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    Participação em encontros científicos internacionais com publicação

    Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2018) "A fuzzy-set analysis of managers' incentives in SMEs: The relationship with performance and satisfaction". 11th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, EIASM, Brussels (Belgium), December 12-14, 2018. (ISSN 2295-1717)

    Alves, I. & Lourenço, S. (2018). "The subjective performance evaluation effect on managerial intention to turnover, identification and performance." XXVIII Portuguese-Hispanic Conference on Scientific Management, Superior School of Technology and Management (ESTG)
    Guarda (Portugal), February 7-10. ISBN 978-972-8681-72-2.

    Cançado, V., Bicalho, L., De Muylder, C., La Falce, J. & Verga Matos, P. (2018), "Actuação dos actores na gestão de desempenho: estudo de caso na General Eletric Transportation", TMS Algarve 2018: Tourism & Management Studies International Conference, Universidade do Algarve, Olhão, 14 a 17 de Novembro.

    Carvalho, D., La Falce, J., De Muylder, C., Dias, A. & Verga Matos, P. (2018), "Reunião de feedback: o processo de comunicação na avaliação de desempenho", TMS Algarve 2018: Tourism & Management Studies International Conference, Universidade do Algarve, Olhão, 14 a 17 de Novembro.

    Crespo, N. F., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G. (2018). "The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants", 8th GIKA - Global Innovation & Knowledge Academy, June 25-27, Valencia, Catholic University of Valencia, Spain.

    Estevão, J., Raposo, C. & Dias Lopes, J. "Did the Paris Agreement have an impact on electricity markets outside the euro zone? Evidence from the U.S. and Brazil" Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2018) proceedings, 2018.  25 to 27 of June 2018, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-09-00253-5.

    Ferreira, G., Cançado, V., De Muylder, C. & Verga Matos, P. (2018), "Linking managerial roles and competences to management models: case study at a credit cooperative union in Brazil", 25th IAMB (International Academy of Management and Business) Conference, ISEG Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 17 a 19 de Outubro.

    Gaio, C., Gonçalves, T. & Silva, M. (2018). Value Creation in Global Markets: Exploring the Role of Management Accounting, Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Conference (2018), Valencia, Spain.

    Gaio, C., Guedes, M. & Soares, N. (2018). "Exploring the Relationship between Gender Diversity and Earnings Management: Does Critical Mass Matter?" International Conference on Gender Research pp. 181-188, Porto, Portugal.

    Guedes, M. J., & Gonçalves, V. (2018). "Top managers' characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance", Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2018) proceedings, 2018.  25 to 27 of June 2018, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-09-00253-5.

    Kulchina, E. & A. Venâncio (2018) "Top Managers in Entrepreneurial Firms: Who is running the show?", 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 13603.

    Samagaio, A., Matos, P. V., Menezes, J. & Curto, A., "Expectation Gap e a Independência na Aparência em Auditoria", 18th Encuentro International AECA, September 20-21, Lisbon, ISCTE, Portugal. 


    Participação em encontros científicos nacionais com publicação