Publications Link
Publicações Link
[38] Guedes, M.J., Patel, P.C., Kowalkowski, C. & Oghazi, P. (2022). Family business, servitization, and performance: Evidence from Portugal. Technological Forecast and Social Change, 185, 122053.
[37] Guedes, M. J., Patel, P., & Casaca, S.F. (2022) On the same page? Differences between male and female board members on the benefits of a gender-balanced representation. Corporate Governance, Forthcoming
[36] Casaca, S.F., Marques, S.R., Guedes, M.J. & Seierstad, Cathrine (2022) Gender-Balanced Seats, Equal Power and Greater Gender Equality? Zooming into the Boardroom of Companies Bound by the Portuguese Gender Quota Law, Social Sciences, 11(10), 449.
[35] Patel, P., Wolfe, M. & Guedes, M. J. (2022). The triple-edged sword of sensitivity of sales, cash flows and debt to investments : Venture survival and capital investments. Managerial and Decision Economics, Forthcoming.
[34] Casaca, SF.; Guedes, M.J.; Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2022). Shedding light on the gender quota law debate: board members´profile before and after legally binding quotas in Portugal. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 37(8), 1026-1044.
[33] Alves, C. F., & Guedes, M. J. (2022). Narcissistic leaders do not share! The relationship between top managers' narcissism and the distribution of value added. Finance Research Letters, 49 (Oct 2022), 103054.
[32] Tsionas, M., Patel, P. & Guedes, MJ.(2022). Endogenous efficiency of dynamic profit maximization in intertemporal production models on venture behavior. International Journal of Production Economics, 246, April 2022, 108411.
[31] Patel, P., Tsionas, M. & Guedes, MJ. (2022). Benford's law, small business financial reporting, and survival. Managerial and Decision Economics, Forthcoming.
[30] Gish, J., Guedes, M.J, Silva, B. & Patel, P. (2022). Latent profiles of personality, temperament, and eudaimonic well-being: Comparing life satisfaction and health outcomes among entrepreneurs and employees. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 17, June 2022, e00293.
[29] Bachrach. D., Patel, P., Guedes, M. J. & Harms, P. (2022). CEO narcissism, top management team transactive memory systems, and firm performance: an upper echelons perspective on CEO admiration and rivalry narcissism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(1), 61-76.
[28] Barros, V., Guedes, M. J., Santos, P., & Sarmento, J. M. (2022). Does CEO turnover influence dividend policy?. Finance Research Letters, 44, 102085.
[27] Casaca, SF.; Guedes, M.J.; Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2022). A favor, contra, ou assim-assim? Posições e e discursos de membros dos órgãos de gestão sobre limiares de representação legalmente vinculativos, mérito e igualdade. exaequo, 44, 57-77.
[26] Patel, P. & Guedes, M. J. (2022). Do family firms perform better under financial constraints? Financial constraints, family firms and performance?. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(4), 933-949.
[25] Fonseca, S., Guedes, M. J. & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2022). Profitability and size of newly established firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 957-974.
[24] Guedes, M. J., Casaca, SF. (2021). The GBB Index: a proposal to measure the gender balance on company boards. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 10(2), 249-257.
[23] Afonso, A., Guedes, M., Patel, P. (2021). Labour Productivity in State-Owned Enterprises. Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 450-465.
[22] Casaca, SF.; Guedes, M.J. ; Marques, S. & Paço, N. (2021). Is a progressive law accelerating the longstanding snail’s pace? Women on corporate boards in Portugal. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 61(2), 1-7.
[21] Patel, P.; Feng, C. & Guedes, M. J. (2021). Marketing capability and new venture survival: The role of marketing myopia. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 307-326.
[20] Guedes, M. J. (2020). Editorial: Corporate governance and ownership: Changing towards an accountable, sustainable, responsible but profitable corporation. Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(1), 4-6.
[19] Imaginário, J., & Guedes, M. J. (2020). Governance and government debt. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 10(3), 34-49.
[18] Geller, Gabriel & Guedes, M. J. (2020). Political institutions and investor protection [Special issue]. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(4), 339- 352.
[17] Guedes, M. J., & Monteiro, A. G. (2020). A configurational approach to the determinants of women on boards. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(4), 100-109.
[16] Patel, P. C., Guedes, M.J, Pagano, M. & Olson, G. (2020). Industry profitability matters: The value of venture sustainable growth rate and distance from bankruptcy as enablers of venture survival. Journal of Business Research, 114, 80-92.
[15] Patel, P. C., Pearce, J. A. & Guedes, M.J. (2019). The survival benefits of service intensity for new manufacturing ventures: A resource-advantage theory perspective. Journal of Service Research, 22 (4), 352-370.
[14] Guedes, M.J. , Nicolaou, N. & Patel, P. C. (2019). Genetic distance and the difference in new firm entry between countries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 29(3), 973-1016.
[13] Guedes, M. J., & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2019). Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance, Journal of Business Research, 101, 869-874.
[12] Patel, P. C., Guedes, M. J., Soares, N., & da Conceição Gonçalves, V. (2018). Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility. Journal of Business Research. 88, 282-288.
[11] Guedes, M. J., Gonçalves, H. M., Gonçalves, V.C., & Patel, P.C. (2018). Lower on the totem pole: The influence of sense of control and trait anxiety on cortisol at lower hierarchical levels. International journal of Stress Management, 25(S1), 94-107.
[10] Patel, P.C. & Guedes, M. J. (2017). Surviving the 2008 recession with efficiency improvements: the case of the hospitality firms in Portugal. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(5) September/October 2017, 594–604.
[9] Patel, P. C., Guedes, M. J. & Pearce, J.A. (2017). The Role of Service Operations Management in New Retail Venture Survival. Journal of Retailing, 93(2), 241-251.
[8] Driver, C. & Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). R&D and CEO departure date: do financial incentives make CEO’s more opportunistic? Industrial and Corporate Change, 26 (5), 801-820.
[7] Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the greatest performer of all? Narcissism and self-reported and objective performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 108(April), 182-185.
[6] Geller, G. & Guedes, M.J.C. (2017). Was the collapse of the communist bloc a game changer in the stock markets? Left-wing vs. right-wing political preferences and stock market development. Research in International Business and Finance, 39,423-432.
[5] Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, H. M. & Gonçalves, V.C., (2017). Stress at the top: Myth or fact? Causal explanations from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Quality and Quantity,51(2), 2001-2017.
[4] Guedes, M.J., Gonçalves, V.C., Soares, N. & Valente, M. (2016). UK Evidence for the determinants of R&D intensity from a panel fsQCA, Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5431-5436.
[3] Terjesen, S. A., Guedes, M. J., & Patel, P. C. (2016). Founded in Adversity: Operations-based survival strategies of ventures founded during a recession. International Journal of Production Economics, 173, March 2016, 161-169.
[2] Curado, C., Guedes, M. J., & Bontis, N. (2014). The Financial Crisis of Banks (Before, During and After): An Intellectual Capital Perspective. Knowledge and Process Management, 21 (2), 103-111.
[1] Driver, C. & Guedes, M.J.C. (2012). Research and development, cash flow, agency and governance: UK large companies. Research Policy, Volume 41, Issue 9, November 2012, Pages 1565- 1577.
[3] Casaca, S.F. (coord.), Guedes, M.J., Ramalho, S., Paço, N. & Perista, H. (2021). Equilíbrio entre Mulheres e Homens nos Órgãos de Gestão das Empresas e Planos para a Igualdade - Livro Branco. Lisboa: Socius
[2] Kostyuk, A., Guedes, M. J. C., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2020). Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
[1] Duque et al. (2005). Exercícios de Contabilidade Financeira - Exames resolvidos. Publisher Team.
Proceedings/Papers presented at Conferences
[5] Guedes, M. J., Saraiva, T., & Felício, T. (2020). New ventures capital structure and financial crisis. In S. Sylos Labini, A. Kostyuk, & D. Govorun (Eds.), Corporate Governance: An Interdisciplinary Outlook in the Wake of Pandemic (pp. 95-96).
[4] A. Kostyuk, M. J. C. Guedes, & D. Govorun (2020). Intellectual Illumination of Isolated Scholars: An Online Scholarly Conference in the Epoch of Pandemic. In A. Kostyuk, M. J. C. Guedes, & D. Govorun (Eds.), Corporate Governance: Examining Key Challenges and Perspectives (pp. 74-76). Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
[3] Barros, V., Guedes, M. J. C., Santos, P., & Sarmento, J. M. (2020). Does CEO turnover influence the dividend policy? In A. Kostyuk, M. J. C. Guedes, & D. Govorun (Eds.), Corporate Governance: Examining Key Challenges and Perspectives (pp. 74-76). Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
[2] Guedes, M.J., Gaio, C. & Soares, N. (2018). Exploring the Relationship Between Gender Diversity and Earnings Management: Does Critical Mass Matter? International Conference of Gender Research, 181-188.
[1] Soares, N., Patel, P.C., Guedes, M.J. & Gonçalves, V.C. (2017). R&D volatility and firm growth: complementary role of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility. 7th GIKA Conference Proceedings. “Innovation, knowledge, judgement and Decision-making in virtuous cycles”.
Book chapters
[2] Guedes, M. J., Saraiva, T. M., & Felício, T. (2021). Does the Capital Structure of New Ventures Differ as a Response to a Financial Crisis?: Capital Structure Responsiveness of Portuguese New Ventures to an Economic Downturn. In N. Teixeira, & I. Lisboa (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Financial Management During Economic Downturn and Recovery (pp. 77-93). IGI Global.
[1] Afonso, A. & Guedes, M.J.(2018). Do Finance Ministers characteristics mater? EU Finance Ministers, Capital Markets and Fiscal Outcomes, Escritos em Homenagem a José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, 264-282.
[1] Relatório WoBómetro – Women on Boards – uma abordagem integrada (2018-2020)
[2] Base de dados open access: Base de dados Perfis dos Membros dos Órgãos de Gestão das Empresas Cotadas em Bolsa (Euronext Lisbon) – 2018 e 2019, do Projeto Women on Boards: An Integrative Approach/ Mulheres nos Órgãos de Gestão das Empresas: Uma Abordagem Integrada