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Apresentações em Conferências com Revisão por Pares Link

Alves, Iryna, Miguel Limão e Sofia M. Lourenço (2021), "Estudo sobre a intenção de saída dos auditores em Portugal", XVIII Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade e AuditoriaOCC e ISCAL, Lisboa, Portugal.  (paper apresentado por co-autor). 

Alves, Iryna, Miguel Limão e Sofia M. Lourenço (2021), "An Analysis of Auditors' Turnover Intention", 11th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management ControlEIASM (ISSN 2295 - 1660). (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, Iryna, Miguel Limão e Sofia M. Lourenço (2021), "An Analysis of Auditors' Turnover Intention", European Accounting Association Virtual Congress 2021.

Alves, Iryna, Miguel Limão e Sofia M. Lourenço (2021), "An Analysis of Auditors' Turnover Intention", XX Conferência Grudis e Doctoral ColloquiumGRUDIS e Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Guarda, Portugal. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2020), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", 11th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, EIASM

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2019), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", XVII Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade e Auditoria, OCC e ISCAP, Porto, Portugal.  (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2019), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", 10th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, EIASM, Nice, França (ISSN 2295 - 1660).

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2019), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", 1st Conference on Management Accounting and Control, EIASM, Assis, Itália.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2019), "Field Experiments in Managerial Accounting Research", XVIII Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Santarém, Portugal.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2019), "Field Experiments in Managerial Accounting Research", XXIV Workshop on Accounting and Management Control "Memorial Raymond Konopka", ISCAC Coimbra Business School, Coimbra, Portugal.

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2019), "A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Managers' Incentives in SMEs: The Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction", XXIV Workshop on Accounting and Management Control "Memorial Raymond Konopka", ISCAC Coimbra Business School, Coimbra, Portugal. Prémio "Best Paper" (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2018), "A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Managers' Incentives in SMEs: The Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction", 10th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, EIASM, Bruxelas, Bélgica.

Alves, Iryna e Sofia M. Lourenço (2018), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", 41st Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Milão, Itália

Alves, Iryna and Lourenço, Sofia M. (2018), "The Subjective Performance Evaluation Effect on Managerial Intention to Turnover, Identification and Performance", XXVIII Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Gestão Científica, Guarda, Portugal. Prémio "Best Paper" na área científica de Contabilidade (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, Iryna e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2018), "A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Managers' Incentives in SMEs: The Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction", XVII Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e Católica Porto Business School, Porto, Portugal.

Alves, Iryna e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2018), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", XVII Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e Católica Porto Business School, Porto, Portugal. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2018), "The Subjective Performance Evaluation Effect on Managerial Intention to Turnover, Identification and Performance", Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, EUA.

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Managers' Incentives in SMEs: The Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction", Conference on Corporate Governance and Company Performance: Exploring the Challenging Issues, ISEG/ULisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "A Contingency Framework for the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Managerial Incentives: Evidence from SMEs", Conference on Corporate Governance and Company Performance: Exploring the Challenging Issues, ISEG/ULisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Incentives and Performance/Satisfaction of SME Managers", 9 th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, EIASM, Nice, França (ISSN 2295 - 1660). (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "The Subjective Performance Evaluation Effect on Managerial Intention to Turnover, Identification and Performance", 9 th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, EIASM, Nice, França (ISSN 2295 - 1660).

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Incentives and Performance/Satisfaction of SME Managers", 40th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Valência, Espanha.

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "The Subjective Performance Evaluation Effect on Managerial Intention to Turnover, Identification and Performance", 40th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Valência, Espanha. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2017), "The Subjective Performance Evaluation Effect on Managerial Intention to Turnover, Identification and Performance", XVI Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e Universidade do Algarve, Faro. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Basto, Florence, Sofia M. Lourenço e A. Samagaio (2016), "Levers of Control in The Financial Services Industry", MAR 2016 - Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, EIASM, Lisboa, Portugal.

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2016), "Essays on the use of incentives for SMEs managers", MAR 2016 - Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, EIASM, Lisboa, Portugal. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Lourenço, Sofia M. e Cláudia Niza (2016), "What do employees really want? Preference-performance inconsistencies regarding work incentives", 39th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Maastricht, Holanda.

Basto, Florence, Sofia M. Lourenço e A. Samagaio (2016), "Management Control Systems Use as Boundary, Diagnostic and Interactive Systems in The Financial Services Industry - an Exploratory Analysis", XV Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e ISEG/ULisboa, Lisboa. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Lourenço, Sofia M. e Cláudia Niza (2016), "What do employees really want? Preference-performance inconsistencies regarding work incentives", XV Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium, GRUDIS e ISEG/ULisboa, Lisboa.

Lourenço, Sofia M. e Cláudia Niza (2016), "What do employees really want? Preference-performance inconsistencies regarding work incentives", Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, Dallas, EUA.

Lourenço, Sofia M. e Cláudia Niza (2015), "What do employees really want? Preference-performance inconsistencies regarding work incentives", 8th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, EIASM, Nice, França (ISSN 2295 - 1660).

Lourenço, Sofia M. e Cláudia Niza (2015), "What do employees really want? Preference-performance inconsistencies regarding work incentives", Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canadá.

Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço e Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2015), "The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Global Management Accounting Research Sypomsium, GMARS e Copenhagen Business School, Copenhaga, Suécia. (paper apresentado por co-autor).

Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço e Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2015), "The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Midwest Summer Research Conference, American Accounting Association, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, EUA. (paper apresentado por co-autor).

Lourenço, Sofia M., Jeffrey O. Greenberg, Melissa Spinks, David Bates e V. G. Narayanan (2015), "Can Feedback Hurt? Adverse impact of feedback under negative financial incentives", 38th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Glasgow, Escócia.

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2015), "The use of non-financial performance measures in SMEs", II Research Forum: Challenges in Management Accounting and Control, Pablo de Olavide University, Sevilha, Espanha. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Alves, I. e Lourenço, Sofia M. (2015), "A utilização de medidas de desempenho não financeiras nas PMEs", XV Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade e Auditoria, OTOC e ISCA, Coimbra, Portugal (ISBN 978-989-98660-2-7). (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Lourenço, Sofia M., Jeffrey O. Greenberg, Melissa Spinks, David Bates e V. G. Narayanan (2015), "Can Feedback Hurt? Adverse impact of feedback under negative financial incentives", XIV Conferência Grudis, GRUDIS e Escola de Economia e Gestão/Universidade do Minho, Braga.

Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço e Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2015), "The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, NewPort Beach, EUA. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Lourenço, Sofia M., Jeffrey O. Greenberg, Melissa Spinks, David Bates e V. G. Narayanan (2014), "Can Feedback Hurt? Adverse impact of feedback under negative financial incentives", Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, Orlando, EUA.

Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço e Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2014), "The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, Atlanta, EUA. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Casas-Arce, P., Sofia M. Lourenço e Francisco A. Martínez-Jerez (2014), "The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Annual Accounting Conference at Temple Unniversity, Temple Unniversity, Filadélfia, EUA. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Basto, Florence, Sofia M. Lourenço e A. Samagaio (2014), "The Diagnostic and Interactive Uses of Management Control Systems in the Portuguese Financial Services Industry - An Exploratory Analysis", 37th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Tallinn, Estónia. (paper apresentado por co-autor)

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2013), "The use of financial incentives in SMEs", XII Seminário Grudis, GRUDIS e Faculdade de Economia/Universidade Coimbra, Coimbra.

Lourenço, Sofia M. e A. Samagaio (2013), "Management Control Systems In Outermost Regions", 3rd INBAM Conference, INBAM, Lisboa, Portugal (ISBN 978-84-695-7914-5).

Lourenço, Sofia M. e A. Samagaio (2013), "Management Control Systems in Outermost Regions", 15th IAMB Conference, IAMB, Lisboa, Portugal (CD-ROM (ISSN 1949-9094), Online (ISSN 1949-9108) and In-Print (ISSN 1949-912)).

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2013), "The use of financial incentives in SMEs", 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, EIASM, Barcelona, Espanha (ISSN 2295 - 1660).

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2013), "The use of financial incentives in SMEs", 36th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Paris, França.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2012), "Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Rewards", XI Seminário Grudis, GRUDIS e CEFAGE/Universidade de Évora, Évora.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2012), "Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Rewards", 35th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Lujbljana, Eslovénia.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2011), "Do Monetary Incentives, Feedback and Recognition matter for performance? Evidence from a field experiment in a retail services company", Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, Atlanta, EUA.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2011), "Do Monetary Incentives, Feedback and Recognition matter for performance? Evidence from a field experiment in a retail services company", 34th Annual Congress, European Accounting Association, Roma, Itália.

Lourenço, Sofia M. (2010), "Do monetary incentives, feedback and recognition matter for performance? Evidence from a field experiment in a retail services company", 7th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, EIASM, Bruxelas, Bélgica.