Lara Cabral Cordovil Wemans
Workers' Income: Hidden Impacts of Layoffs, 2010/03/24
Ana Clara Pereira Santos Carvalho
Regulation and Competition in Urban Public Transport: The Lisbon Metropolitan Region, 2010/05/21
Ana Guida Coutinho Ferreira
Promoting Efficiency in Electricity Consumption: The Case of the Plan to Promote Efficiency in Consumption - Internship Report at ERSE (Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos), 2010/05/21
Luís Manuel Gomes de Sousa Pêcego
The Governance Model of Hospitals, EPE: A Comparative Case Study, 2010/06/14
André Filipe Salvador de Sousa
Local Authorities: Efficiency and Equity in the Provision of Public Services - Water Supply (Traineeship at DECO), 2010/06/15
Inês Isabel Simões Branco
Internship Report and Case Study: PIN and PIN+ Regime in the Tourism Sector, 2010/07/27
Daniel Borowczyk Martins
The Provision of Public Dispute Resolution Services: Economic Analysis of the Portuguese Judicial System, 2009/01/21