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2013 EUROMOD Research workshop

02 Oct 10:00

The " 2013 EUROMOD Research workshop". This workshop involves members of the Euromod Project from all EU countries as well as microsimulation researchers from other countries.

The topics covered in more than 20 papers include: " Microsimulation as an economic policy tool", " Political reforms and statistical information problems", " use of Euromod and policy evaluation", " Job offers and work incentives", " Inequality and Redistribution".

Euromod is a microsimulation model of social benefits and direct taxes developed for all European Union countries. This model allows researchers to analyze, in a comparable conceptual framework, the impacts of social transfers and taxes on family incomes and incentives to participate in the labor market for the population of each country and the European Union as a whole. The Euromod model makes it possible not only to calculate the effects of current social and tax policies, but also to estimate the impacts of reforms to these policies on income distribution, inequality and poverty levels, incentives to work and their budgetary impacts.



To see the full program click here.


Further information

Carlos Farinha Rodrigues (