Paula Cristina Cravina de Sousa
The Partnership Between the European Union and the Mediterranean Countries After the Barcelona Conference until 2005, 2009/10/23
Alexandra Ramos de Sousa Paulino
Globalization and Regionalization: The Cases of Eastern Europe and China, 2008/01/24
Albertino Marques Dias
Taxation and Economic Growth: Portugal, Spain, Denmark and Ireland, 2008/04/07
Maria João Rosa Cabrita Brito Guerreiro
Cohesion and Enlargement: Towards a New Cohesion Policy in the Framework of Economic Globalization, 2008/06/27
Ana Catarina Pagarim Ribeiro Kaizeler
Developing Countries and Globalization, 2007/02/27
Andreia Catarina Lopes Salmim
"The Impact of Alliance Announcements on Value Creation: The Portuguese Case", 2006/10/25
Nuno Miguel Teixeira Sardinha
"Effects of the Opening of the Chinese Economy to the Outside World", 2006/10/25
André Barreira da Silva Rocha
Agglomeration in a Vertically Linked Oligopoly, 2005/07/25
Manoel Justiniano Melo da Fonseca
"Portuguese Investment in Brazil: The Case of Telecommunications", 2004/02/02
Sílvia Carla Martins Dias
Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of European Union Enlargement - The Hungarian Example Vs. Portugal: Lessons, 2004/07/20
António Manuel Pires Gomes Samuel
Portuguese Foreign Economic Relations - An Approach Through Bilateral Economic Diplomacy, 2003/01/14
Hugo Luís Mósca Oliveira
FDI - Determinants and Attraction Policies: the Cases of Spain, Ireland and Portugal, 2003/03/27
Fernando Miguel da Silva Seabra
Cultural Proximity as an Investment Decision Factor: The Case of Portuguese Investment in Brazil, 2003/06/24
Márcia Pereira Rodrigues
The International Environment Agency: A Trade Policy Perspective, 2003/06/30
António Pedro de Figueiredo Hipólito de Aguiar
Analysis of the International Stock Markets with regard to the Phenomena of Globalization and Regionalization, 2003/07/29
Nuno Carlos Prazeres Marques Leitão
Trade Relations between Portugal and Brazil in the Nineties Through Some Indicators, 2002/03/25
Carlos Alberto Andrade Esteves
The Exchange Rate Agreement between Portugal and Cape Verde: Impacts on a Small Open Economy, 2002/04/09
Rui Miguel Peres Jorge
Intertemporal Structure of Interest Rates: A General Equilibrium Approach, 2002/07/26
Pedro Nuno Conceição Parreira
The Economy of East Timor: Transition and Regional and World Integration, 2002/07/29
José Joaquim Tomaz Elias
The Concept of Competitiveness: Theoretical Considerations and Application to the Portuguese Ceramics Sector, 2002/10/01
Filipa Isabel Ferreira da Silva Abrantes
Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Portugal - the case of Germany, 2002/10/17
João Pedro Salvador da Conceição Silva
Disinvestment in Portugal, 2002/10/21
Cátia Claudemira Cordeiro Fernandes
Changes in International Trade Structures and the Evolution of Portugal's Trade Specialization in the Face of the "Triad": The Challenges of International Competitiveness, 2002/11/21
Alexandre Miguel de Oliveira Carvalho
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern European Countries: An Econometric Assessment Applied to Hungary and the Czech Republic, 2001/01/10
Ana Lúcia Gueifão de Matos Luís
The European Union's External Relations with the Maghreb. Application of a Gravitational Model, 2001/03/26
Dina Maria Moço Santos Rocha Machado
Iberian Peninsula at Two Speeds: A Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness and Trade in the Post-Accession Period, 2001/05/17
José João Loureiro Esteves
Portugal-Spain Economic Relations. Analysis of Direct Investment Relations within the Framework of the Process of Economic Integration between Iberian Countries, 2001/06/06
Pedro Manuel Dias de Jesus Marques
An Analysis of the Rationality of the Luso-Caboverdean Exchange Agreement in the Light of the (New) Concept of Zones of Optimal Monetary Cooperation, 2001/06/08
João Adriano Conduto Júnior
International Monetary Integration: The Experience of the West African Monetary Union and the Accession of Guinea-Bissau, 2001/06/08
Nuno Miguel Pascoal Crespo
Measurement and Determinants of Intra-Branch Trade: An Application to the Portuguese Case, 2001/07/17
Sara Margarida Isidoro Frade de Brito
Cross-border Direct Investment: The Case of Portugal-Brazil, 2001/07/25
Miguel José Ferros Pimentel Reis da Fonseca
Portuguese Direct Investment in Brazil: Half a Century Later, the Rediscovery of the Lands of Vera Cruz, 2001/07/25
Vítor Manuel Riachos Capitolino
Quality as a Competitiveness Factor - Relevance in the Internationalization Process in a Context of Market Globalization, 2001/11/20
João Manuel Martins dos Santos
Trade in the Face of New Information Technologies. Is there a European Policy on the matter?, 2001/12/04
Mário Rui Gomes Pinto
Economic Globalization Versus Poverty and Social Exclusion: Antagonism or Complementarity?, 2001/12/07
Maria do Rosário de Meireles Ferreira Cabrita
The Portuguese Textile and Clothing Sector: Contribution to a Competitive Strategy, 2000/03/23
João Pedro Namora Gonçalves
Internationalization of the Postal Sector in the European Context, 2000/03/23
Armando José Garcia Pires
Location in the Space of Economic Activity: A Review of the Literature of the "New" Economic Geography; and an Estimation of an Economic Geography Model and a "Market Potential" Function, 2000/06/15
Aida Isabel Pereira Tavares
International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Portuguese Industry, 2000/07/13
Mafalda Ruivo Valente
MERCOSUR: A review of its development, its results and the crisis of the late 1990s, 2000/09/20
Rosana Corrêa Tomazini
Mercosur's Position in the Current International Economic Scenario, Characterized by Globalization and Regionalization, 2000/09/26
Maria João Alves Lopes
Transatlantic Economic Relations - Past, Present and Future, 2000/10/18
António Manuel Anastácio Lopes
Portugal's Direct Investment Abroad (IDPE): Its Determinants, 2000/10/25
Elsa Cristina Neves Januário Vaz
Impact of Trade Liberalization Resulting from the Uruguay Round on Portuguese Exports, 1999/04/19
Maria Alexandra Sarroeira Lopes
Strategic Alliances in the Air Transport Industry. The Portuguese Case-TAP Air Portugal, 1999/05/12
Tiago Nuno Carvalho Domingues
Economic Integration in Latin America: The Case of Mercosur, 1999/05/12
Joaquim Gomes Vitorino
The Transition Process to the Euro: The Role of Banking and the Impact of the Single Currency on Banks, 1999/05/19
Cristina Maria de Gouveia Caldeira
Direct Investment by Portuguese Companies Abroad in the 1990s: Determinants and Consequences, 1999/06/09
Maria Manuel Santos Rodrigues
The Problem of Unemployment in Europe - An Attempt to Approach the Theory of Optimal Monetary Zones, 1999/06/28
David Alexandre Rodrigues Bastos
The Impact of NAFTA on the Mexican Maquiladora Industry, 1999/07/06
Pedro Monteiro e Silva Barroso
The Impact of the Single Market Program in Portugal, 1999/07/14
Paulo Jorge Alves Pinto Lopes da Silva
Fisheries Policy in Portugal and Spain, 1999/07/23
Rui Manuel Carlos Nunes
Portuguese Direct Investment in the Maghreb. From the Discourse of Globalization to the Reality of Proximity, 1999/10/18
Carlos José Simões Viana
Competition Policy and Market Structure, 1998/05/04
Paula Filipa Vidal Ramos
Public Debt Management in Portugal, 1998/06/19
Helena Isabel dos Santos Rodrigo da Costa Bacelar de Mello
The Role of the Portuguese State in Direct Investment in Africa. The Case of the PALOP - 1986/1996, 1998/06/30
Maria Ana Marcelo Cardoso de Carvalho Serra
The European Union's Mediterranean Policy, 1998/07/24
Sandra Pinto Dionízio
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Mozambique's Development: A Study in Selected Provinces, 1998/07/24
Vitor Manuel Vidal Santos
The Prescription of Oral Antibiotics in General Practice - Its Concordance with the European Therapeutic Formulary, 1998/09/14
Ana Cristina Ferreira Amoroso das Neves
The Accession of the Visegrad Countries to the European Union - Main Macroeconomic Consequences for the European Union, 1998/10/14
Carlos Avelino Manuel Cadete
Commercial Strategy of Oil Companies: The Case of Sonangol, 1998/11/11
Ricardo de Sousa Meneses Bonnet Victória
Structural Adjustment and Trade in the Current Situation of Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Study of the Gulf of Guinea Region, 1998/11/27
Armando Luís Coelho da Silva
Japanese Footwear Market - A Systemic Approach, 1997/03/19
Miguel Alexandre Teixeira Coelho
The Impact of the Enlargement of the European Union to the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the Specialization Pattern of the Portuguese Economy, 1997/06/04
Pedro Miguel de Jesus Calado Dominguinhos
The Internationalization Process: The Experience of Portuguese Companies, 1997/07/10
João Eduardo Coutinho Duarte
Prospects for the Evolution of the Portuguese Port System in the Face of Economic Globalization, 1997/07/14
Aida Maria Castanheira Batista
International Competitiveness - Analysis of the Competitiveness of the European Union, the United States of America and Japan, 1997/09/11
Fernando Manuel Rôxo Ferreira
Economic and Monetary Union in Europe and Restrictions on Fiscal Stabilization Policies: The Case of Portugal, 1997/09/16
Fernando Amâncio Carepa de Almeida
The Portuguese Economy: from the EMS to the EURO, 1997/09/16
João José de Oliveira Coelho Pimentel
Europe in the 21st Century: What Reality, 1997/09/24
Paulo Sérgio Diogo Manuel
The Convergence of the Infocommunications Sectors and Cybereconomic Globalization, 1997/10/24
Carlos Manuel Antunes Freitas Mota
The Position of the European Union in Portugal's Foreign Trade (1988-1994), 1997/11/25
Filomena Mª Pereira Serrão Tavares da Cruz
The European Community's External Economic Relations with its Neighboring Regions, 1996/02/06
Manuel Piedade dos Santos Júnior
Environmental Management for the Internationalization of Angolan Companies, 1996/02/21
Carlos Alberto Luz Roseiro
The Competitiveness of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area in the Context of the European Urban System, 1996/02/23
António Alexandre da Costa Abrantes
The Wood and Wooden Furniture Cluster in Portugal Identification of Internationalization Strategies, 1996/03/18
Rogério Guerra Santos
The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in the Automotive Sector on the Portuguese Economy (from the Renault project to the Auto Europa project), 1996/03/22
Dalila Maria Passarinho Lopes Farinha
The European Natural Gas Market: Economics and Politics, 1996/03/22
Leonor Fátima Noronha Elias
The Common Fisheries Policy, 1996/05/13
Sofia de Sousa Vale
Consequences of the Enlargement of the European Union to Austria, Finland and Sweden on the Draft Economic and Monetary Union, 1996/05/21
Célia de Jesus Vaz Gonçalves Gouveia Pires
Enlargement of the European Union to Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC): Consequences for the Portuguese Economy, 1996/05/27
Helder Manuel Barreiros Raimundo
Diff. Typology of Banking Structures. Banking Structures. Relationships and Functions in the Economy, 1996/06/05
Carlos António Pinheiro Francisco e Silva
Pinhal Litoral - Infrastructures and Equipment within the Framework of Economic and Social Cohesion, 1996/06/11
Marco Paulo da Fonseca Madeira
The Economic Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Host Countries: The Case of Portugal from 1986 to 1993, 1996/07/03
Maria de Fátima de Jesus Mendo
Economic Integration between Countries with Differing Levels of Development. A Comparative Analysis of the Portuguese and Spanish Experiences in the European Union, 1996/07/24
Helder manuel Brito Carrasqueira
Transnational Business Cooperation as a Factor in SME Internationalization, 1996/11/13
Irina Ivanova Aleksandrovna Ferreira Dionísio
Export Strategies of Portuguese Companies in the New States of the Former USSR, 1996/11/28
Rui Jorge Gregório Tocha
Internationalization Dynamics of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry 1980-1992, 1996/12/16
Maria João Cabral de Almeida Ribeiro
Sovereign Risk and its Determinants, 1995/04/28
Carla Margarida Barroso Guapo da Costa
The Convergence Process of Community Economies - the Portuguese case, 1995/10/19
Maria de Fátima Simões Castro Azevedo
Analysis of the effects of European integration on the Portuguese production system, 1995/10/20
Paula Alexandra Correia Veloso da Veiga
European Union - Maghreb: Ruptures, Interdependence, Cooperation and Integration, 1995/11/20
José Carlos Fernandes Pereira
Prospects for South Africa's Entry into the Southern African Development Community (SADC), 1995/12/15