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Library User Training | Bloomberg - Fixed Income Intro

25 Oct from 16:00 to 17:00

We invite you to participate in the online training "Bloomberg - Fixed Income Intro", which will take place on October 25th from 16:00 to 17:00.

The training program is as follows:

  1. Introduction to Fixed Income: Corporate's capital structure: Equity vs. Fixed Income; Players; Securities: overview;
  2. Fixed income: Primary vs. Secondary market;
  3. Bonds: Government and Corporate bonds;
  4. Bond valuation: Yields; Spreads; Risk measures;
  5. Credit risk: Rating agencies; Payment ranking;
  6. Fixed Income Derivatives: Introduction to forwards and swaps; Swap curves;
  7. Other FI securities: Money markets; Repo's; TIPs (Inflation linked bonds); Floating rates notes; Convertible bonds; Preferred stocks; CDS; Loans; Mortgage market (ABS, CMO, MBS, CML); Municipals.

This training will be conducted in English.

Target audience: Masters and PhD students, researchers and teachers.

Registration link:

Further information: