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WORKSHOP | European Economic Integration: Present and Future Challenges

20 Jun / 21 Jun from 10:00 to 00:00
Amphitheatre 1 | Floor 4 | Quelhas 6

European Economic Integration: Present and Future Challenges

20th - 21st June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal


Jointly organized by

INFER - International Network for Economic Research
ISEG-ULisboa - School of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon
UECE - Research Unit on Complexity and Economics


Workshop objectives: The workshop provides a platform to present and discuss theoretical and applied research on the present and future challenges of European economic integration.


Workshop topics: Researchers are invited to submit both theoretical and empirical papers. In particular, we welcome papers related to the following topics, analyzed within the European framework:


- Economic growth and migrations
- European banking union
- European integration
- European monetary policy
- Financial integration
- Financial market regulation
- Fiscal policy integration
- Insurance and pension funds
- International trade and economic geography
- Risk management
- Social security system design


Guest speakers

- Gabriel Felbermayr - CESIFO, Ifo Institute, Leibniz-Institutefor Economic Research at the University of Munich

- João de Sousa Andrade - University of Coimbra

- Stuart Hollande - University of Coimbra


Scientific Committee:

- Abel Fernandes - University of Porto
- Alberto Bagnai - University of Pescara
- Ansgar Belke - University of Duisburg-Essen
- António Afonso - ISEG - ULisboa and UECE
- Cândida Ferreira - ISEG - ULisboa and UECE
- Camelia Turcu - University of Órléans
- Christian Richter - University of Bedfordshire
- Clara Raposo - ISEG-ULisboa
- Daniel Mirza - University of Tours
- Elias Soukiazis - University of Coimbra
- Filipe Aleman Serrano - ISP
- Isabel Vieira - University of Évora
- Iulia Siedschlag - ESRI
- Jan Babecký - Czech National Bank
- Jan Van Hove - KU Leuven, HUBrussels
- João Ferreira do Amaral - ISEG - ULisboa and UECE
- João Pedro Vidal Nunes - ISCTE
- Jorge Barros Luís - ISEG - ULisboa and Montepio Geral
- Jorge Santos - ISEG - ULisboa and UECE
- José Soares da Fonseca - University of Coimbra
- Makram El-Shagi - Halle Institute
- Maria Teresa Pereira - ISGB
- Matthieu Crozet - University of Paris 11
- Michael Stierle - European Commission
- Nazaré Barroso - ISEG - ULisboa and ISP
- Teresa Garcia - ISEG - ULisboa


Organization Committee:

- Cândida Ferreira ( – ISEG-ULisboa and UECE
- Maria Teresa Garcia ( – ISEG-ULisboa

- Workshop Secretariat: Sandra Araújo - UECE (

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