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Dissertations Economics


Rita Sofia Martins Filipe da Silva
Broadband Demand Dynamics: Substitution or Complementarity between Technologies? An Application to the Portuguese Case, 16-12-2011


Ana Sofia de Oliveira Cunha 
Optimal Fuel Management Contracts for Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners, 2010/02/23

João Pedro Ramalho Bernardino
Does Positional Consumption Generate Technological Innovation?, 2010/12/03


Vera Lúcia Bravo Brito 
The Evolution of the Overconfidence of the Portuguese Individual Investor between 1999 and 2000, 2009/05/07


Rui Pedro Matias Gama Mota
Welfare and Sustainability Measures in Dynamic Economies: Green Accounting for Portugal, 2008/03/04

Ricardo Filipe de Melo Teixeira
Economic Incentives for Carbon Sequestration in Grassland Soils: An Offer you Cannot Refuse, 2008/03/26

Gui Pedro Araújo de Mendonça
Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Economy: Optimal Fiscal Policy and the Informal Sector, 2008/05/06

Ana Catarina Menezes Feteira Inácio
Technical Efficiency and Quality of Service in Electricity Distribution in Portugal, 2008/05/19

Patrícia Margarida Floro Semião
Macroeconomic Effects of Central and Local Public Investment: An International Comparison, 2008/07/10

Luís Miguel Gonçalves de Faria
The Agent-Based Model in the Labor Market as a Third Way for the Micro/Macro Relationship: A New Paradigm?, 2008/10/28


Ricardo Jorge Alcobia Granja Rodrigues
Unemployment Benefits Managed in Individual Accounts: An Application to Portugal, 2007/01/23

Raquel Ferreira Pereira
"Growth of Public Expenditure and Budgetary Organization", 2007/04/18

Nuno Manuel da Costa Braz
"Criteria for Allocating Resources in the Education System", 2007/05/09

Nuno Gonçalo Oliveira Castanho Fortes
Intergenerational Budgeting: Analysis of Theoretical Aspects and Application in Portugal, 2007/07/17

Armando dos Santos Ribeiro Ferreira
Relative Price Dynamics, Factor Shares and Endogenous Growth, 2007/11/08

José Manuel Norberto Jardim
The Underground Economy: Definition, Measurement and its Consequences for the Fiscal Stance - An Application to the Netherlands Antilles, 2007/12/18


Cláudia Filipa Pires Duarte
"On the Role of Disaggregated Information for Inflation Forecasting", 2006/04/05

Maria Teresa de Lima Hilário Chaves
"Predicting Car Residual Values", 2006/12/12


Miguel Atanásio Lopes Carvalho
Non-constant Time Discounting and Asset Pricing, 2005/07/15


João Paulo Cabral Pereira
"The Measurement of Human Capital in Portugal.", 2004/01/21

Maria Inês Marques Ferreira Alves
"The Stability and Growth Pact, Public Investment and the Performance of Fiscal Policies in the European Union", 2004/03/16

Luís Carlos Costa Pinheiro de Carvalho
"Analysis of Structural Change in Portugal 1977-95: Application of the Input-Output Model", 2004/04/02

Ana Isabel Lage Figueiredo Lima
"EMU Enlargement: Asymmetric Shocks and Cluster Identification", 2004/04/21

Nádia Nogueira Simões
Labor Demand, Productivity and the Business Cycle. An Analysis Applied to the Portuguese Labor Market, 2004/05/28

João Miguel Santos Lopes
Iberian Electricity Market - The Competitive Effects of Transmission Capacity Restrictions between Portugal and Spain, 2004/10/27


Nuno Alexandre Pais e Silva
Experimental Economics: Homo Reciprocans in the Labor Market, 2002/02/28

Sandrina Berthault Moreira
Official Development Assistance and Economic Growth. Cross-Country Studies of the Aid-Growth Relationship, 2002/11/12


Pedro Miguel Guerreiro de Oliveira
Coincident Indicators of Activity and Economic Cycles. Theory and Evidence for Portugal, 2000/04/16


Duarte Alexandre de Jesus Rodrigues
The Insider-Outsider Theory with Bilateral Wage Negotiation and Unemployment in OECD Countries, 1999/07/27


Isabel Maria Pereira Viegas Vieira
Asymmetries and Adjustments in the European Economic and Monetary Union", 1995/01/17

Carlos Manuel Rodrigues Vieira
Budgetary Policy Coordination in the European Economic and Monetary Union, 1995/01/27

Maria Rosa Vidigal Tavares Quartin Borges
The Portuguese Banking Sector: Recent Developments, Strategic Groups and Future Prospects, 1995/04/24

João Paulo Gonçalves Filipe
Commercial Policy in Imperfect Competition: an Application to the Portuguese Clothing and Footwear Industries, 1995/04/26

João Paulo Tomé Calado
Monetary Union in the Maastricht Treaty - A critical approach, 1995/04/26

António Augusto Teixeira da Costa
The Impact of Technology on Trade - An Approach to the Portuguese Case, 1995/06/01


João Pedro Vidal Nunes
Evaluation of Financial Options on Long-Term Interest Rates, 1994/02/10

Henrique Nuno Esteves Correia dos Santos Morais
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal: 1987-1992, 1994/06/15

Jorge Humberto da Cruz Barros de Jesus Luís
Equilibrium Exchange Rate and Intertemporal Sustainability of the Balance of Payments, 1994/06/15

Carlos Alberto Piscarreta Pinto Ferreira
The Credibility of the Escudo Fluctuation Bands in the EMS Exchange Rate Mechanism, 1994/06/16

João Pedro Quartin Coelho Borges
The Presence and Modeling of Non-Fundamental Components in Financial Asset Prices, 1994/07/21

Maria Isabel dos Santos Marques
Money Demand Functions for Portugal 1970/1990, 1994/07/22

Luís Filipe Pereira da Costa
Macroeconomic Effects of Nominal Rigidity and Imperfect Competition in a Semi-small Open Economy, 1994/07/29

Paula Luísa de Carvalho Cabral
Total Factor Productivity: Characterization of the Theoretical Issues Underlying its Definition and Measurement, 1994/11/03


Idalino André Rodrigues Nascimento Magrinho
Social Europe on the Horizon of the Single European Market, 1993/02/17

Maria de Lourdes dos Santos
Information Content of Monetary Variables, 1993/02/25

António Manuel Pedro Afonso
Public Deficits and Inflation, 1993/03/03

Maria Filomena dos Santos António
The Human Element - Portuguese Contribution to the Economic and Social Development of the PALOP, 1993/03/29

Maria Teresa Medeiros Garcia
Capital Market Efficiency, 1993/04/15

Paula Cristina Antunes Mateus de Albuquerque
Speculative Attacks on Fixed Exchange Rates and Exchange Bands, 1993/05/28

António Carlos Carvalho Ferreira
Industrial Pollution in Baixo-Vouga: A Case of Negative Externalities, 1993/06/28

Maria Rita Duarte Raposo
Culture in Organizations, 1993/06/29

Maria Margarida Nascimento Jesus
Imput-Output Methodology Applied to the Algarve Economy, 1993/07/13

Joaquim José Teixeira Ruela
The Decision to Export - A Study of the Motivations for Exporting by Companies with Foreign Capital, 1993/07/20

José Fernandes Soares
Telecommunications Strategies in Portugal, 1993/11/24

Luís Pedro Rodrigues Saramago
Financing Business Cooperation between Portugal and Portuguese-speaking African Countries, 1993/12/03


Vitor Manuel Mendes Magriço
Paradigms and Long-Term Economic Movements, 1992/01/17

Paulo José Lourenço de Azevedo Madruga
Determining Factors of Territorial Differentiation in the Capacity for Entrepreneurial Initiative: The Portuguese Case 1983/89, 1992/02/11

Armindo Silvestre de Ceita
Cocoa Economy in S. Tomé and Principe - Crisis and Alternatives, 1992/03/19

Ana Rute Pedro Cardoso
Wage Inequalities in Portugal - A Regional Perspective, 1982-1989

Victor Paulo Gomes da Silva
The Evolution of the Intersindical/Nacional/CGTP - In in the Portuguese Socio-Economic and Political Framework: from April 25 to the VI Congress, 1992/05/26

António Aníbal Contreiras Alves
Sugar Economy - World, EEC, Portugal, 1992/06/01

Miguel Pedro Brito St. Aubyn
Budgetary Policies in the European Economic and Monetary Union (Discipline, Coordination and Flexibility), 1992/06/08

Maria Margarida Dias da Silva Garrido
Technological Change, Innovative Process and Space - Theoretical Considerations and Approach to the Port Case, 1992/09/22

Elda Maria da Costa Guimarães
Structural Adjustment in Guinea-Bissau. The Experience of the 1980s, 1992/10/16

António Francisco de Jesus Leirão
Interdependence and Economic Policy Coordination, 1992/11/18


Rui Fernando Miranda Vieira
Cahora - Bassa in the Development of Mozambique and in Portuguese Development Cooperation Policy, 1991/01/11

João José Soares Tolda
The Impact of Technological Innovation on Work Organization and Company Management, 1991/01/14

Maria Gertrudes Pereira Monteiro Ildefonso Ramalho
An Optimization Model for the Portuguese Economy, 1991/03/11

Orlando Marcelino de Almeida Simões
Eighty Years of Production and Marketing of Dão Wines, 1991/07/08

Jorge Manuel da Rocha São Marcos
Management of Industrial Units in Cape Verde, 1991/07/08

José Manuel Madeira Belbute
Economic Growth, the Social Discount Rate and Intergenerational Dilemmas, 1991/07/31

José Augusto Silvestre Rodrigues
Taxation and Income Redistribution. An Approach to the Portuguese Case, 1991/10/29


José João Barreiros Pãozinho
The Special Drawing Right and the ECU in the International Monetary System, 1990/01/03

Manuel Francisco Pacheco Coelho
Management and Conservation of Fisheries Resources, 1990/01/15

Maria Cândida Rodrigues Ferreira
Optimal Control in Economics, 1990/01/22

Susana Maria Gonçalves dos Santos
Credit as an Agricultural Policy Instrument. Its Integration into the Rural Financial Market. The Portuguese Case from the Supply Side, 1990/01/31

Vicente Micael João Bragança
Relative Stability in the Leonlief Dynamic Model - An Application to the Portuguese Case, 1990/02/09


Manuel Ferreira Teixeira
Budgetary Balance - Current Account Balance: Study of a Relationship, 1989/03/03

João Carlos Ferreira Lopes
Multisectoral Growth - An Application to the Portuguese Case, 1989/03/16

Manuel António Ennes Ferreira
Trade Effects in the Creation and Dismantling of the Portuguese Economic Area: The Angola/Portugal Case (1962-1985), 1989/06/19

Carlos Alberto Farinha Rodrigues
Expenditure and Savings Behavior of Urban Households in Portugal: An Application of the Generalized Linear Expenditure System, 1989/11/08

Mario Guilhermo Gomez Olivares
Causes of Unemployment: A Theoretical Reflection, 1989/11/08

Rui Manuel dos Santos Henriques
Africa and Soviet Development Cooperation Policy, 1989/11/28


Elsa Maria Nobre da Silva Fontaínha
Unregulated Economic Activities. Evaluation Methods, Typologies and Interpretations, 1988/01/06

José Manuel Monteiro Barata
Technology for Development: The Program and Action in the Framework of the ACP-EEC Lomé Convention, 1988/02/03

Maria Isabel de Deus Mendes
Economic-Environmental Models: An Application to the Portuguese Case, 1988/02/19


Graça Maria Justina Leão Fernandes
The Creation and Appropriation of Productivity Surplus, an Approach to the Analysis of Income Distribution. Study on Portucel - Empresa de Celulose e Papel de Portugal, E.P., 1987/02/06

Maria Isabel Vieira Nicolau
Application of the "Imput-Output" Model to the Analysis of Regional Productive Structures, 1987/03/02

Maria Filomena Mendos dos Santos
Incentives for Investment in the Manufacturing Industry, 1987/03/27

Tomaz Lopes Cavalheiro Ponce Dentinho
The Lowry Model, an Instrument for Dialogue in the Urban Planning of the Porto Urban Area, 1987/05/19

Isabel Salavisa de Oliveira Lança
Monetary Management and Regulation in Portugal (1974-1984), 1987/06/29

Horácio Crespo Pedrosa Faustino
Theories of International Trade and Methodological Issues of Empirical Tests, 1987/12/14


João Manuel de Sousa Andrade e Silva
Analysis of the Sensitivity of Econometric Estimates in the Face of the Existence of "Errors" in Some Non-Random Independent Variables - Discussion Around a Political-Econometric Model for Portugal, 1986/05/19

Germano de Jesus Borges Rio Tinto
Economic Efficiency and Social Equity in the US Wheat Economy - A Long-Term Analysis (1960-1980), 1986/06/11

João Albino Matos da Silva
Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Tourism in Portugal, 1986/09/26

Nuno José Dores Cassola e Barata
Not in the Minutes, 1986/10/30


Víctor Manuel da Silva Santos
Modeling the Results of Business Confidence Surveys, 1985/06/27

Carlos Alberto Pestana Barros
Project Evaluation Methodologies at the Price of Efficiency, 1985/11/19