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CSG Science-coffee

23 Nov 2022 from 16:00 to 17:30
Aud. 2

The CSG - Social Science and Management Research 2025 presents its first Science Café at Science and Technology Week (S&T), which takes place between November 19 to 26, 2022.

Considering that the last few years of the pandemic have limited our interaction and various scientific activities, it is now time to regain the momentum of the consortium. This, which will be the beginning of the meetings Coffee-Science of CSG, aims to promote the sharing of scientific results among Junior Researchers and to present the activity that is developed by the XLAB.

The meeting will take place between 16h00 and 17h30, in Auditorium 2, after the Books of Our Time Debate Cyclesession that will begin at 15.00 and will be dedicated to the work The Gun, the Ship and the Pen (2021), by Linda Colley. The book will be presented and commented by CSG colleagues: Professor Nuno Valerio and Professor Amélia Brancoco-organizer of the debate cycle Books of Our Timetogether with Professor Tiago Cardão-Pito.