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WORKSHOP "University Fusion: European Experiences

08 March from 09:00 to 09:01
Lagoa Branca Auditorium - Inst. Agronomy

The demographic, economic, social and technological changes of recent decades, as well as the globalization of higher education, have forced a reorganization of the higher education system in Europe, with consequences in Portugal too. In this sense, the merger of higher education institutions could be decisive in reorganizing the higher education system and creating a new reality that better responds to the development challenges of the knowledge society. 
The Rector of the Technical University of Lisbon, Prof. António Cruz Serra, has the honor of inviting you to the Workshop "The Merger between Universities: European Experiences", which will take place on March 8, in the Lagoa Branca Auditorium of the Higher Institute of Agronomy, and will be attended by several internationally renowned experts on this subject.

See the program

Registration until March 2nd