
Undergraduate Office

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Assessments Calendar Link

  • Calendars of Evaluation Periods 2023/2024 

The  evaluations calendar (regular, repeat and special exam period) can be subject to alterations, and, accordingly, we would ask you to check the nearer the date of the start of the assessment periods.


How to check exam dates: 

1 Click on the bachelor's link in the list below; 

2. Click on the curricular unit you want to consult; 

3. Click on the "assessment" option on the right side menu;

4. Move forward on the arrow to the month of the exams.








 Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão 



 Gestão do Desporto Gestão 



(Note: Exam rooms will only be available for viewing after the enrolment for special assessment period)


  •  This and other information will, whenever necessary, be updated on this page, so we suggest that you follow it up regularly.
Last Update: November 13, 2023