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Thematic Cycle | Psychosocial Risks and Labour Rights

19 Jan / 21 Jan 2022 from 09:00 to 18:00
Amphitheater 3 (Ed. Quelhas)

ISEG and the Authority for Working Conditions organize a Thematic Cycle in the scope of Health and Safety at work, entitled "Psychosocial Risks and Labour Rights"to be held on January 19, 20 and 21, 2022 (ISEG, Amphitheater 3, Ed. Quelhas).

This 3-day cycle covers several themes related to Occupational Health and aims to contribute to the development of a culture of prevention, with special emphasis on psychosocial risks and inherent labor rights, through the dissemination of scientific and technical information, and good organizational practices in this area.

This thematic cycle is aimed at university students and teachers, union delegates, SSHT delegates, among others, whatever their academic background, who wish to deepen their knowledge in terms of labor rights and risks, new emerging labor risks, and safety at work, both from a legal and an occupational health perspective.

- Professor António Garcia Pereira (ISEG Professor);
- Ana Teresa Verdasca (Trainer and Researcher at SOCIUS / ISEG);
- Professor Maria Antónia Frasquilho (Psychiatrist - Alterstatus Clinic);
- Professor Hernâni Veloso Neto (Faculty of Arts, University of Porto);
- Manuel Roxo (Authority for Working Conditions - ACT).

More information about the training program hereor through the email

The availability of places is subject to the capacity of the facilities.

For more information send email to To register fill out this form and send it to the same email contact.