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Publicações Link

Capítulos em Livros Link

  • J.Janela, A.moura and A. Sequeira, Towards a geometrical multiscale approach for non Newtonian blood flow simulations, in Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, pp 295-209, Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg (2010).

  • J. Janela, A.Sequeira. On a constrained minimization problem arising in hemodynamics, Banach Center Publications, Inst. Math., Polish Acad.Sc., Vol. 81, pp. 227-241 (2008).

  • A.M. Artoli, A. Sequeira, E. Sellountos, J. Janela. Advances in Computational Hemorheology. In: Vascular Wall and Endothelium, Actas de Bioquı́mica, J. Martins e Silva,Carlota Saldanha (Eds.) Vol. 9, pp 131-136 (2008).

  • A. Sequeira, J. Janela, An overview of some mathematical models of blood rheology, in: A Portrait of Research at the Technical University of Lisbon, M.S. Pereira (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 65-87 (2007).

  • A.M. Artoli, A. Sequeira, J. Janela. Shear-thinning viscosity effects in bifurcating blood vessels, Proceedings of the 5th world Congress of Biomechanics, July 29-August 4, 2006, Munich, Germany - Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 345-348 (2006). Abstract publicado em: Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, suppl 1, pp. S310 (2006).