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2012 Link

    WP01/2012/DE/UECE   António Afonso & João Tovar Jalles                                                
    The Fiscal-Growth Nexus  "
    WP02/2012/DE/UECE Pedro Leão
    How to make discretionary fiscal policy countercyclical  " 
    WP03/2012/DE/UECE  Cândida Ferreira
    Bank market concentration and efficiency in the European Union: a panel granger causality approach   "
    WP04/2012/DE/UECE  João Carlos Lopes & Tanya Araujo
    " The economic performance of Portuguese and Spanish regions: A network dynamics approach "
    WP05/2012/DE/CEMAPRE  Carlos Farinha Rodrigues
    " Minimum Income in Portugal: Changing the Rules in Times of Crisis  "
    WP06/2012/DE/UECE  António Afonso & João Tovar Jalles
    " Fiscal Volatility, Financial Crises and Growth   " 
    WP07/2012/DE/UECE  António Afonso & João Tovar Jalles
    " Do fiscal rules matter for growth?   "
    WP08/2012/DE/UECE  Joana Pais, Agnes Pinter, Robert F. Veszteg
    Decentralized Matching Markets: A Laboratory Experiment  "
    WP09/2012/DE/UECE Samuel Eleutério, Tanya Araújo and R. Vilela Mendes
    Portfolios and market geometry   "
    WP10/2012/DE/UECE Sven Banish, Ricardo Lima and Tanya Araújo
    " Agent based models and opinion dynamics as markov chains
    WP11/2012/DE/UECE  Alessandro Spelta and Tanya Araujo
    " The topology of cross-bonder exposures: beyond the minimal spanning tree approach  "
    WP12/2012/DE/UECE Luis Costa and Miguel St. Aubyn
    The Macroeconomic Effects of Legal-Simplification Programmes   "
    WP13/2012/DE/SOCIUS/ADVANCE  Horácio Faustino, Joana C. Lima and Pedro V. Matos
    " Exports, Productivity and Innovation: Evidence from Portugal using micro data "

    Manuela Arcanjo, Amélia Bastos, Francisco Nunes and José Passos 
    How do work and public policies interact with child poverty?   "

    WP15/2012/DE Ana S. Branca, Joaquim Pina and Margarida Catalão-Lopes 
    Corporate Giving, Competition and the Economic Cycle

    Luís M. S. Coelho, Rúben M. T. Peixinho, Siri Terjensen
    Going concern opinions are not bad news: Evidence from industry rivals "


    Felipa de Mello-Sampayo and Sofia de Sousa-Vale 
    " Tourism and Growth in European Countries: An Application of Likelihood-Based Panel Cointegration "


    Cristina Hagatong and Horácio Faustino
    O comércio intra-sectorial no sector agro-alimentar em Portugal: o cluster de produtos competitivos Intra-industry trade in Portuguese agro-industry: the competitive cluster "

    WP19/2012/DE/UECE  Alessandro Spelta & Tanya Araújo
    " Interlinkages and structural changes in cross-border liabilities: a network approach
    WP20/2012/DE/UECE  Sven Banisch & Tanya Araújo
    " Who replaces whom? Local versus non-local replacement in social and evolutionary dynamics  " 
    WP21/2012/DE/UECE Tanya Araújo, João Dias, Samuel Eleutério & Francisco Louçã
    " How Fama went wrong: Measures of multivariate kurtosis for the identification of the dynamics of N-dimensional market  " 

    João Carlos Lopes & Paula Cristina Albuquerque
    " The characteristics and regional distribution of older workers in Portugal   " 

    WP23/2012/DE  Sandra Gomes & Catarina Mendicino
    " Housing market dynamics: Any News?     "
    WP24/2012/DE/UECE  Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimitzu, Andrea Vezzulli
    " Schumpeterian patterns of inovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: Evidence from a data-set of R&D Awards
    WP25/2012/DE/UECE Sven Banisch, Ricardo Lima & Tanya Araujo
    " Aggregation and emergence in agent based models: A markov chain approach "
    WP26/2012/DE/UECE Paulo T. Pereira & Laura Wemans
    " Portugal and the Global Financial Crisis -short-sighted politics, deteriorating public finances and the bailout imperative  "
    WP27/2012/DE/UECE/GHES Leonor Freire Costa, Maria Manuela Rocha & Tanya Araujo
    " Social capital and economic performance: trust and distrust in eighteenth-century gold shipments from Brazil "
    WP28/2012/DE/UECE Susana Santos 
    A SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) approach to the Policy decision process  "
    WP29/2012/DE/UECE António Afonso & João Tovar Jalles 
    " Revisiting fiscal sustainability: panel cointegration and structural breaks in OECD countries  " 
    WP30/2012/DE/UECE António Afonso & João Tovar Jalles
    The cyclicality of education, health, and social security government spending  "  

    Eugénia Ramona-Mara
    Determinants of fiscal budget volatility in old versus new EU member states   "

    WP32/2012/DE/UECE Pedro Leão
    " Consequências de desequilíbrios comerciais em câmbios fixos e em câmbios flexíveis no modelo de Ricardo   "
    WP33/2012/DE/UECE Pedro Leão
    Comércio determinado por diferentes dotações de fatores produtivos entre países: o modelo Hecksher-Ohlin   "
    WP34/2012/DE Felipa de Mello-Sampayo and Sofia de Sousa Valle 
    " Financing Health Care Expenditure in the OECD Countries: Evidence from a Heterogeneous, Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel "
    WP35/2012/DE/UECE Ana Luisa Coutinho & Maria Paula Fontoura
    What determines the export performance? A comparative analysis of China and India in the European Union "

     António Afonso, Michael G. Arghyrou and Alexandros Kontonikas
    " The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU  "

    WP37/2012/DE/UECE  António Afonso & Jorge Silva
    " The Fiscal Forecasting Track Record of the European Commission and Portugal "
    WP38/2012/DE/UECE Cândida Ferreira
    " Bank efficiency, market concentration and economic growth in the European Union  "
    WP39/2012/DE/UECE Tânia Dia & Margarida Abreu
    A Crise da Dívida Soberana Portuguesa Lida Através dos Spreads dos CDS da Dívida Portuguesa Relativamente aos CDS da Divida Alemã   "
    WP40/2012/DE/UECE Teresa Simões & Margarida Abreu
    O Efeito Disposição nos Investidores Individuais Portugueses  "