During your career at ISEG and up to two years after completing your studies, we provide you with several career platforms where you can explore job offers and internships.

The Career Hub is ISEG's main career platform Career Services. Here you can find all the information you need for your preparation and transition to the world of work. It is also here that employers interested in recruiting ISEG students advertise their opportunities.
Register with your institutional email (…@aln.iseg.ulisboa.pt) and start exploring the platform now.

A GoinGlobal is a platform that allows you to search for internship and job opportunities around the world. Contains more than 40 Country Career Guides, full of country-specific information. This is the platform of choice if you want to study or work abroad.
Access to this platform can be found at Dashboard of Career Hub.

A Highered is a platform where you can find global opportunities, which include internships and jobs around the world as well as various assessment tools (psychometric tests and assessments) that will help you prepare for recruitment processes.
You will also have access from here to the Coursera, one of the largest online training and certification platforms in the world, in a huge variety of areas, created by Stanford University (US).
Access to this platform can be found at Dashboard of Career Hub.
On the platform of Talent Portugal you can find information on a large number of companies, from different sectors of activity, that offer internships (curricular, summer and professional, national and international), in the most varied functional areas
Access to this platform can be found at Dashboard of Career Hub.
Other internship and job search sites
We have compiled for you a list of job sites covering a range of functional areas, types of organizations and sectors:
- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/
- https://www.empregoestagios.com/
- https://expressoemprego.pt/
- https://emprego.sapo.pt/
- https://www.itjobs.pt/ (IT)
- https://www.net-empregos.com/
- https://www.alertaemprego.pt/
- http://www.empregosonline.pt/
- https://empregomais.com/
- https://www.cargadetrabalhos.net/ (Marketing and Communication)
- https://www.turijobs.pt/ (Tourism)
- https://pt.indeed.com/
- https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm
- https://www.careerjet.pt/