Cost Accounting (2 º Sem 2018/2019)


Publicar Publicado em 11-09-2019

Publicação de Notas

Dear students, The grades for the special season exam are now available. The review of the exam grades will be this Friday, September 13th, 8:30am in a room that will be announced here soon. Have a good 2019/2020 academic year! The Cost Accounting team.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Cost Accounting -

Publicar Publicado em 08-07-2019

Publicação de Notas

Dear students,


The final grades (repeat period exam + continous evaluation when the continuous evaluation was higher than the exam and students achieved the minimum grade in the exam - 7.5 out of 20) of Cost Accounting Repeat Period are now available.

Congratulations to those of you who have passed the course!

If you want to see your exam, you can do it on Wednesday, July 10th at 8:30am, room 001 F1.

The Cost Accounting Team.

A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Cost Accounting - Modificado em 09-07-2019 -

Publicar Publicado em 11-06-2019

Publicação de Notas

Dear students,


The final grades of the regular period are now available.

You can find the details (grade of the exam and grade of continuous evaluation) in the webpage of the course.

If you want to see your exam, you can do it on Tuesday, June 18th, 8:30 am, in room 008, F1.

Congratulations to those of you who have passed the cost accounting course.

To those of you who will go to the repeat period exam please recall that all chapters will be evaluated.

Please see the exam/solution from a previous year in Aquila for an example.


The repeat period exam room will be Anf 3, F2 .


Good luck!


The Cost Accounting Team


A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Cost Accounting - Modificado em 14-06-2019 -

Publicar Publicado em 30-05-2019

Regular Period Exam Prep

Dear Students,


To facilitate your preparation for the exams you can find in Aquila exams from previous years and their solutions.

The grades for the continuous evaluation will be released tomorrow.

If you wish, you can see the details of the grades for your cases Monday, June 3, 1pm room 001 F1.

For the exam, June 4, 9am, you need a simple calculator. You cannot use a calculator with memory (ex. graphical). It's a closed book exam. The formulas for chapter 7 will be distributed along with the exam. No need to bring your own formulas.


Good luck!


The Cost Accounting Team.


Canal: Cost Accounting - Autor: SOFIA MARGARIDA MORAIS LOURENÇO -

Publicar Publicado em 22-05-2019

Deadline Case 4

Dear students,


In order to respond to some requests, and to facilitate the logistics of the end of the semester, the deadline to deliver case 4 has been postponed to Saturday, May 25th 11am at Miguel Lupi reception.

Unfortunately we cannot postpone any further because we need to have the grades of case 4 before the regular period exam on June 4th.


Of course students can deliver the cases before Saturday. It is already available at Miguel Lupi reception the box and the list for signatures.


Good luck!


The Cost Accounting Team

Canal: Cost Accounting - Autor: SOFIA MARGARIDA MORAIS LOURENÇO -

Publicar Publicado em 13-05-2019

Case 4 is now available

Dear students,


Case 4 is now available on the Cost Accounting webpage on Aquila, section "Cases".


To facilitate the logistics of the end of the semester, when students have several assignments to deliver, the delivery deadline is 1pm May 24th (Friday), in the reception of the Miguel Lupi building.


You can deliver the case before the deadline and avoid waiting in line.


We reinforce the importance of solving the cases as a means to effectively follow the course, even if you did not do well in the midterm. Our experience shows that the students that opt for the continuous evaluation have better results, both in terms of approval and in terms of grades.


We recall that the cases are INDIVIDUAL and that only hand written solutions will be accepted.


The delivery of the cases must be done at the reception of the Miguel Lupi building. The students must put the cases in a box at this reception and sign the students' list.




Good work in solving the case!



The Cost Accounting Team

Canal: Cost Accounting - Autor: SOFIA MARGARIDA MORAIS LOURENÇO -