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ISEG receives AACSB reaccreditation for another 5 years

There are now 1,013 accredited higher education institutions in more than 60 countries. These HEIs represent approximately 5% of Business Schools worldwide.

Stephanie Bryant, Executive Vice President and Global Director of Accreditation, AACSBcongratulated the schools in question, saying "The Business Schools' commitment to achieving AACSB accreditation is a true reflection of their dedication, not only to their students, alumni network and wider business community, but to society as a whole.”

Achieving AACSB accreditation involves undertaking a rigorous process, which includes an in-depth evaluation of internal activities, mentoring with an AACSB consultant, and a peer review focused on continuous improvement.

During this multi-year journey, ISEG has focused its efforts on developing and implementing a rigorous plan to achieve its mission and be aligned with AACSB accreditation standards.

AACSB accreditation is an internationally-recognised seal of quality that attests that a Business School meets the standards of academic excellence, based on demanding principles of excellence in areas related to strategic management and innovation, research, teaching, and learning.

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