 1996-2007 "
    WP 10/2009/DE/UECE Emanuel R. Leão and Pedro R. Leão
    " Trade based on economics of scale under monopolistic competition: a clarification of Krugman's model "
    WP 09/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso and Ricardo M. Sousa
    The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy in Portugal: a bayesian SVAR analysis   "
    WP 08/2009/DE/UECE Maria Cândida Ferreira
    The Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy in the European Union   "
    WP 07/2009/DE/UECE Maria Cândida Ferreira
    "   European Integration and the Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy   "
    WP 06/2009/DE/SOCIUS Nuno Leitão, Horácio Faustino and Yushi Yoshida
    Determinants of Vertical Intra-Industry Trade in the Automobile Manufacturing Sector: globalization and fragmentation    "
    WP 05/2009/DE Miguel Fonseca, António Mendonça and José Passos
    "   A Hipótese do "Investiment Develpoment Path": Uma abordagem por dados em Painel. Os casos de Portugal e Espanha   " 
    WP 04/2009/DE/SOCIUS Manuela Arcanjo
    The Reform of Unemployment Protection Insurance, 1993-2007: The Erosion of Legislated Rights in France, Germany, Portgal and Spain  "
    WP 03/2009/DE/UECE António Afonso and Ricardo M. Sousa
    Assessing Long-Term Fiscal Development: Evidence from Portugal "
    WP 02/2009/DE/UECE

    António Afonso and Christophe Rault
    Bootstrap Panel GRanger-Causality Between Government Budget and External Deficits for the EU   "

    WP 01/2009/DE/UECE Horácio Faustino, Maria João Kaiseler and Rafael Marques
    " Why do people Buy Lottery Products?  "