Learning and exploring basic techniques, using different materials and supports, starting with exercises that allow for gradual progress. Approach to composition, drawing and color. Line/stain/texture recognition.
Start a process of learning and individual discovery through the Visual Arts within the scope of the proposed activities, having as a starting point concrete situations, previously defined. At a later stage, it will be up to each participant to reflect and develop a set of solutions consistent with their individual discovery process.
Learning and exploring basic techniques, using different materials and supports, starting with exercises that allow for gradual progress. Approach to composition, drawing and color. Line/stain/texture recognition.
Start a process of learning and individual discovery through the Visual Arts within the scope of the proposed activities, having as a starting point concrete situations, previously defined. At a later stage, it will be up to each participant to reflect and develop a set of solutions consistent with their individual discovery process.
Learning and exploring basic techniques, using different materials and supports, starting with exercises that allow for gradual progress. Approach to composition, drawing and color. Line/stain/texture recognition.
Start a process of learning and individual discovery through the Visual Arts within the scope of the proposed activities, having as a starting point concrete situations, previously defined. At a later stage, it will be up to each participant to reflect and develop a set of solutions consistent with their individual discovery process.
Handcrafted Jewelry
Learning and exploring basic techniques, using different materials and supports, starting with exercises that allow for gradual progress. Approach to composition, drawing and color. Line/stain/texture recognition.
Start a process of learning and individual discovery through the Visual Arts within the scope of the proposed activities, having as a starting point concrete situations, previously defined. At a later stage, it will be up to each participant to reflect and develop a set of solutions consistent with their individual discovery process.
Yoga helps unblock the body, purifies and rebalances its energy. It also provides tranquility and concentration, fundamental to deepen inner awareness. By creating the availability for interiorization, for deepening the practice of yoga, we create the necessary conditions to know ourselves a little more. Experiencing a gradual silencing of the constant "running" of the mind, we create internal space. A space of tranquility, balance and stability.
The aim is the integration of body, mind and spirit, which must be in tune, as they are closely linked. Body health, well-being, serenity, mental calm and peace of mind are sought.