The application acceptance phase of the "3 Minute Thesis - ULisboa 2025" competition takes place from February 3rd to February 16th.
What is the "3MT" competition and what is the challenge for the 2025 edition?
The University of Lisbon's 3MT academic competition is aimed at developing the unique skills of PhD students.It's about explaining complex ideas in a creative and easy to understand way, for different audiences, in just three minutes.
In 2025's edition, in 180 seconds and using a single slide,the participants will have to explain the impact of their research to a non-specialist audience.
Who is it for?
For this competition, are ellegible all the PhD students enrolled in the 3rd or 4th year of a 3rd cycle of studies integrated into the curricular offer of the University of Lisbon.
What prizes will be awarded?
- 1st place: 5.000,00€
- 2nd place: 2.000,00€
- 3rd place: 1.000,00€
The first phase (selection) participants will receive Science Communication Training and a certificate of participation. The finalists and prize-winners of the second phase (final competition) will also receive diplomas of recognition of merit.
What are the important dates for this year's edition?
- Applications: February 3-16, 2025
- Science Communication Training (for Competition candidates): February 24th and 25th, 2025
- Video submission: February 26th to March 21st, 2025
Where can I get to know more information?
On the University of Lisbonyou'll find all the info you need to apply to the competition.