An Integrative Approach to Leadership Effectiveness: Undersenting the Antecedents, Self-regulatory Mechanisms and Processes of Leadership in Organizational Settings. ( Click here)
Nuevas Técnicas de Aprendizage en la Ensñanza:La Aplicación de las TIC en la Enseñanza. ( Click here)
The Origins of Intergenarational Associations in Entrepreneurship: Evidence From Adaption Data.( Click here)
Competências Centrais e Capacidades Dinâmicas para a Gestão do Portfolio de Projetos de TI das Organizações. ( Click here)
Corporate Governance models - Performance Measures and its relation with Key Corporate variables and models - a prespective from some European countries. ( Click here)
The Origins of Intergenerational Associations in Entrepreneuship: Evidence from adoption data. ( Click here)
Nuevas técnicas de aprendizaje en la enseñanza:La aplicación de las TIC en la enseñanza. ( Click here)
Industry Location Shift through Technological Change - A Study of the US semiconductor Industry (1947-1987).(
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