Miguel João Mendes Sampaio
Working Capital and its Link to the ERP System, 2010/01/15
Manuel Luís Justino Freitas
Knowledge Management in the Tourism and Services Sector: The Case of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, 2010/02/11
Liliana Lopes Araújo
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Reward Systems in Motivating Employees: The Case of Cape Verde, 2010/02/11
Carla Regina Gouveia Galhanas
The Motivation of Human Resources in the New Management Models of Public Administration, 2010/02/11
Telma Nunes Campos Marques
The Problem of Adopting Customer Relationship Management, 2010/02/26
Brígida Catarina Rodrigues Lima
Analysis of the Quality Methodologies Used in Deloitte's Business Process Solutions Area and Study of their Impact on Performance, 2010/03/02
Filipe Alexandre Pestana Jardim
The Public Accounts of the Simple Services of the Government Subsector of the Autonomous Region of Madeira from 2001 to 2008, 2010/03/16
João Ricardo Passos Bastos Coelho de Medeiros
Coaching: Factors that Influence the Coach's Self-Assessment, 2010/03/17
Diogo Preto Rebelo Santos Mendes
Business Strategy in a Public Service Organization in Portugal - The Case of CEGER - Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo, 2010/04/07
Paulo Alexandre Ferreira Gonçalves
Indexation of EV/EBITDA to buyback: Viable Information on SCR Investments, 2010/04/08
Pedro Miguel Real Ivens Monteiro
The Implementation of CRM in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Multiple Case Study in Portuguese Companies, 2010/04/15
Diogo Preto Rebelo Santos Mendes
Business Strategy in a Public Service Organization in Portugal - The Case of CEGER - Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo, 2010/04/07
Paulo Alexandre Ferreira Gonçalves
Indexation of EV/EBITDA to buyback: Viable Information on SCR Investments, 2010/04/08
Pedro Miguel Real Ivens Monteiro
The Implementation of CRM in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Multiple Case Study in Portuguese Companies, 2010/04/15
Afonso Granate Fernandes
Optimization of CRM Campaigns: The Santander Totta Case, 2010/06/17
Joseane Varela da Veiga
Revitalization of the Retail Trade in the Municipality of Mértola, 2010/07/13
João Carlos Torres Vieira da Maia Jorge
Evaluating a company's performance through financial ratios: The case of the hotel industry, 2010/07/13
Rute Inês Martins Correira
Compliance with Microcredit Contracts in Portugal (1999-2009), 2010/07/13
João Filipe Geada Jerónimo
The Impact of the Performance Evaluation System on the Performance of an Industrial Company. 2010/07/13
Joaquim Alarico Araújo Fernandes
The Importance of Gender in the Development of Microcredit Activities: The Portuguese Case, 2010/07/13
Marco António dos Santos Dias
Strategic Leadership - Reaction to Change and Orientation of Leader Behavior, 2010/09/13
Pedro Miguel Simões Raposo Ribeiro
Perceived Intensity of Political Behaviors in the Portuguese Organizational Context: Analysis of the Main Antecedent Factors, 2010/09/13
Pedro Filipe Aires Fernandes Tomás
The Relevance of the Sector of Activity for the Success of Businesses Supported by Microcredit: The Portuguese Case (1999-2009), 2010/09/13
Jaime Alexandre Morais Pereira
Analysis of the Use of the Microcredit System in Portugal, Through Evidence and Comparison with Other European Union Countries, 2010/09/13
André Manuel Vargues Simões
Development of a Management and Performance System for Carris Trainees, 2010/09/13
João Pedro de Frias Rodrigues de Oliveira
The Contribution of Communities of Practice to Costumer Knowledge Management: a Case Study, 2010/11/09
José Pedro Barreto Gamito Pires
Developing Innovation Strategies Within Multinational Enterprises, 2010/11/09
Diana Isabel Serpa Martins Costa
Comparison with the EFQM Excellence Model, 2010/11/09
Tiago André Tavares dos Santos
How VAT Carousel Fraud Works - Methodology and Impact in Portugal and the EU, 2010/12/16
Filipe André Martins de Freitas
The Process of Developing an Information Architecture for IS and CRM in Two European Telecommunications Companies, 2009/06/09
Marta Sofia Duarte Louro
Analysis of IT Start-Ups in Portugal: 1990 to 2005, 2009/06/30
Luís Pedro de Jesus da Silva Branco
Book-to-Market and Size as a Characteristic of Equity Returns - Evidence from Some European Indices, 2009/07/30
Ana Henriques Roseiro
Psychosocial Factors of Motivation in Scientists - A Case Study at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, 2009/07/30
Patrícia Isabel Oliveira Amaral
Expatriation Process: A Portuguese Case - Visabeira, 2009/10/02
Ana Catarina Tavares da Fonseca Lopes Mourato
Training and development: A single reality or different reality factors. What companies should know, 2009710/02
Diana Narciso Alves Paulo
Family businesses in Portugal: Competent succession, 2009/10/02
Cristina Horta Coelho Nunes Miranda
Conflict management in a merger and acquisition process: the emergence of culture clashes, 2009/10/08
Lara da Silva Santos
The reflection of leadership at pace MIT Sloan Management Review, 2009/10/08
Ana Gabriela dos Santos Lopes
Determinants for Promotion and the Gender Gap, 2009/10/09
Ricardo Manuel Farias Correia
Corporate Finance: Company Valuation - Application to the Mota-Engil Group, 2009/10/09
José Maria Fernandes Manica
Descriptive Study of Strategic Performance Assessment Indicators in Companies Based in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, 2009/10/12
Carlos Miguel Soares Lopes
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the R.A.M. - A Study of University Students' Attitudes Towards the Creation of New Businesses, 2009/10/16
Pedro Álvaro Pereira Correia
Information Technologies and Information Systems in the Competitiveness of Hotel Organizations - An Example Case in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, 2009/10/16
Luís Carlos Martins de Sousa Morgado
Management and Planning of Construction Materials Production: An Improvement Project (Project Work), 2009/10/20
Mariana de Carvalho dos Santos Mendonça Santiago
Fixed Asset Management: Creation of a Model for REFER, E.P.E., 2009/10/20
Maria Romana da Corte
The Quality of Hotel Services on the Island of Porto Santo, 2009/10/20
Ana Marta Pereira Campos
The Relationship between Quality, Environment and Sustainability - Case Study: Hotel Jardim Atlântico, 2009/10/20'
Hélder Domingos Valente de Almeida
The Unification of CRM Strategies in the Business Segment: A Study of the Convergence of Two Portuguese Telecommunications Companies, 2009/10/23
Luís Miguel Sobreira Campos de Oliveira Pereira
Professional Motivation of Civil Servants in the Current Institutional Context from the Perspective of the Multi-Moti Scale, 2009/11/13
Paulo Alexandre Ferreira Figueira
The Quality System in an Organization and the Importance of its Implementation. Case Study: José Avelino Piloto (JAP) - Construção e Engenharia, SA, 2009/11/26
José Raúl Rocha Teixeira
Entrepreneurship and Immigration: The Case of the Birth of Tourism Initiatives in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, 2009/11/26