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Cycle of Debates SEDES/IPP | State Budget 2023: rigor, transparency and innovation?

26 Oct from 17:30 to 19:00
Aud. 2

Join us on the 26th OctoberISEG hosts the Institute of Public Policy and SEDES for a debate on "State Budget 2023: rigor, transparency and innovation?". This session is part of the SEDES/IPP Cycle of Debates - Portugal: Small steps for big changes.

The debate starts at 17h30, in Auditorium 2 (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).

At this event, the government will present the innovations of the State Budget 2023, particularly from the point of view of transparency, green budgeting and budget programs. This will be followed by a debate on opportunities for improvement, from the point of view of the institutions that usually monitor the budgetary process: the Court of Auditors, which issues an opinion on the General State Account; the Public Finance Council, which issues an opinion on the macroeconomic scenario; UTAO, which issues two reports on the entire State Budget; and the Institute of Public Policy, which, through the Budget Watch project, has assessed and made recommendations for improving the transparency and accuracy of the State Budget.

The cycle "Small Steps for Big Changes", promoted by IPP and SEDES, aims to identify proposals that make a difference. In this case, improving the clarity and transparency, for all citizens and economic agents, of the SB bill presented by the executive.


17.15 Reception of participants

17h30-17h40: Opening

Paulo Trigo Pereira (ISEG and IPP) and Álvaro Beleza (SEDES)


Sofia Batalha, Secretary of State for the Budget

17:55-19:00 Panel: State Budget 2023: what is innovative and what can be improved?

Susana Peralta, Vice-President of the Institute of Public Policy and Professor at Nova SBE

Carlos Marinheiro, Non-Executive Member, Portuguese Public Finance Council

Rui Nuno Baleiras, Coordinator of the Technical Budget Support Unit and Professor of Economics at the University of Minho

Moderation: Susana Paula, Jornal de Negócios

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