Inglês I (1 º Sem 2015/2016)


Janeiro de 2016

Publicar Publicado em 26-01-2016

Publicação de Notas

The final mark is a result of the evaluation criteria of the subject, i.e. it may differ from the exam mark due to the weight of semester-based assessment. Students may consult their exams on Wednesday, 27 January at 16h30 in office 101, Quelhas 4.

Canal: Inglês I -

Publicar Publicado em 26-01-2016

Publicação de Notas

Remember that the final mark might not be the same as the exam mark due to the weight of semester-based assessment. Students may consult their exams on Wednesday, 27 January between 16h30 and 17h30 in office 101, Quelhas 4. Oral exams are set for the following students: 13h20: Francisco Botelho 14h: Diogo Oliveira 14h20: João Pedro Mesquita 14h40: Pedro Vasconcelos 15h: Ricardo da Torre 16h: João Carlos Marques da Silva

Canal: Inglês I -