Cost Accounting (2 º Sem 2018/2019)



Publicar Publicado em 08-05-2019

Grades of Cases 1 and 2 and Midterm are now available

Dear students,


The grades for cases 1 and 2 and midterm are now available in the section "Grades" in Aquila.

Congratulations to those who had a high mark.

For those of you who did not do well, we advice you to keep on going to class and to do the cases. Following the rest of the content of the course is critical for both the regular period exam and the repeat period exam.

Students who give up the cost accounting course after the midterm, do not do well in the repeat period exam.


If you wish you can see your midterm, this thursday May 9th, at 5:30pm room 202 Quelhas.


Good luck for the rest of the semester!


The Cost Accounting Team

Canal: Cost Accounting - Autor: SOFIA MARGARIDA MORAIS LOURENÇO - Modificado em: 08-05-2019 - Data de criação: 08-05-2019