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Investigação (research) Link

Research Link


  • 2. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2021). "Intangible flow theory in economics: Human participation in economic and societal production". London. Routledge. Link
  • 1. Cardao-Pito, Tiago & Baptista, Diogo (2017). "A Crise Bancária em Portugal". Lisboa. Editora Actual/Grupo Almedina. Link



  • 28.Cardao-Pito, T. (2025). The end of capitalism as a concept: Towards a new political economy for understanding monetary societies in the biosphere. Innovation and Green Development. 4(1), February
  • 27. Cardao-Pito, T. (2024). Fair value accounting and untraceable financial crime. Journal of Financial Crime.  
  • 26. Cardao-Pito, T. (2024). Trading at the speed of light: how ultrafast algorithms are transforming financial markets (Review). Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
  • 25.Cardao-Pito, T., Abdyrakhmanova, J. (2024). Metaphysical Status of Money and Sustainable Organizations and Ecosystems. Philosophy of Management. 23, 257–286
  • 24. Cardao-Pito, T. (2024). How to identify norms, laws and regulations that facilitate illicit financial flows and related financial crimes. Journal of Money Laundering Control.  27(4), 674-686
  •  23. Cardao-Pito, T. (2024). Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. In Smith, J. (2024). Research Handbook on Accounting and Information Systems. London. Edward Elgar. 
  • 22. Cardao-Pito, T. (2023). Prevalence of Fisher’s theory in mainstream accounting and economic research. Accounting History. 28(2), 312–337
  •  21. Cardao-Pito, T. (2022).  Hypothesis that Tobin’s q captures organizations’ debt levels instead of their growth opportunities and intangible assets. Cogent Economics and Finance. 10(1), 2132636
  •  20. Cardao-Pito, T. (2022). "An embezzler test for norms, standards, and regulations". Journal of Financial Crime, 29(3), 878-889.
  •  19. Cardao-Pito, T. (2021). "Academic discipline of economics as hedonist philosophy". Journal of Philosophical Economics, 14(1-2), 199-207. 
  •  18. Cardao-Pito, T. (2021). "Fisher-Modigliani-Miller organisational finance theory and the financialisation of contemporary societies". European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(4), 499-522.
  •  17. Cardão-Pito, T.; Smith, J. A. and Ferreira, J. S. (2021). Using accounting measures of (in)tangibility for organizational classifications. Quantitative Finance and Economics,  5(2), 325-351.
  •  16. Cardao-Pito, T. (2020). "Enlightenment value theories and the three levels in fair value accounting". Accounting History, 20(4), 625-635.
  •  15. Cardao-Pito, T.  & Ferreira, J. (2018). "Desmistifying Fair Value Accounting: Rejoinder to Baker and Markarian." Accounting History Review (formerly known as Accounting, Business and Financial History), 28(3), 199-202.
  •  14. Cardao-Pito, T. & Ferreira, J. (2018). "Fair Value Accounting as the Normative Fisherian Phase of Accounting". Accounting History Review (formely known as Accounting, Business & Financial History), 28(3), 149-179.      
  • 13. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Classes in Maximizing Shareholders' Wealth: Irving Fisher's Theory of the Economic Organization in Coprorate Financial Economics Textbooks." Contemporary Economics, 11(4), 369-382.     
  •  12. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Organizations as producers of operating product flows to members of society." SAGE Open, 7(3), July-September , 1-18.
  •  11. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Are they all the same? Banking and financial crises in debt- ridden Euroarea countries". International Finance Review, 18, 305-331.
  • 10. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). " Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 46(3), 321-323.      
  • 9. Cardao-Pito, Tiago & Baptista, Diogo (2017). "Portuguese banking and financial crises: Unexpected consequences of monetary integration?"  Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 20 (2), 165-191 . 
  • 8. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2017). "Are they all the same? Banking and financial crises in debt- ridden Euroarea countries". in Rajmund Mirdala, Rosaria Rita Canale (Editors), (2017). " Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union", (International Finance Review, Volume 18). Emerald, pp. 305-331.           
  • 7. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2016). "A law for the social sciences regarding us human beings."  Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 28(2), 202-229.
  • 6. Cardao-Pito, Tiago & Barros, Jorge (2016). "The application of "fair value" accounting standards to the income statements of firms listed in the Portuguese Stock Index-20 (PSI-20)."  RBGN- Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 18(59), 67-86. 
  • 5. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2016). "Assisting the High Administrative Court in restricting too broad a concept of academic judgment." Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 23(1), pp. 53-62.
  • 4. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2016). "Survey methods in heterodox economic research" in Lee, Frederic and Bruce Cronin, Editors, (2016) " Handbook of research methods and applications in heterodox economics.", pp. 110-134. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
  • 3. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2015). "Intangibles" in Werry, Frederick F. and Juliet Schor, Editors (2015) " SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society." Volume 4, pp. 948-950.  Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • 2. Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2012). "Intangible Flow Theory". American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 71(2), pp. 328-353 .  
  • 1. Pereira, Manuel J.; Tavares, Lúis Valadares; Crespo, Maria João; Cardão-Pito, Tiago, & Behn, Robert (2006). "Changing cultural paradigms and mind-set of employees in the public sector: the TAP-Air Portugal Case - Harvard in Portugal Case Study". INA papers. Number 16


Academic thesis

  •    Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2012). " Intangible flow theory, operating  intangibility, and other economic characteristics of firms", Phd thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (available online at British Library: Ethos electronic theses online services).
  •    Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2004). "Contributo para uma teoria dos fluxos intangiveis na criacao de valor financeiro". ISEG, UTL. Approved academic thesis.