Frequently Asked Questions Link
During the stay at ISEG Link
14. After I arrive in Lisbon, what do I have to do?
15. How can I apply for the Portuguese language course for foreign students?
16. Do I have to write the Portuguese language course down in my Learning Agreement?
18. How and when can I change my Learning Agreement?
19. What happens, if I decide to give up on a course during the semester? Do I have to pay?
20. What about the exam period?
21. Do I have to apply for the exams? Does it cost anything?
22. Where are the grades published?
23. Can the exams be reviewed?
25. Can I extend my stay at ISEG as an incoming student?
26. What happens if I forget my password to the FENIX?
27. How can I register to use the ISEG library?
28. What about transportation?
29. How can I get a bank card in Lisbon?
30. Where can I eat on campus?
31. Can I print and make copies on campus at ISEG?
32. Can I use wireless internet on the campus of ISEG? How?
33. What do I need to do if I need medical facilities during my stay?