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Solemn or Commemorative Sessions

Professor Nuno Crato's Last Lesson

11 Mar from 11:00 to 22:30

On March 11th of 2022, will take place at the ISEG the Professor Nuno Crato's Last Lessonat 11am (CGD Auditorium, Ed. Quelhas).

On March 11th, there will also be a Tribute Dinnerat 7:30pm, in the Main Hall of the ISEG.

Seats are limited. Open Enrollment on this link.


Nuno Crato is a full professor at ISEG. He graduated in Economics from ISEG, where he obtained his Master's degree in Mathematical Methods for Business Management and then his PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Delaware, in the United States. There he worked for more than a decade as a researcher and professor.

During his career, he was a professor at the University of the Azores, and passed through Italy, where he was a visiting scientist at the European Commission's Joint Research Center

As a researcher, he has worked on stochastic models and time series with various applications, including financial series.

He was president and scientific coordinator of CEMAPRE- Centro de Matemática Aplicada à Previsão e Decisão Económica of ISEG. For five years he organized the Arrábida international conferences "New Directions in Time Series". He promoted and collaborated in the international conferences LESE - Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education. He was director of the International Institute of Forecasters.

He was president of the Portuguese Mathematics Society from 2004 to 2010.

He served the Technical University of Lisbon as Pro-Rector for Scientific Culture and as CEO of Taguspark in 2010, while continuing to teach at ISEG.
An active participant in educational debates, he was Minister of Education and Science as an independent between 2011 and 2015.

He has dedicated himself to scientific dissemination, work that has been recognized with two European awards. He was decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Infante D. Henrique in 2008. Among his most recent books are Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation (Springer 2019), Einstein's Eclipse (CTT 2019), Improving a Country's Education: PISA 2018 Results in 10 Countries (Springer 2021).