Accenture Portugal
Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations services — all powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. Our 699,000 people deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more than 120 countries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities.
Living the Airbus life means a lot to us. We feel, act and behave as one large family – We Are One – and create an engaging and inclusive workplace that favours well-being, fun and trust to drive team work. We partner with our customers to deliver valuable and sustainable solutions together. Our reliability drives our competencies and mindset to deliver on time, on cost and on quality. We treat each other and all stakeholders as we wish to be treated: with respect, embracing diversity. We are curious, courageous, passionate, open-minded and recognize creativity at all levels. We act with integrity and take appropriate consequences to eradicate unethical and non-compliant behaviours.
ALDI Portugal
Fazemos parte de um Grupo com mais de um século de história. Nas nossas lojas, os clientes têm uma experiência de compra simples, rápida e diferenciadora, já que encontram tudo o que precisam e muito mais, com a garantia de elevada frescura e melhor qualidade ao melhor preço. Queremos ser merecedores da confiança dos nossos clientes, mas também dos nossos colaboradores. Por isso, oferecemos empregos estáveis e boas oportunidades de carreira, com uma equipa motivada e em constante crescimento. O nosso POWER está nas nossas pessoas, no bom ambiente de trabalho e no espírito de equipa que tanto nos caracteriza! Somos: ALDI. Powered by people.
Altice Portugal
A Altice Portugal é uma empresa no sector das telecomunicações. Tem como missão ligar as Pessoas à vida e pretende liderar o futuro através da tecnologia e da inovação, promovendo a melhoria da vida das pessoas, das empresas e do planeta.
Auchan Retail Portugal
Somos uma empresa onde a experiência é sempre desafiante! Um dia nunca é igual ao outro e todos os dias nos proporcionam uma aprendizagem diferente. Um relacionamento próximo e informal entre as equipas, a diversidade e a colaboração descrevem o nosso ambiente de trabalho. Queremos que todos os dias, os colaboradores experienciem o prazer em trabalhar e que os faça voltar no dia seguinte ainda mais envolvidos! O que nos une? Três valores: confiança, abertura e excelência. Uma visão: ser uma empresa inovadora e responsável, militante do bom, são e local. Uma marca: Auchan! A nossa ambição? A satisfação do cliente e a conquista dos habitantes com um comércio de nova geração!
Avanade is the leading provider of innovative digital, cloud and advisory services, industry solutions and design-led experiences across the Microsoft ecosystem. Every day, our 56,000 professionals in 26 countries make a genuine human impact for our clients, their employees and their customers.
Banco de Portugal
Banco de Portugal is the central bank of the Portuguese Republic. Banco de Portugal is a public-law legal person, with administrative and financial autonomy and own property. The organs of the Bank are the Governor, the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors and the Advisory Board. The Bank is part of the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. The Bank has two core missions: to maintain price stability and to promote the stability of the financial system.
A 360imprimir é uma multinacional de cariz tecnológico, que tem vindo a revolucionar a indústria gráfica. Recentemente expandimos para mais 17 mercados, atualmente estamos presentes em 22 países!
BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas is a leader in the Eurozone, and a prominent international banking institution with strong roots in Europe’s banking history. It has a presence in 65 countries, with around 190 000 Employees – including more than 145 000 in Europe. Since 1985, BNP Paribas was one of the first foreign banks to operate in the country. Today, the Group has around 7.100 employees across several entities operating directly in the territory, offering a wide range of integrated financial solutions to support its clients and their businesses. Thanks to its international presence and regular and close collaboration among its different entities, BNP Paribas has the resources to support all clients with financing, investment, savings and protection solutions that help make their projects a success. BNP Paribas holds key positions in its three core operating divisions:
• Retail Banking, a division that brings together all of the Group’s retail activities and specialised business lines;
• Investment & Protection Services that include specialised businesses offering a wide range of savings, investment and protection services;
• Corporate & Institutional Banking division that offers tailored financial solutions for corporate and institutional clients.
• Diversity and Inclusion commitment
Brisa is an international top Mobility Operator, recognized as a leading European Motorway Group. We provide advanced tolling and mobility solutions for both operators and end users. With billions of annual transactions and travelers using our systems internationally for over 40 years, we built innovative solutions, with exciting research lines. It’s not just a company. It’s about people and transforming the ride. Making it easier, safer, more sustainable and fulfilling.
The Calzedonia Group opened in Verona, Italy in 1986. Its founder, Sandro Veronesi, is the President and majority stakeholder in the Group today. For over thirty years, the Calzedonia Group has seen consistently solid growth in its revenue streams and expansion efforts, creating successful products and brands and continues to strengthen its position in international fashion retail markets. The entire product life cycle, from design to production in proprietary factories all the way up to worldwide distribution, is handled directly by Calzedonia Spa. Today, the Group offers its collections exclusively within its single-brand stores (+5000) under the Calzedonia, Intimissimi, Tezenis, Falconeri, Intimissimi Uomo and Atelier Emé names, directly owned or operated as franchises, around the world (+57 countries).
CGD’s mission consists of making a decisive contribution to the development of the national economy in a framework of balanced evolution between profitability, growth and financial strength, accompanied by prudent risk management, to enhance the stability of the national financial system.
The CMVM’s mission is that of ensuring integrity, stability and development of the financial markets by promoting investor protection and confidence for promoting economic growth and social welfare. To this end, we act as an independent and rigorous regulatory entity, developing adequate, proportional and participatory regulation; implementing supervision of the market and of the entities that act therein effectively, timely and accordingly; and promoting informed and responsible investment decisions that protect investors and contribute to market development. The CMVM offers the opportunity to work with a dynamic, professional and highly qualified team in a stimulating work environment, constantly innovating and with high international exposure. We provide direct contact with central areas of the financial market such as real-time supervision of stock exchange trading, auditors and sports corporations, investigation of market crimes and capitalisation operations of banks and other listed entities, fintech and the regulation of the financial system, among others. We value our employees by promoting their constant development through training and career advancement opportunities and by adopting inclusive human resources policies that allow a well-balanced work and family life.
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services. With 175 years of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, our organizations have grown in scale and diversity. Deloitte drives progress. Our firms around the world help clients become leaders wherever they choose to compete. Deloitte invests in outstanding people of diverse talents and backgrounds and empowers them to achieve more than they could elsewhere. Our work combines advice with action and integrity. We believe that when our clients and society are stronger, so are we. Every day, our employees work to make an impact that matters. Deloitte offers a dynamic culture of inclusion, collaboration, and high performance. As the undisputed leader in professional services, Deloitte professionals find unrivaled opportunities to succeed and realize their full potential. What impact will you make when you join Deloitte?
Doutor Finanças
Our mission is to negotiate with banks and insurance companies, better conditions of financial products in order to help portuguese familys to save. We serve over 4,000 clients each month, who come to us so we can help getting the lowest cost on their financial products. We are not a bank – we are someone who takes the customer’s side and helps them finding the most suitable and cost-effective solution on the market, but also helps with negotiating and dealing with all the bureaucracy. We are growing exponentially and making a difference in the banking sector, not only for the services we provide, but also for the IT that we develop internally. We are a team of more than 200 young, well-disposed and very competent people.
Escolhemos mudar, já hoje, o amanhã Há mais de 40 anos atrás iniciamos como uma atividade industrial em Portugal e crescemos para tornar-nos uma majoritária da energia global e uma líder em transição energética. Atualmente, estamos presentes em 28 mercados e temos mais do que nove milhões de clientes em eletricidade e gás natural. E com a expansão da nossa empresa, o nosso propósito e compromisso para com o planeta também tornaram-se mais fortes. Sabemos que para vencer a corrida contra a mudança climática, o mundo necessita uma transformação estrutural. E queremos impulsionar esta transformação, utilizando a força do vento, sol e água numa escala global para acelerar a descarbonização, não deixando ninguém para trás.
EF Education First
EF Education First is the world leader in international education, specialized in teaching languages abroad, educational travel, masters, post-graduations and cultural exchange. EF offers courses and programs that not only develop language skills but also provide its students with independence and cultural knowledge. Founded in 1965 with the mission to “Open the world trhough Education”, has 50 schools of 10 languages in 20 countries.
El Corte Inglés
O Grupo El Corte Inglés é líder europeu de grandes armazéns. Comprometemo-nos, diariamente, em oferecer os melhores produtos e serviços aos nossos clientes. Para dar sentido a esta missão, precisamos das melhores pessoas a colaborar connosco naquele que é o nosso desafio diário – sermos especialistas em qualquer que seja a área de negócio. Acreditamos que a partilha de conhecimento, a divulgação da informação (através dos vários meios de comunicação interna), o reconhecimento, a progressão ou mobilidade interna, a preocupação com a igualdade, inclusão e diversidade, a educação ou o compromisso com a responsabilidade social são a chave do sucesso para mantermos os melhores ao nosso lado e para conseguirmos atrair todos aqueles que gostavam de materializar estas práticas e projectos. A nossa cultura é feita de cada uma das histórias dos nossos colaboradores. Procuramos pessoas felizes, apaixonadas pelo que fazem, com propósito, espírito de equipa e com uma enorme vontade de ultrapassar qualquer desafio. No El Corte Inglés terás a oportunidade certa para cresceres, desenvolveres-te, partilhares as tuas experiências e criar amizades. Podes juntar-te à família ECI através de um estágio ou contrato nas mais diversas áreas corporativas. Fica a saber quais connosco!
Emma – The Sleep Company
We are Emma – the Sleep Company, one of world’s leading sleep brands and the fastest growing start-up within the last years. We grew our revenue by 59% in 2021 to €645 million compared to the previous year. We are operating in more than 30 countries from five international offices in Frankfurt, Lisbon, Manila, Shanghai, and Mexico City. Our +850 employees worldwide are the key to our success and determined to push the boundaries of what material, exponential technology, and neuroscience can do to unlock the full potential of our sleep products.
EY is a global organization, present in 150 countries with more than 300,000 professionals who share the same values and goals, operating according to the most rigorous standards of professional excellence and integrity. With an integrated service offering, EY works according to a truly integrated operating model, which uses the same procedures and technological tools all over the world, ensuring consistency and quality in customer service. Guided by the corporate purpose “Building a Better Working World”, EY plays an important role in building a better business world, with its employees, clients or communities where it operates. In Portugal, EY has a structure made up of approximately 1,500 people and every year we recruit a large number of young graduates and make their careers viable. To this end, we are looking for people who demonstrate integrity, team spirit, courage to lead and who are motivated to work in an international environment.
Fidelidade is not the market leader, life in Portugal. Since 1808, we have been protecting the future of families, companies and Portugal. Constant service, personalized service and constant service of the services provided, we seek quick solutions, personalized service and constant service.
Galp Energia
A Galp
*Há mais de 100 anos que traçamos um caminho de inovação. Exploramos e produzimos petróleo e gás natural. Refinamos e distribuímos produtos petrolíferos. Distribuímos e vendemos gás natural. Geramos e comercializamos eletricidade.
O que fazemos
*Estamos presentes em sua casa e na sua empresa com energia que contagia, impulsiona, incentiva e transforma. Operamos um mix de energias focado na sustentabilidade e na eficiência, que mantém o mundo em movimento sem esquecer os nossos compromissos consigo e com o futuro. É com esse espírito que criamos e desenvolvemos as nossas soluções.
Onde estamos
*A nossa origem é portuguesa e contamos com uma expansão global. Desenvolvemos operações em 10 países e exportamos os nossos produtos para mais de 50. Fazêmo-lo através das sinergias de uma operação internacional integrada, orientada para a colaboração e para o progresso.
Como nos posicionamos
*Queremos manter viva a energia do mundo. Trabalhamos sempre na procura das melhores soluções para alimentar o mundo com energia, de forma eficiente, segura e acessível. Procuramos ser, hoje e no futuro, um estímulo para a inovação, para a competitividade e para a sua qualidade de vida.
Grupo Ageas Portugal
Fundada em 1824, a Ageas é um grupo segurador internacional com sede em Bruxelas e presente em 14 países da Europa e da Ásia. A operar em Portugal, desde 2005, a Ageas aposta no país como um dos principais mercados, onde se pretende desenvolver, através de parcerias fortes e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do país e da sociedade através da Fundação Ageas e ajudando os Clientes a gerir, antecipar e proteger-se contra riscos e imprevistos, para que possam viver o presente e o futuro com a máxima segurança e serenidade. A missão do Grupo Ageas Portugal é proporcionar uma experiência emocional e relevante na vida das pessoas, sendo um parceiro de referência nos seguros e o melhor local de trabalho para pessoas empreendedoras. Para isso, contamos com 1.281 Colaboradores e 2.722 Mediadores para prestar um serviço de excelência aos cerca de 1.7 milhões de Clientes das várias marcas comerciais: Ageas Seguros, Ageas Pensões, Médis, Ocidental e Seguro Directo. Com o objetivo de diversificar o negócio e estar próximo dos seus Clientes, o Grupo Ageas Portugal vai para além dos seguros, disponibilizando uma oferta alargada de serviços através da Clínica Médis, Kleya, Go Far, Ageas Repara e Mundo Ageas.
Grupo Nucase
The NUCASE Group began its activity in 1978, specializing in business management support. With more than four decades of history and vast experience, it currently supports more than 1,600 companies, with very different dimensions and activities. Specialists in the areas of Accounting, Taxation, Human Resources and Consulting, the Nucase Group always adjusts its service to the needs and expectations of each client. This is how our team, made up of around 150 experienced professionals, maintains a personalized relationship with each one of them.
Haitong Bank
Haitong Bank, S.A. is part of Haitong Securities Co. Ltd, which is one of the leading investment banks and securities firms in China. Haitong Group is present in 14 countries in Asia, Europe, North America and South America, providing securities brokerage, wealth management, investment banking, asset management, private equity, and financial leasing services.
Haitong Bank offers expertise in financial products such as structured finance, capital markets, M&A advisory, corporate derivatives, fixed income and asset management, through its operations in Portugal, Spain, UK, Poland, Brazil and Macau.
Hays is globally the most successful specialist recruiter, placing more than one candidate into a new job every minute of every business day. We are the most followed recruiter globally on LinkedIn and we’ve been voted as Escolha do Consumidor in 2022. We have over 9,000 staff operating from 244 offices in 33 countries across 20 specialisms. Last year we placed more than 57,000 candidates into permanent jobs and more than 212,000 people into temporary positions. We believe that the right job can transform a person’s life and the right person can impact a business.
Ignition Program
Ignition Program is the leading recruitment startup for startups in France. Our main goal is easy: we believe that Human is at the heart of every entrepreneurial success, that’s why we’re helping our entrepreneurs on essential subjects such as management/employer brand/coaching. After a few years in large companies, we saw that some talents had low inspiring missions. On the other side, a lot of friends’ entrepreneurs didn’t find the right candidates to give their start-up’s best chances. Ignition was born to link those two needs: amazing entrepreneurial talents looking for impact and high potential start-ups looking for candidates to develop them.
We are what you wear to work, what you decide to decorate your life with, what you choose for that special occasion. Teamwork, curiosity, diversity, sustainability, creativity and humility move the more than 144,000 individuals who make up the Inditex group. There are different paths you can take as you professionally develop with us, and without a doubt, a good start for all of them is the Store. Perhaps this is the beginning of your Inditex career. Shall we begin?
Jeronimo Martins SGPS S.A.
For nearly 230 years, Jerónimo Martins has been passionate about food and feeding people. Just as we feed communities, we also feed the ambitions of the people who work with us. We know great things happen when we let people thrive and explore their potential. At Jerónimo Martins, every ambition, every person with a thirst to succeed, every employee, they count. When you join Jerónimo Martins, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what your background or your role is, we will help you feed your future.
KPMG Portugal
KPMG provides audit, tax and advisory services. We work closely with our Clients, helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities. KPMG firms operate in 145 countries and territories, and in FY21, collectively employed more than 236,000 people, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through KPMG firms’ audit and assurance practices, the capital markets. KPMG is committed to quality and service excellence in all that we do, bringing our best to clients and earning the public’s trust through our actions and behaviors both professionally and personally. We lead with a commitment to quality and integrity across the KPMG global organization, bringing a passion for client success and a purpose to serve and improve the communities in which KPMG firms operate. In a world where rapid change and unprecedented disruption are the new normal, we inspire confidence and empower change in all we do.
LEROY MERLIN is one of the most important DIY players in the global market. As the founding company of GRUPO ADEO, LEROY MERLIN is a company specialized in the sale of solutions for the Home, combining products and services in the areas of DIY, Construction, Decoration and Gardening. LEROY MERLIN is currently present in 13 countries, has 88,000 employees and 464 stores. At LEROY MERLIN, we believe that people are the core resource of any business. With a Human First vision, we put people at the center of all our decisions, establishing close human relationships with Employees, Inhabitants and Customers. For all these reasons, “We make every House a more positive place to live.” This commitment has allowed us to be regularly rewarded by the “Great Place to Work” Institute in different countries. What makes Leroy Merlin so special is the autonomy and trust given to each of our employees. We operate as an international network, sharing solid, fundamental values and best practices on a daily basis. This creates a unique spirit of initiative and allows us to discover new talents, innovate and constantly improve. We believe that only by building lasting relationships can we create value for everyone: our customers, employees, suppliers, local markets and stakeholders.
LGG Advisors
LGG Advisors provides knowledge services in the areas of Finance & Strategy, Risk & Compliance, Digital Transformation, Creative & Design and Administrative & Support. We provide these services to clients across all industries and geographies.
Mastercard Advisors
Mastercard Data & Services encompasses Mastercard’s (NYSE: MA) offerings beyond the transaction. We provide customers across industries and geographies with a tailored portfolio of solutions to address their business pain points. By harnessing the power of our real-time, anonymized and aggregated transaction data, powerful software platforms and wealth of expertise, we empower customers to unlock a holistic view of consumer behavior beyond their four walls, distill actionable insights and make more data-driven decisions. With compelling offerings for financial institutions, retailers, telecommunications organizations, travel companies and more, our services drive efficiency and value and enable our customers to solve business problems from end to end.
We are an international audit, tax and consulting firm. Operating through an integrated partnership, we work as a single team to deliver exceptional and bespoke services in auditing and accounting, tax, financial advisory, consulting and legal services*. We are committed to helping our people and customers succeed by respecting their identity and the way they work, and adapting our approach accordingly. We pride ourselves on empowering our people, customers and industry to reach their potential and do the right thing. We differentiate ourselves by combining our experience, agility and understanding to offer the most appropriate answers and experiences for our people, customers and society. This is our brand promise: to be the “right fit” for our people, our customers, our industry and society at large. *service not available in Portugal
At Mercer, we believe in building brighter futures. Together, our 25,000 employees in over 130 counties are helping redefine the future of work, reshape retirement and investment outcomes, and unlock real health and well-being. For over 75 years, we’ve provided trusted advice and solutions to build healthier and more sustainable futures for our clients, colleagues and communities. Balancing economics and empathy in our approach, we work side by side with you to find solutions to benefit your people and your business. By turning ideas into actions that spark positive change, we help you enrich employees’ lives and careers and drive innovation, progress and performance. Mercer is a business of Marsh McLennan
Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company, and has been for more than 150 years. It is present in 186 countries around the world, and our 276,000 employees are committed to “developing the power of food to improve the quality of life for all, today and for generations to come”. Our values are rooted in respect for ourselves, others, diversity and the future. In September 2021, we launched the Generation Regeneration program where we shared our plans to accelerate the transition to a regenerative food system on a large scale. Nestlé offers a broad portfolio of products and services for people and their pets throughout their lives. Our more than 2000 brands range from global icons like NESCAFÉ or NESPRESSO, to widely recognized local brands like CERELAC, NESTUM and SICAL. In 2023, we will celebrate Nestlé’s 100th anniversary in Portugal.
A Neyond foi constituída em 2004, e com elevada especialização prestamos serviços de consultoria de Negócio, de Tecnologia, e de Outsourcing estratégico. Integramos nos nossos quadros mais de 500 profissionais. E o nosso foco são as pessoas!
Nordea Asset Management
About Nordea Asset Management
Nordea Asset Management is part of the Nordea Group, the largest financial services group in the Nordic region. NAM offers European and global investors’ exposure to a broad set of investment funds. We serve a wide range of clients and distributors which include banks, asset managers, independent financial advisors and insurance companies. Nordea Asset Management has a presence in Bonn, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Lisbon, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, New York, Oslo, Paris, Santiago de Chile, Singapore, Stockholm, Vienna and Zurich. Nordea’s local presence goes hand in hand with the objective of being accessible and offering the best service to clients. Nordea’s success is based on a sustainable and unique multi-boutique approach that combines the expertise of specialized internal boutiques with exclusive external competences allowing us to deliver alpha in a stable way for the benefit of our clients. NAM solutions cover all asset classes from fixed income and equity to multi asset solutions, and manage local and European as well as US, global and emerging market products.
NTT DATA Portugal
NTT DATA is a team of more than 139,000 diverse professionals, operating in more than 50 countries throughout the world. The sectors where we have activities include: telecommunications, finance, industry, utilities, energy, public administration and health. Our mission? Offer technological solutions, business, strategy, development and maintenance of applications, while being a benchmark in consulting. All thanks to the collaboration between teams, the human quality of our people and the fact that we do not conform to what is established, we always seek innovation that brings us closer to the future. Our essence has led us to the forefront of technology, breaking paradigms and providing solutions that truly respond to the needs of each client. Our talent has led us to be one of the top 10 technology companies in the world.
Because #Greattech, needs #GreatPeople, like you.
Prime Group
We are an international group focused on Engineering, Innovation, and Digital Transformation. Founded in 2006, Prime Group has 12 companies and more than 2600 professionals involved in different projects in over 50 cities across Europe. In 2021, our revenue surpassed 120 million euros.
Our core values: Vision, Innovation, Passion, Growth
Our main services: Consultancy, Nearshore, Software Development
Our motto, “Innovation first. People before that” reflects our mindset. We know that, more than ever, businesses need innovation and people, side by side.
P&G Portugal
P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we’re the world’s largest consumer goods company and home to iconic, trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways. We’ve spanned three centuries thanks to three simple ideas: leadership, innovation and citizenship. With Billion-Dollar Brands (Pantene, H&S, Oral-B, Gillette, Tampax, Braun, Dodot Fairy, etc.), P&G is Nº1 in many categories. The insight, innovation and passion of talented teams has helped us grow into a global company that is governed responsibly and ethically, that is open and transparent, and that supports good causes and protects the environment. We hire based on the potential we see in people, so here, you will be trusted to dive right in. From early on, you’ll be at the core of breakthrough innovations, lead initiatives, and take ownership and responsibility. All the while, you’ll receive world-class training to help you become a leader in your field. And it’s not just about what you’ll do, but how you’ll feel: welcomed, valued, purposeful, challenged, heard, and inspired. You’ll be doing meaningful work that takes your career places you never imagined.
As firmas da PwC colaboram com organizações e pessoas na criação do valor que procuram. A PwC, uma network constituída por firmas independentes entre si, está presente em 156 países e conta com mais de 295.000 colaboradores que partilham o objetivo de prestar serviços de qualidade em auditoria, consultoria e fiscalidade. A nossa visão para a PwC, movida pelo nosso Propósito, é ser o prestador de serviços profissionais mais fiável e relevante do mundo – aquele que atrai os melhores talentos e combina as tecnologias mais inovadoras, para ajudar as organizações a construir confiança e a produzir resultados sustentados. Chamamos à nossa nova estratégia global The New Equation, que tem como foco as duas necessidades mais fundamentais com que os nossos clientes e organizações se debatem atualmente. A primeira é a urgência de saber responder e evoluir, com sucesso, face às grandes mudanças que moldam o mundo: ruptura tecnológica, alterações climáticas, tensões geopolíticas e sociais, bem como os efeitos contínuos da pandemia da COVID-19. A segunda, é a necessidade de construir confiança numa altura em que é mais difícil e mais complicado de a conquistar. Na PwC queremos que, tal como nós, sejas genuíno, único e apaixonado! Queremos contribuir para o teu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal, bem como acompanhar a tua carreira de perto, partilhando experiências num ambiente de equipa. Se, como nós, acreditas que o sucesso da PwC está na essência das Pessoas e na sua autenticidade, dinamismo e vontade de ir “mais além” então… encontraste o teu “mundo”! Acreditamos que tens o que é preciso. E tu, estás pronto para te juntares à nossa “community of solvers”? Se sim, conhece as vantagens em pertencer ao nosso mundo!
SIBS Forward Payment Solutions, S. A.
SIBS existe para tornar mais simples o que já foi complicado. Por isso, hoje quando pensamos numa transação financeira, pensa-se sempre em algo que se faz com o mero pressionar de um botão ou um passar de um cartão. Com mais de três décadas de existência e uma história de sucesso pautada pela inovação tecnológica e competitividade, somos uma referência internacional e um dos maiores processadores de pagamentos eletrónicos da Europa e África. Entre as marcas mais conhecidas destacamos o MULTIBANCO, o MB NET e o MB WAY. E para que continuemos a inovar, ano após ano, o Grupo SIBS estuda e desenvolve novas soluções que fazem com que a vida de todos nós, pessoas e empresas, seja ainda mais simples. Procuramos constantemente profissionais que assumam este compromisso e com capacidade de desempenhar funções em ambientes, exigentes, desafiantes e tecnologicamente.
Siemens is a technology company centered on the industries that form the backbone of economies – manufacturing, infrastructure, and transport. Our technology empowers our customers to transform their industries – to create more agile and productive factories, more intelligent and efficient buildings and grids, more sustainable transit. We develop innovations to create impact for our customers. Our smart microgrids ensure reliable supplies of renewable energy. Our digital twins are helping customers to bring life-saving drugs to market much faster. Our AI software predicts and prevents trains from breaking down. We make real-world technology that works for everyone.
Solvay is a science company whose technologies bring benefits to many aspects of daily life. Our purpose—we bond people, ideas and elements to reinvent progress—is a call to go beyond, to reinvent future forms of progress and create sustainable shared value for all through the power of science. In a world facing an ever-growing population and quest for resources, we aim to be the driving force triggering the next breakthroughs to enable humanity to advance while protecting the planet we all share. We bond with customers and partners to address today and tomorrow’s megatrends. As a global leader in Materials, Chemicals and Solutions, Solvay brings advancements in planes, cars, batteries, smart and medical devices, water and air treatment, to solve critical industrial, social and environmental challenges. You can count on our innovative solutions to contribute to safer, cleaner and more sustainable future.
At SUMOL+COMPAL, we are more than the sum of our parts. We are the link that unites our employees and company, our factories and our suppliers, and over 20 brands with millions of consumers. A good example of this are our two iconic brands, which are amongst the best known, popular and widely consumed by generations of Portuguese and also, today, by increasing numbers of people from all around the world. We believe that exploring business opportunities should contribute to sustainable development and we consider Our People to be a critical success factor. We are therefore committed to developing the professional skills of our employees and ensuring a healthy balance between family, leisure and work. It’s in our nature.
Advanced business solutions designed for the digital era
We are a global leader in solution design, business optimization strategies, front-office customer support, and back-office services like finance, accounting, collections, and tech support. With more than four decades of deep, industry-specific expertise and service innovation, Teleperformance offers the market’s most comprehensive service portfolio.
We’ll handle the day-to-day operations while you focus on growing your business.
Unipartner IT Services
Unipartner is a consulting and system integration services company that works with government organizations, financial institutions and commercial enterprises to solve their most demanding IT and business challenges. Unipartner offerings include consulting & advisory services, application services, cloud & infrastructure services, cybersecurity and managed & outsourcing services. Unipartner is the Portuguese 2020 Microsoft Partner of the Year and App Modernization Partner of the Year. In 2017, 2018 and 2019 was also recognized as Digital Transformation Enterprise Partner of the Year, Microsoft Services Partner of the Year and Enterprise Commercial Partner of the Year, respectively. Unipartner, additionally, has a Microsoft Competence Centre with 16 Gold and 1 Silver competencies, and a team with more than 350 highly qualified consultants in Lisbon and a services center in Madeira.
At Vodafone, we are known for our technology, but the truth is, it is humanity that drives our business forward. With the global pandemic raising so many questions for tech brands, it has highlighted the leading role that we need to play. We believe that, when working together, humanity and technology can find the answers and create a better future for all. Working at Vodafone is all about helping people feel ready to benefit from new technology. We bring the future to even the most remote places, using technology to help families in disaster zones, showing young people that a phone is not just for fun and thinking about technology that doesn’t even exist yet. More than 35 years ago, we made the first-ever mobile phone call, we sent the first SMS in Britain and have been changing the lives of billions of people ever since. Now, we are using smartphones to fight cancer, big data for social good, and we aim to connect over 250 million people to our next generation networks by 2025. We are passionate about building a workplace where you can truly be yourself, share inspiration, embrace new opportunities, thrive and make a real difference to people and our planet. We are known for our technology, but it is humanity that drives us forward. What are you passionate about?
Wall Street English Portugal
Em Portugal, o Wall Street English é uma cadeia de 35 escolas espalhadas por todo o país e no total já formámos mais de 250 mil alunos. Diferenciamo-nos pelo método de ensino único de inglês, que cria e provoca a eficácia de forma personalizada a cada aluno. Desde 1995, que inovamos na forma de ensinar a língua inglesa em Portugal, temos disponíveis 20 níveis de Inglês, cursos de nível profissional e cursos de preparação para exames de certificação (IELTS, Preliminary, Advanced, First, Lingua Skill e OET – Occupational English Test).
Willis Towers Watson
At WTW, we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital that make your organization more resilient, motivate your workforce, and maximize performance. We work shoulder to shoulder with you, bringing diverse points of view and a deep commitment to your success. By challenging one another, we achieve breakthroughs because only the best ideas survive. The result? Innovative solutions that meet your needs—informed by the global view and the local understanding of our colleagues around the world. Together, we broaden your horizon and sharpen your focus. Transform your toughest challenges into actionable opportunities. And set your path for sustainable success.
The best in technology is here at Worten. We are the brand that has democratised access to technology for over 20 years, offering everyone innovation, novelty and the lowest prices. We have over 200 stores in Portugal and Spain; central offices and distribution centers in both countries and We have over 4,000 employees who are members of multidisciplinary teams. Each of us is responsible for launching ideas, challenging past habits and for implementing good practices in our area of expertise. Come to meet us and our opportunities.