Finance & Accounting
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Cruz & Sarmento (2021), “The Renegotiations of Public Private Partnerships in Transportation - Theory and Practice”, Springer https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-61258-0
Cruz & Sarmento (2021), “Digitalization in road projects: Towards a more integrated mobility supply”, in A Modern Guide to the Digitalization of Infrastructure, Edward Elgar Publishing. I SBN: 9781839106040 https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781839106040/9781839106040.00010.xml
Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J. (2021), “Models, expectations and reality in Airport Public Private Partnerships”, in Hakin, S. & Blackstone, E. (eds.), Privatizing Transportation Systems - Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships; Springer
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Information Systems & Operations
Água, P. B., Correia, A. C., & Frias, A. (2021). Optimizing Supply Chains Through System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation: Lessons from the Navy. In Dall'Acqua L. (ed.), Computational Thinking for Problem Solving and Managerial Mindset Training, 31-56. IGI Global. http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7126-2.ch002
Água P.B., Correia, A. C. & Frias, A. (2021). Strategic Procurement Negotiation. In Wood, L.c., Duong, L.N.K. (eds.) Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the Globalized Business Era, p. 1-23. IGI Global, Hershey. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8709-6.ch001
Água P.B., Frias, A., Simões-Marques M. (2021) Mental Traps Behind Maritime Disasters. In: Nunes I.L. (eds.) Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 265. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79816-1_1
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Rocha, Á., Barredo, D., López, P. & Guerrero, J. (2021), “Communication, Smart Technologies and Innovation for Society - Proceedings of CITIS 2021”. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) series, 252, ISBN: 978-981-16-4125-1. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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Santos, R., Abreu, A., Calado, J. M. F., Soares, J. M., Martins, J. D. M., & Anes, V. (2021). A fuzzy based model to assess the influence of project risk on corporate behavior. In Gonçalves, J. A., Braz-César, M., & Coelho, J. P. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 695 (pp. 383-393). Bragança: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. ISBN: 978-303058652-2 (hardback); DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58653-9_37
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Santos, R., Matias, J., Soares, J. M., Marques, P., A., & Anes, V. (2021). Using Fuzzy-Based Approaches on Partner’s Selection to Promote Sustainability on Collaborative Networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, X. Boucher, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0 (pp. 53-64). Saint-Étienne: Springer. ISBN: 9783030859688 (hardcover); ISBN: 9783030859695 (eBook).
Simões-Marques M., Frias, A., & Água P.B. (2021) Human Factors Impact in the Security and Safety of the Maritime Domain. In: Nunes I.L. (eds.) Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 265. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79816-1_4
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Marketing & Strategy
Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Conhecimento do Atlântico: do mar profundo à observação do oceano in: Caminhos do Conhecimento: o legado de José Mariano Gago. Lisboa, Ciência Viva. 71-75 pp. ISBN 978-989-54649-6-8
Casais B. & Proença J.F. (2021). Quality of Life as an Outcome Disclosure of Positive Appeals in Social Advertisements: The Case of HIV/Aids Prevention Campaigns. In: Galan-Ladero M.M., Rivera R.G. (eds) Applied Social Marketing and Quality of Life. Applying Quality of Life Research (Best Practices). Springer, Cham, pp. pp 63-71. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83286-5_4 ISSN 2213-994X ISSN 2213-9958 (electronic); ISBN 978-3-030-83285-8 ISBN 978-3-030-83286-5 (eBook).
Chaves, D., Tiago, F. & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). As Malassadas e o seu itinerário na doçaria insular: Madeira, Canárias, Açores, Havaí e Bermuda in: Viagens à volta da mesa nas ilhas da Macaronésia. Itinerários turísticos do património gastronómico e vinícola. Ponta Delgada, Letras Lavadas. 69-94 pp. ISBN 978-989-735-312-3.
da Fonseca, J. M. R., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). Cyberbullying From a Research Viewpoint: A Bibliometric Approach. In Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy (pp. 182-200). IGI Global.
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Pereira D., Casais B., Ferreira M.R. & Proença, J.F. (2021). Cause-Related Marketing in Luxury Brands: The Case of Josefinas. In Galan-Ladero M.M., Galera-Casquet C. and Alves, H.M. (eds.), Cause-Related Marketing. Classroom Companion: Business, Springer, Cham Nature Switzerland, pp. 201-210. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65455-9_16
Tiago, F., Fonseca, J., Chaves, D., & Borges-Tiago, T. (2021). A look into the trilogy: food, tourism, and cultural entrepreneurship. Turismo sénior: Abordagens, sustentabilidade e boas práticas, 10.
Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Albuquerque, I.F., Lopes, C. M., Lopes, C.D., Santana, R. (2021). Healthcare management and leadership. In J. Fragata (Ed.), From Life Molecules to Global Health (pp. 643-656). Principia. ISBN 978-989-716-278-7
Albuquerque, I.F., Lopes, C. M., Lourenço-Silva, N., Fragata, J., Monteiro, E. (2021). Which medical professional? In J. Fragata (Ed.), From Life Molecules to Global Health. Lisbon (pp. 621-631). Principia. ISBN 978-989-716-278-7
Lopes, H.S.C. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2021). The Alignment of the Top Structure of the Portuguese Armed Forces. Focus on HR Strategy and policies. In Á. Rocha, C.H. Fajardo-Toro & J.M.R. Rodríguez (Eds.), Developments and Advances in Defense and Security. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 255 (409-419). Springer, Singapore DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4884-7_34