ISEG Christmas Campaign | Collection of toys, books and games
When your children receive new books, games and toys on Christmas Eve, think that old toys can have a new home!
EXCHANGE A SMALL GESTURE FOR A BIG SMILE! 🙂 🙂 I'M SURE YOU'LL APPRECIATE IT. We appeal to everyone's participation!
The ISEG, together with the ISEG student associations and the Parish Councils of Estrela and Misericórdia, promotes the following days December 17th and January 3rd a collection of toys, books and gameswhich will be delivered on Three Kings' Day to more than 100 needy children from the parishes of Estrela and Misericórdia.This campaign will have collection points at the following locations:
Library Reception
Miguel Lupi Building Reception
Quelhas Building Reception
Culture and Society
Filomena Ferreira