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Awards and Distinctions

University Volunteer Award 2019


The Santander University Volunteering Award distinguishes the Higher Education Institution + Volunteer and supports the best social innovation projects.


What are the Award categories?

  • Honorable Mention "HEI + Volunteer" | Sanrtander will honor the Higher Education Institution that submits the most applications!
  • Financial Support | €4,000 for the 3 winning projects; €1,000 for the remaining 7 finalists; and €1,000 as part of the Communication award to the finalist video with the highest number of online votes.
  • Bank Mentoring  | from a Banco Santander director, able to help you identify opportunities, clarify doubts and define action plans
  • Communication Support | for the announcement of the award ceremony 

Applications for applications should be carried out until November 14, 2019including by completing this digital form in full

>> Application Form

>> Rules and Regulations