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Covid-19 Colloquium, Virus of Social Inequalities

08 Nov / 10 Nov 2022 from 09:00 to 18:00

On November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2022, the Colloquium "Covid-19, Virus of Social Inequalities"

This colloquium, organized by SOCIUS/CSGISEG's research center, will take place in an online format.

The call for papers for the thematic workshops of the colloquium is now open.

Thematic Workshops:
Workshop 1 - Disquiet and proposals for less unequal worlds 
Workshop 2 - Unequal access to "invisible or distance" education by those who already had unequal access to "visible or face-to-face" education 
Workshop 3 - Pandemic and increasing inequalities in the labor market 
Workshop 4 - The technology gap between SMEs and large companies 
Workshop 5 - Pandemic, ICTs and Social Inequality 
Workshop 6 - Well-being at Work, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Emotional Intelligence in the context of COVID-19 pandemic 
Workshop 7 - Marginalized regions and the consequences of the pandemic
Workshop 8 - Gender inequalities in the face of Covid-19: What perspectives? What perspectives? 
Workshop 9 - Impact of the pandemic on society's behavior regarding consumption and resource management from a circular economy/sustainable development perspective 
Workshop 10 - AI agents, social interactions and the pandemic 

Guidelines for the submission of abstracts:
- Abstracts should be submitted in Portuguese (alternatively: English or French);
- Proposals must include: title, abstract (maximum 250 words), 5 keywords;
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 30, 2022
- Online submission of abstracts: HERE

All detailed information about the call for papers is available at on this link.

See the programme here.

For further questions please contact: