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Seminars and Conferences

43rd Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History

Nov 15 / Nov 16 from 09:00 to 18:00

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History (APHES) will take place at ISEG on the 15th and 16th of November of 2024.

As part of the event, all those interested are invited to submit proposals for papers and the sessions of this 43rd APHES conference.

Within the vast field of economic and social history, proposals are particularly welcome that explore the following topics :

  • shocks as an interdisciplinary theme (cultural shocks and their social repercussions,
  • financial shocks and their military consequences, etc ...)
  • new perspectives on well-known shocks
  • lesser-known shocks
  • comparisons between shocks
  • avoided or mitigated shocks
  • modeling and measuring shocks

Paper submission deadline: the 15th May.

Proposals must be submitted HERE (for individual submission of papers) and HERE (for the sessions).