With the objective to disseminate good practices and educational experiences that respond to new pedagogical challenges, the OAIP invites all faculty to attend the seminar led by Tiago Gonçalves (ISEG) on 'AI as a co-supervisor: AI Tools for Research Productivity', on the 20th November, at 12.30, in Room 101 - New Quelhas.
In this seminar we will discuss the potential of AI (ChatGPT and others) in carrying out research, particularly in the context of TFMs.
These tools enable us to not only leverage our research work, but also to support the guidance of our students during their TFM, as long as the various risks are mitigated.
We will also cover some applied examples of tools ranging from developing the research on a topic through to the final editing of the respective report.
The seminar will be delivered in Portuguese.
Free admission.