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Solemn or Commemorative Sessions

ISEG Alumni Day

13 Oct from 18:00 to 22:00
CGD Auditorium

After a two-year hiatus, the commemoration of the Alumni Day .

A day that is usually celebrated on May 23rd, but which, due to the specific nature of the celebrations for ISEG's 111th anniversary, will take place this year on the next October 13th.

The celebration begins at 6pm with a welcome session by the President of ISEG, Clara Raposo and the President of Alumni Económicas, Horácio Negrãoand a conference with the participation of our colleagues Madalena Cascais Tomé, Pedro Leitão, Vitor Bento and Henrique Monteiro.

At 8 p.m., dinner will be held in ISEG's Salão Nobre, where the prizes will be awarded. Career Awards 2022:
Vitor Constâncio - Economic, Political and Social Career
Gualter Furtado - Career as a Manager and Entrepreneur

See the complete program HERE.

Thank you register by October 6th, HERE.