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WORKSHOP | Storytelling Through Infographics: Data Visualization for Journalists, Designers and Marketers

28 March from 09:30 to 09:31
Quelhas 6 | Floor 3 | Room Delta

ISEG joins CADA to promote innovative training in Portugal on Data Visualization. The Workshop is led by Christian Tate, Art Director of the magazine Delayed Gratification and Rob Orchard, Editorial Director of the same magazine, who usually train on these topics in The Guardian's courses -  Guardian Masterclasses.



These days, it seems like everyone is creating infographics and data visualizations. Although aesthetically beautiful, they often fail to convey a story clearly and effectively. This one-day workshop teaches you how to find the key stories in data and translate them into engaging and attractive infographics that can have a powerful effect.

The workshop is led by Christian Tate, Art Director of the magazine Delayed Gratification and Rob Orchard, Editorial Director of the same magazine, who usually train on these topics in The Guardian's courses -   Guardian Masterclasses.

The workshop integrates a mix of presentations and seminars with plenty of practical exercises, shortcuts and templates to make researching and creating infographics as effective and enjoyable as possible. During the day, there will be opportunities to discuss individual projects with the tutors, and 'how-to' guides will be distributed so that participants can continue their learning after the workshop.


About the workshop

The workshop Storytelling Through Infographics takes participants through the crucial decisions that need to be made in order to tell a story effectively and with impact through data design. It begins with a look at the fundamental principles in creating infographics, with examples of good and bad practice. The workshop then explores how different approaches to storytelling can be developed for the same data and continues with the phases of compiling data, creating parameters for the data sets, choosing which data to include, categorizing, hierarchizing and the appropriate forms of data representation. Emphasis will be placed on combining a journalistic eye with a strong graphic sensibility in order to create infographics that are both aesthetically beautiful and tell a powerful story.

In addition to presentations, participants will have the opportunity to carry out various practical exercises. They will analyze data sets to discover the best stories and approaches, look at design scenarios to define what kind of data sets need to be found (and define strategies to capture them) and present suggested treatment ideas to the group. This workshop doesn't require computers - all ideas and sketches will be developed on paper - but participants may want to bring their laptops so they can handle the data sets.

The workshop will take place in English language.


This workshop is ideal for

  • Journalists, marketers and other communication professionals who want to present stories in a compelling way
  • Designers who want to develop their infographic skills and add a journalistic approach to their work
  • Freelancers who want to 'sell ideas' for infographics to publications or organizations

About the trainers

Christian Tate is the Art Director of Slow Journalism, which publishes Delayed Gratification magazine. He is the author of numerous infographics ( Click here to see a selection of his recent work for Delayed Gratification magazine), including one that earned him the Silver Award for data visualization in awards 'Information is Beautiful. In addition to his work for Delayed Gratification magazine, he has created infographics for clients such as Mazda, Zurich, Empire magazine and the BBC.

Rob Orchard is the Editorial Director of Slow Journalism. He works with Christian to process data sets and tell fascinating political, cultural and social stories through infographics for Delayed Gratification magazine. He has many years of experience writing and commissioning features and is also a trainer on The Guardian's Features Writing Masterclass.


March 28: 9.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


The workshop will take place in the Delta Room of the , (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa), Edifício Quelhas, Rua do Quelhas, 6 (Santos).


The workshop costs 250€.
This price includes lunch and coffee breaks during the day.
This amount is exempt from VAT.

Refund policy

You can cancel your registration for this workshop if you notify CADA at least 7 days before the start of the workshop.
If CADA receives your notification (and confirms receipt), you will be refunded the amount already paid.





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" Organized by CADA