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ISEG partners with Green Savers and launches Future + Sustainable Stock Exchange

  ISEG partners with Green Savers and launches "Future + Sustainable" scholarship As part of the postgraduate course in Sustainability Management at ISEG/IDEFE, ISEG has developed a partnership with Green Savers, a portal dedicated to the theme of sustainability, launching a joint program to offer a postgraduate scholarship. To apply, all candidates must produce and submit a text of up to 500 words explaining why this postgraduate course will contribute to their career development or the development of their entrepreneurial project in the area of sustainability. Applications are open until September 20th inclusive and all texts should be sent to The Post-Graduation in Sustainability Management is unique in the market and seeks to offer students an integrated perspective so that they are able to develop an effective sustainability strategy that generates added value for the company, its employees and the community, based on a balance between the economic, social and environmental aspects. Applications for the postgraduate course (academic year 2013/14) are still open. + Info: More information about the scholarship program at