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Book Cycle of Our Time | The Gun, the Ship and the Pen

23 Nov from 15:00 to 16:00
Aud. 2

On November 23rd, the 3rd session of the Books of Our Time Debate Cyclededicated to the work The Gun, the Ship and the Pen (2021), by Linda Colley. The work will be commented by professor Nuno Valério (ISEG) and moderated by professor Amélia Branco (ISEG). 

The session starts at 3pm, in Auditorium 2 (Ed. Quelhas, 2nd floor).   

Free admission.

This session will also be broadcasted on Zoom (link here).

The Cycle of Books of Our Time is organized annually by CSG-Consortium for Research in Social Sciences and Management of ISEGin collaboration with the Francisco Pereira de Moura Library (ISEG), with the objective of approaching important books in the scientific areas of the school, namely Management, Economy and Society. In each session a Professor from ISEG and/or external guests will comment on the new ideas suggested by the book-theme, followed by a debate.  

All sessions will take place between 3 pm and 4 pm, at ISEG Auditorium 2 (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).  

Consult the general program of the cycle here.